Item Collector PRO

Verified Item Collector PRO 2.07


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Item Collector PRO
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Add Item Collectors and Distributors to your server!


- Collects and distributes dropped items and more!
- Will only collect items dropped by tribe dinos, will not collect other tribes' items.
- Configure and limit the number of collectors by permission.
- The default configuration uses Storage Boxes, Vaults etc.. but the collection structures are configurable.
- Includes a baby dino collector!
- The crystal cracker will convert dust to shards, and then shards to element automatically
- The poly collector with convert organic polymer to hard polymer
- It will also rename the structure to item it is collecting when active.
- Collectors are saved and reloaded on map restart.
- Each command is configurable by Permissions and can be configured to cost Ark Shop points or Tokens via TokenBank!
- Currently distribution is sequential. But future upgrades will have distribution on a more even basis across the available targets.


Fertilizer Collector
/collectfert - will force the Storage Box or Vault you are looking at to start collecting fertilizer from Dung Beetles and compost bins in the area. Type /distfert and the fertilizer will auto distribute to crop plots.

Oil Collector
/collectoil - will force the Storage Box or Vault you are looking at to start collecting oil from Tusoteuthis and Basilosaurus in the area.

Pheonix Pearl Collector
/collectpearls - will force the Storage Box or Vault you are looking at to start collecting Pheonix pearls in the area.

Achatina Paste Collector
/collectpaste - will force the Storage Box or Vault you are looking at to start collecting Achatina Paste in the area.

Achatina Organic Polymer Collector
/collectpoly - will force the Storage Box or Vault you are looking at to start collecting Achatina Organic Polymer in the area and convert it to regular Polymer.

Newborn Baby Collector
/collectbabies - will force the Storage Box or Vault you are looking at to start collecting newborn babies in the area. You must supply the cryopods in the vault first. The collector will not work if there are enemy structures in the area.

Crystal Collector / Cracker
/collectcrystals - will force the Storage Box or Vault you are looking at to start collecting Gacha crystals in the area. To automatically crack the crystals when they are collected, look at the crystal collector and type /crackcrystals

Fertilized Egg Collector / Distributor
/collecteggsfert - will force the refrigerator or preserving bin you are looking at to start collecting fertilized eggs in the area. Type /disteggsfert and the eggs will auto fill any Egg Incubators in the area. To auto hatch eggs from the Egg Incubator, look at the Egg Incubator and type /hatcheggs.

Egg Collector
/collecteggs - will force the refrigerator or preserving bin you are looking at to start collecting dropped eggs in the area.

Poop Collector / Distributor
/collectpoop - will force the Storage Box or Vault you are looking at to start collecting poop in the area. Type /distpoop and the poop will auto distribute to compost bins dung beetles etc..

Pellet Collector / Distributor
/collectpellets - will force the Storage Box or Vault you are looking at to start collecting owl pellets in the area. Type /distpellets and they will auto distribute to crop plots and Gacha's . *Use the command again to toggle off the collector

Berry Collector
/collectberries - will force the refrigerator or preserving bin you are looking at to start collecting berries from crop plots in the area.

Veggie Collector
/collectveggies - will force the refrigerator or preserving bin you are looking at to start collecting veggies from crop plots in the area.

Trap Collector
/collecttraps - will force the Storage Box or Vault you are looking at to start collecting traps from crop plots in the area.

