Player Utilities FREE

Verified Player Utilities FREE 1.14

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Player Utilities FREE
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A simple plugin to add extra player abilities/commands to your server!
Each command is configurable by Permissions and can be configured to cost Ark Shop points or Tokens via TokenBank!

**** PLEASE NOTE: Group Permissions are used, not the Group Name. So, in your "Default" Group Name, you should also have a permission called "Default" (or whatever you want to call it, I chose Default) in order for the plugin to work correctly. ****
PLEASE be sure you TEST as a PLAYER and not an Admin, and do not use the enablecheats command as this makes you Admin also.



/enemyscan - scans and notifies you how many enemies are in the area

/getbags - this will recover all the players dead body bags within the players range

/clear - this will harvest all resources within the range of the player, to the players inventory (trees, rocks, grass etc..)

/charwipe - this will reset all character points but will not reset engrams

/transfergun - toggles the transfergun mode on/off, when on it will move inventories from A to B that you shoot with the Fabricated Pistol

/demogun - toggles the demogun mode on/off, when on it will demolish the structure you shoot with the Fabricated Pistol

/pickupgun - toggles the pickupgun mode on/off, when on it will pick up the structure you shoot with the Fabricated Pistol, provided it's at 100% health

/repairgun - toggles the repairgun mode on/off, when on it will repair the structure you shoot with the Fabricated Pistol, provided you have the materials in your inventory. Respects repair damage cooldown timer.

/die - will kill the player. But not if they are grappled, under Noglin mind control, in handcuffs, unconscious etc...

/engrams - unlocks player engrams with configurable options and a blacklist preventing the unlocking of any engram. Allows you to block engrams by permission.

/repair - will repair all the structures within the range of the player. Uses resources from the players inventory and/or the dino they are riding. Respects repair damage cooldown timer.

/rename - renames the player who uses the command
Usage: /rename Billy

/renametribe - renames the tribe the player is in (option for only the tribe admins to use)
Usage: /renametribe TheBeachBobs

/makeowner - makes the player who uses the command, the owner of the tribe (option for only the tribe admins to use)

    "PlayerUtilities": {
        "PlayerHelpCommand": "/playerhelp",    // displays all the commands the player is eligible for in the tab console
        "PlayerHelpCommandCooldownInSeconds": 60,
        "EverythingIsFREE": false,
        "ShowPlayerHelpInChat": true,        // also displays the results in the chat window
        "DiscordWebHook": "",    // not used yet
        "GroupPermission": {    // this controls who gets what
"Priority": 99,   // put default at a high number, so VIP profiles take priority
                "PlayerEnemyScanEnabled": true,
                "PlayerEnemyScanUseTokens": false, // if true then will charge tokens for this command, otherwise Shop points will be used
                "PlayerEnemyScanPrice": 10000,
                "PlayerEnemyScanRangeFoundations": 300,  // this is approximately the size of one grid block on the map

                "PlayerGetDeathBagsEnabled": true,               
                "PlayerGetDeathBagsUseTokens": false, // if true then will charge tokens for this command, otherwise Shop points will be used               
                "PlayerGetDeathBagsPrice": 1000,
                "PlayerGetDeathBagsRespawnCooldownInSeconds": 10,
                "PlayerGetDeathBagsRangeFoundations": 15,

                "PlayerCharacterWipeEnabled": true,
                "PlayerCharacterWipeUseTokens": false, // if true then will charge tokens for this command, otherwise Shop points will be used
                "PlayerCharacterWipeRequireMindwipe": false,
                "PlayerCharacterWipePrice": 10,
                "PlayerCompleteMissionEnabled": true,
                "PlayerCompleteMissionUseTokens": false,
                "PlayerCompleteMissionPrice": 0,
                "PlayerHarvestRangeEnabled": true,  // will harvest the resources withing the range of the player
                "PlayerHarvestRangeUseTokens": false, // if true then will charge tokens for this command, otherwise Shop points will be used 
                "PlayerHarvestRangeClearOnly": false, // if true, then will not harvest anything to the player, it will just clear resources (with this setting you can have a large range)
                "PlayerHarvestRangePrice": 0,
                "PlayerHarvestRangeRangeFoundations": 3,  // recommended to keep this number low if PlayerHarvestRangeClearOnly = false. Too high could cause buffer overflow errors.
                "PlayerSuicideEnabled": true,
                "PlayerSuicideUseTokens": false, // if true then will charge tokens for this command, otherwise Shop points will be used
                "PlayerSuicidePrice": 10,               
                "PlayerSuicideKnockedOut": false, // if true the it will allow suicide when knocked out
                "PlayerSuicideHandCuffs": false, // if true the it will allow suicide while hancuffed
                "PlayerSuicideSitting": false, // if true the it will allow suicide while sitting
                "PlayerSuicideRiding": false, // if true the it will allow suicide while riding a dino
                "PlayerSuicidePicked": false, // if true the it will allow suicide when picked by another dino
                "PlayerSuicideGrappled": false, // if true the it will allow suicide when grappled by another player
                "PlayerSuicideMindControl": false, // if true the it will allow suicide when under Noglin Mind Control
                "PlayerRepairGunEnabled": true,
                "PlayerRepairGunUseTokens": false, // if true then will charge tokens for this command, otherwise Shop points will be used
                "PlayerRepairGunPrice": 10,