Config reload command: ItemCollector.reload

        "AccountID": "",  //Enter you account ID here
        "Enabled": true,  // enables the plugin
        "PlayerHelpCommand": "/collectorhelp",  // displays commands and prices to the player
        "PlayerHelpCommandCooldownInSeconds": 60,  // cooldown for using the help command
        "ShowPlayerHelpInChat": true,  // default is to show in the tab console, but you can also show in chat window
        "UseTokens": false,     // enable TokenBank instead of using ArkShop Points
        "DiscordWebHook": "",   // webhook for logging
        "DatabaseSaveIntervalMinutes": 15,        // the interval in which to save all map data to te database
        // these are staggered to prevent the plugin from doing alot of work at once
        "PasteCheckIntervalSeconds": 55,
        "PearlCheckIntervalSeconds": 57,
        "PoopCheckIntervalSeconds": 60,
        "PelletsCheckIntervalSeconds": 65,
        "EggFertCheckIntervalSeconds": 70,
        "NewbornCheckIntervalSeconds": 75,
        "CrystalCheckIntervalSeconds": 80,       
        "EggCheckIntervalSeconds": 85,
        "EggFertDistributeIntervalSeconds": 95,
        "PelletsDistributeIntervalSeconds": 100,
        "PoopDistributeIntervalSeconds": 105,
        "OilCheckIntervalSeconds": 110,
        "PolymerCheckIntervalSeconds": 115,
        "VeggieCheckIntervalSeconds": 600,
        "BerryCheckIntervalSeconds": 630,
        "TrapCheckIntervalSeconds": 700,
        "GroupPermission": {
                "Priority": 99,

                "CollectBerriesEnabled": true,
                "CollectBerriesUseTokens": true,
                "CollectBerriesLimit": 2,
                "CollectBerriesPrice":  0,
                "CollectCrystalsEnabled": true,   // enables crystal cracker command
                "CollectCrystalsLimit": 2,        // how many per tribe
                "CollectCrystalsPrice": 0,
                "CrackCrystalsEnabled": true,   // enables crystal cracker on a crystal collector command
                "CrackCrystalsPrice": 0,
                "CollectEggsFertEnabled": true,  // enable fertilized egg collector command
                "CollectEggsFertLimit": 2,
                "CollectEggsFertPrice": 0,
                "DistributeEggsFertEnabled": true, // enable distributing fertilized eggs from a collector command
                "DistributeEggsFertPrice": 0,
                "HatchEggsFertEnabled": true,    // enable auto hatch egs in the Eggs Incubator command
                "HatchEggsFertPrice": 0,

                "CollectEggsEnabled":  true,  // enable dropped egg collector
                "CollectEggsLimit": 2,
                "CollectEggsPrice": 0,

                "CollectFertilizerEnabled": true,
                "CollectFertilizerUseTokens": false,
                "CollectFertilizerLimit": 2,
                "CollectFertilizerPrice": 0,
                "DistributeFertilizerEnabled": true,
                "DistributeFertilizerUseTokens": false,
                "DistributeFertilizerPrice": 0,

                "CollectNewbornsEnabled": true,  // enable newborn collector
                "CollectNewbornsLimit": 2,
                "CollectNewbornsPrice": 0,
                "CollectOilEnabled": true,
                "CollectOilUseTokens": true,
                "CollectOilLimit": 2,
                "CollectOilPrice": 0,
                "CollectPasteEnabled": true,    // enable paste collector
                "CollectPasteLimit": 2,
                "CollectPastePrice": 0,
                "CollectPearlsEnabled": true,    // enable pearl collector
                "CollectPearlsLimit": 2,
                "CollectPearlsPrice": 0,
                "CollectPolymerEnabled": true,
                "CollectPolymerUseTokens": true,
                "CollectPolymerLimit": 2,
                "CollectPolymerPrice": 0,
                "CollectPoopEnabled":  true,     // enable poop collector
                "CollectPoopLimit": 2,
                "CollectPoopPrice": 0,
                "DistributePoopEnabled": true,  // enable poop
                "DistributePoopPrice": 0,

                "CollectPelletsEnabled": true,     // enable pellet collector
                "CollectPelletsLimit": 2,
                "CollectPelletsPrice": 0,
                "DistributePelletsEnabled": true,  // enable distributing pellets
                "DistributePelletsPrice": 0,
                "CollectTrapsEnabled": true,
                "CollectTrapsUseTokens": true,
                "CollectTrapsLimit": 2,
                "CollectTrapsPrice": 0

                "CollectVeggiesEnabled": true,
                "CollectVeggiesUseTokens": true,
                "CollectVeggiesLimit": 2,
                "CollectVeggiesPrice": 0