                "PlayerDemoGunEnabled": true,
                "PlayerDemoGunUseTokens": false, // if true then will charge tokens for this command, otherwise Shop points will be used
                "PlayerDemoGunPrice": 10,

                "PlayerPickupGunEnabled": true,
                "PlayerPickupGunUseTokens": false, // if true then will charge tokens for this command, otherwise Shop points will be used
                "PlayerPickupGunPrice": 10,
                "PlayerTransferGunEnabled": true,
                "PlayerTransferGunUseTokens": false, // if true then will charge tokens for this command, otherwise Shop points will be used
                "PlayerTransferGunPrice": 10,
                "PlayerRepairEnabled": true,
                "PlayerRepairUseTokens": false, // if true then will charge tokens for this command, otherwise Shop points will be used
                "PlayerRepairPrice": 1000,
                "PlayerRepairRangeFoundations": 20,         // the range to repair
                "PlayerRepairIgnoreRepairCooldown": false,  // if true then it will repair instantly and ignore the repair cooldown timer
                "PlayerUnlockEngramsEnabled": true,         // unlocks all available engrams, except map specific, up to the current player level (default config below)
                "PlayerUnlockEngramsUseTokens": false, // if true then will charge tokens for this command, otherwise Shop points will be used        
                "PlayerUnlockEngramsUnlockAll": false,   // if true then, unlocks all engrams regardless of level or map
                "PlayerUnlockEngramsUnlockMapSpecific": false,  // if true, then unlocks map specific engrams
                "PlayerUnlockEngramsPrice": 10,               
                "PlayerUnlockEngramsBlacklist": [    // do NOT include any prefix like EngramEntry_, PrimalItemArmor_ or PrimalItemStructure_ etc. Just put the name of the item.

                "PlayerMakeTribeFounderEnabled": true,    // feature is enabled at the profile level
                "PlayerMakeTribeFounderUseTokens": false, // if true then will charge tokens for this command, otherwise Shop points will be used
                "PlayerMakeTribeFounderMustBeTribeAdmin": true,   // must be a tribe admin to use command
                "PlayerMakeTribeFounderPrice": 1000,    // ark shop price

                "PlayerRenameEnabled": true,
                "PlayerRenameUseTokens": false, // if true then will charge tokens for this command, otherwise Shop points will be used
                "PlayerRenamePrice": 1000,
                "PlayerRenameBlacklist": [

                "PlayerRenameTribeEnabled": true,
                "PlayerRenameTribeUseTokens": false, // if true then will charge tokens for this command, otherwise Shop points will be used
                "PlayerRenameTribeMustBeTribeAdmin": true,
                "PlayerRenameTribePrice": 1000,
                "PlayerRenameTribeBlacklist": [