            "Enabled": true,
            "Description": " - force the refridgerator you are looking at to collect berries",
            "ChatCommand": "/collectberries",
            "TokenName": "CollectBerries",
            "CommandCooldownInSeconds": 5,
            "FoundationDistanceLimit": 5,
            "FoundationRange": 40,
            "CropPlotsBP": [
            "Enabled": true,
            "Description": " - force the vault you are looking at to collect Gacha crystals",
            "ChatCommand": "/collectcrystals",
            "CrackCrystalsToggleChatCommand": "/crackcrystals",
            "CrackCrystalsDescription": " - force the Gacha crystal collector you are looking at to crack open the crystals",
            "TokenName": "CollectCrystals",
            "CommandCooldownInSeconds": 5,
            "FoundationDistanceLimit" : 5,
            "FoundationRange" : 20
            "Enabled": true,
            "Description": " - force the refridgerator you are looking at to collect fertilized eggs",
            "ChatCommand": "/collecteggsfert",
            "EggIncubatorAutoHatchToggleChatCommand": "/hatcheggs",
            "EggIncubatorAutoHatchDescription": " - force the Egg Incubator you are looking at to auto hatch eggs",
            "TokenName": "CollectEggsFert",
            "CommandCooldownInSeconds": 5,
            "FoundationDistanceLimit": 5,
            "FoundationRange": 30,
            "Distribute": {
                "Enabled": true,
                "Description": " - force the fertilized egg collector you are looking at to distribute to the Egg Incubator",
                "ChatCommand": "/disteggsfert",
                "DinoLimit": 0,
                "StructureLimit": 0
            "Enabled": true,
            "Description": " - force the refridgerator you are looking at to collect dropped eggs",
            "ChatCommand": "/collecteggs",
            "TokenName": "CollectEggs",
            "CommandCooldownInSeconds": 5,
            "FoundationDistanceLimit": 5,
            "FoundationRange": 20
            "Enabled": true,
            "Description": " - force the vault you are looking at to collect fertilizer from dung beetles and compost bins",
            "ChatCommand": "/collectfert",
            "TokenName": "CollectFertilizer",
            "CommandCooldownInSeconds": 5,
            "FoundationDistanceLimit": 5,
            "FoundationRange": 20,
            "Distribute": {
                "Enabled": true,
                "Description": " - force the fertilizer collector you are looking at to distribute fertilizer",
                "ChatCommand": "/distfert",
                "DinoLimit": 0,
                "StructureLimit": 0

            "Enabled": true,
            "Description": " - force the vault you are looking at to collect newborn babies",
            "RequireCryopods": true,
            "ChatCommand": "/collectbabies",
            "TokenName": "CollectNewborns",
            "CommandCooldownInSeconds": 5,
            "FoundationDistanceLimit" : 5,
            "MaxLimit" : 20,
            "FoundationRange" : 20
            "Enabled": true,
            "Description": " - force the vault you are looking at to collect oil",
            "ChatCommand": "/collectoil",
            "TokenName": "CollectOil",
            "CommandCooldownInSeconds": 5,
            "FoundationDistanceLimit": 5,
            "FoundationRange": 20
            "Enabled": true,
            "Description": " - force the vault you are looking at to collect paste",   
            "ChatCommand": "/collectpaste",
            "TokenName": "CollectPaste",
            "CommandCooldownInSeconds": 5,
            "FoundationDistanceLimit": 5,
            "FoundationRange": 20
            "Enabled": true,
            "Description": " - force the vault you are looking at to collect pearls",   
            "ChatCommand": "/collectpearls",
            "TokenName": "CollectPearls",
            "CommandCooldownInSeconds": 5,
            "FoundationDistanceLimit": 5,
            "FoundationRange": 20
            "Enabled": true,
            "Description": " - force the vault you are looking at to collect polymer",
            "ChatCommand": "/collectpoly",
            "TokenName": "CollectPolymer",
            "CommandCooldownInSeconds": 5,
            "FoundationDistanceLimit": 5,
            "FoundationRange": 20
            "Enabled": true,
            "Description": " - force the vault you are looking at to collect poop",   
            "ChatCommand": "/collectpoop",
            "TokenName": "CollectPoop",
            "CommandCooldownInSeconds": 5,
            "FoundationDistanceLimit": 5,
            "FoundationRange": 20,
            "Distribute": {
                "Enabled": true,
                "Description": " - force the poop collector you are looking at to distribute poop",       
                "ChatCommand": "/distpoop",
                "DinoLimit": 0,
                "StructureLimit": 0
            "Enabled": true,
            "ChatCommand": "/collectpellets",
            "Description": " - force the vault you are looking at to collect pellets",   
            "TokenName": "CollectPellets",
            "CommandCooldownInSeconds": 5,
            "FoundationDistanceLimit": 5,
            "FoundationRange": 20,
            "Distribute": {
                "Enabled": true,
                "Description": " - force the pellet collector you are looking at to distribute pellets",       
                "ChatCommand": "/distpellets",
                "DinoLimit": 5,
                "StructureLimit": 0
            "Enabled": true,
            "Description": " - force the vault you are looking at to collect traps",
            "ChatCommand": "/collecttraps",
            "TokenName": "CollectTraps",
            "CommandCooldownInSeconds": 5,
            "FoundationDistanceLimit": 5,
            "FoundationRange": 40,
            "CropPlotsBP": [

            "Enabled": true,
            "Description": " - force the refridgerator you are looking at to collect vegetables",
            "ChatCommand": "/collectveggies",
            "TokenName": "CollectVeggies",
            "CommandCooldownInSeconds": 5,
            "FoundationDistanceLimit": 5,
            "FoundationRange": 40,
            "CropPlotsBP": [

"Collectors": {
            "Pearl": [
            "Paste": [
            "Newborn": [
            "Crystal": [
            "EggFert": [
            "Egg": [
            "Poop": [
            "Pellet": [
            "Oil": [
            "Polymer": [
            "Veggies": [
            "Berries": [
            "Traps": [
            "Fertilizer": [
        "Distributors": {
            "EggFert": [
            "Poop": [
            "Pellet": [
            "Fertilizer": [
            "GroupPermission": {
                    "Priority": 99,
                    "Auto": "Auto",
                    "Berries": "Berries",
                    "ClearAllCollectors": "All your collectors have been cleared.",
                    "CollectBerries": "This structure will now collect Berries",
                    "CollectBerriesMax": "You have reached the max limit for Berry Collectors on this map",
                    "CollectBerriesOff": "This structure is no longer collecting Berries",
                    "CollectCrystals": "This structure will now collect Gacha Crystals",
                    "CollectCrystalsMax": "You have reached the max limit for Crystal Collectors on this map",
                    "CollectCrystalsOff": "This structure is no longer collecting Gacha Crystals",
                    "CollectEggs": "This structure will now collect eggs",
                    "CollectEggsFert": "This structure will now collect fertilized eggs",
                    "CollectEggsFertMax": "You have reached the max limit for Fertilized Egg Collectors on this map",
                    "CollectEggsFertOff": "This structure is no longer collecting fertilized eggs",
                    "CollectEggsMax": "You have reached the max limit for Egg Collectors on this map",
                    "CollectEggsOff": "This structure is no longer collecting eggs",
                    "CollectFertilizer": "This structure will now collect Fertilizer",
                    "CollectFertilizerMax": "You have reached the max limit for Fertilizer Collectors on this map",
                    "CollectFertilizerOff": "This structure is no longer collecting Fertilizer",              
                    "CollectFail": "This structure is already being used as a collector",
                    "Collecting": "Collecting",
                    "CollectNewborns": "This structure will now collect Newborn Babies",
                    "CollectNewbornsMax": "You have reached the max limit for Newborn Baby Collectors on this map",
                    "CollectNewbornsOff": "This structure is no longer collecting Newborn Babies",
                    "CollectOil": "This structure will now collect Oil",
                    "CollectOilMax": "You have reached the max limit for Oil Collectors on this map",
                    "CollectOilOff": "This structure is no longer collecting Oil",
                    "CollectPaste": "This structure will now collect Achatina Paste",
                    "CollectPasteMax": "You have reached the max limit for Achatina Paste Collectors on this map",
                    "CollectPasteOff": "This structure is no longer collecting Achatina Paste",
                    "CollectPearls": "This structure will now collect Silica and Black Pearls",
                    "CollectPearlsMax": "You have reached the max limit for Pearl Collectors on this map",
                    "CollectPearlsOff": "This structure is no longer collecting Silica or Black Pearls",
                    "CollectPellets": "This structure will now collect pellets",
                    "CollectPelletsMax": "You have reached the max limit for Snow Owl Pellet Collectors on this map",
                    "CollectPelletsOff": "This structure is no longer collecting snow owl pellets",
                    "CollectPolymer": "This structure will now collect Polymer",
                    "CollectPolymerMax": "You have reached the max limit for Polymer Collectors on this map",
                    "CollectPolymerOff": "This structure is no longer collecting Polymer",
                    "CollectPoop": "This structure will now collect poop",
                    "CollectPoopMax": "You have reached the max limit for Poop Collectors on this map",
                    "CollectPoopOff": "This structure is no longer collecting poop",
                    "CollectTraps": "This structure will now collect Traps",
                    "CollectTrapsMax": "You have reached the max limit for Trap Collectors on this map",
                    "CollectTrapsOff": "This structure is no longer collecting Traps",
                    "CollectVeggies": "This structure will now collect Veggies",
                    "CollectVeggiesMax": "You have reached the max limit for Veggie Collectors on this map",
                    "CollectVeggiesOff": "This structure is no longer collecting Veggies",
                    "CommandCooldown": "You cannot use this command so quickly, try again in a moment",
                    "CommandPurchased": "Command purchased for {} points",
                    "Cracking": "Cracking",
                    "Crystals": "Gacha Crystals",
                    "Distributing": "Distributing",
                    "Eggs": "Eggs",
                    "EggsFert": "Fertilized Eggs",
                    "Fertilizer": "Fertilizer",
                    "Free": "Free",
                    "GetCloser": "You are too far away to use this command",
                    "Hatching": "Hatching",
                    "Newborns": "Newborn Babies",
                    "NoPermission": "You do not have permission to use this command",
                    "NoPoints": "You do not have enough points ({} needed)",
                    "NoTarget": "You must be looking at a valid structure",
                    "NoTarget2": "You must be looking at your structure",
                    "NoTarget3": "You must be looking at the correct structure for this command",
                    "NotEnabled": "This feature is not enabled on the server",
                    "NotEnoughTokens": "You don't have enough tokens to use this command",
                    "Oil": "Oil",
                    "Paste": "Achatina Paste",
                    "Pearls": "Pearls",
                    "Pellets": "Pellets",
                    "PlayerHelpCommand": "All your available commands for Item Collector have been printed out for you in the tab console. Press your tab twice to see the results.",
                    "PlayerHelpCommandResults": "Command: {} for {} {}",
                    "PlayerInventoryFull": "You inventory is full",
                    "Points": "Points",
                    "Polymer": "Polymer",
                    "Poop": "Poop",
                    "SenderNameInChat": "SERVER",
                    "Tokens": "Tokens",
                    "Traps": "Traps",
                    "Veggies": "Veggies"



Latest updates

  1. Version 2.07 Update

    - fixed the 1114 error introduced in version 2.06. Sorry!
  2. Version 2.06 Update

    re-issuing download with missing files included
  3. Version 2.06 Update

    Finally discovered and fixed the issue with some of the collectors/distributors not loading...

Latest reviews

Absolutely insane, i love it, player love it, we all love it. All the functions for a Plugin only Server, Insane. Thank u <3
This plugin is a game-changer for Ark players. It efficiently collects everything offers customizable collector boxs, and even includes specialized features like resource distribution. It's a must-have for server owner, well worth the price.
Very Great plugin. Plugin Author really knows how to make a great plugin. Would recomend this pligin to anyone as its VERY much worth $25 for an unlimited lisesnce
Tempest Dedicated Servers