            "Enabled": true,
            "Description": " - Resets your player points but not your engrams",
            "ChatCommand": "/charwipe",
            "TokenName": "PlayerCharacterWipe",
            "CommandCooldownInSeconds": 5
            "Enabled": true,
            "Description": " - Demolish the structure you shoot with the Fabricated Pistol",
            "ChatCommand": "/demogun",
            "TokenName": "PlayerDemolishGun"
            "Enabled": true,
            "Description": " - Scan for enemies in the area",
            "ChatCommand": "/enemyscan",
            "TokenName": "PlayerEnemyScan",
            "CommandCooldownInSeconds": 5
            "Enabled": true,
            "Description": " - get your inventory from your dead body",
            "ChatCommand": "/getbags",
            "TokenName": "PlayerGetDeathBags",
            "CommandCooldownInSeconds": 5
            "Enabled": true,
            "Description": " - harvest the area around you",
            "ChatCommand": "/clear",
            "TokenName": "PlayerHarvestRange",
            "CommandCooldownInSeconds": 5
            "Enabled": true,
            "Description": " - Makes you the tribe owner",
            "ChatCommand": "/makeowner",
            "TokenName": "PlayerMakeTribeFounder",
            "CommandCooldownInSeconds": 5
            "Enabled": true,
            "Description": " - Pick up the structure you shoot with the Fabricated Pistol",
            "ChatCommand": "/pickupgun",
            "TokenName": "PlayerPickupGun"
            "Enabled": true,
            "Description": " - Rename the player",
            "ChatCommand": "/rename",
            "TokenName": "PlayerRename",
            "CommandCooldownInSeconds": 5,
            "MasterBlacklist": [
            "Enabled": true,
            "Description": " - Rename the tribe",
            "ChatCommand": "/renametribe",
            "TokenName": "PlayerRenameTribe",
            "CommandCooldownInSeconds": 5,
            "MasterBlacklist": [
            "Enabled": true,
            "Description": " - Repair the structures in your area",
            "ChatCommand": "/repair",
            "TokenName": "PlayerRepair",
            "CommandCooldownInSeconds": 5
            "Enabled": true,
            "Description": " - Repair the structure you shoot with the Fabricated Pistol",
            "ChatCommand": "/repairgun",
            "TokenName": "PlayerRepairGun"
            "Enabled": true,
            "Description": " - Kill yourself",
            "ChatCommand": "/die",
            "TokenName": "PlayerSuicide",
            "CommandCooldownInSeconds": 5
            "Enabled": true,
            "Description": " - Transfer one inventory to another using the Fabricated Pistol",
            "ChatCommand": "/transfergun",
            "TokenName": "PlayerTransferGun"
            "Enabled": true,
            "Description": " - Unlock map engrams up to your current level",
            "ChatCommand": "/engrams",
            "TokenName": "PlayerUnlockEngrams",
            "CommandCooldownInSeconds": 5,
            "MasterBlacklist": [

                "Default": {
                    "Priority": 99,               

                    "CommandCooldown": "You cannot use this command so quickly, try again in a moment ({} seconds)",
                    "CommandPurchased": "Command purchased for {} points/tokens",               
                    "InvalidName": "That name is not valid",
                    "MessagesMustBeTribeAdmin": "You must be a tribe admin to use this command",
                    "NoPermission": "You do not have permission to use this command",
                    "NoPoints": "You do not have enough points ({} needed)",
                    "NotEnabled": "This feature is not enabled on the server",
                    "NotEnoughTokens": "You don't have enought tokens to use this command",
                    "PlayerCharacterWipe": "Character wipe complete",
                    "PlayerCharacterWipeNoMindwipe": "You need at least 1 mindwipe in your inventory to use this command",

                    "PlayerEnemyScanEnemyPlayers1": "There are at least {} online enemy players in the area",
                    "PlayerEnemyScanEnemyPlayers2": "No online enemy players in the area",
                    "PlayerEnemyScanEnemyStructures1": "There are at least {} differect tribe sructures in the area",
                    "PlayerEnemyScanEnemyStructures2": "No tribes structures in the area",


                    "PlayerHarvestRange": "Harvest complete",
                    "PlayerHelpCommand": "All your available commands for Player Utilities have been printed out for you in the tab console. Press your tab twice to see the results.",
                    "PlayerHelpCommandResults": "Command: {} for {} {}",               
                    "PlayerMakeTribeFounder": "Make tribe owner complete",
                    "PlayerRename": "Player rename complete",
                    "PlayerRenameTribe": "Rename tribe complete",
                    "PlayerRepair": "Repair complete. Repaired {} out of {} possible structures.",
                    "PlayerNoRepair": "Repair cancelled, no structures are repairable right now.",
                    "PlayerNoDamage": "Repair cancelled, could not find damaged structures",
                    "PlayerNoStructures": "Repair cancelled, could not find tribe structures",
                    "PlayerNotEnoughResources": "Repair cancelled, not enough resources found",
                    "PlayerRepairGunOn": "Repair gun mode on",
                    "PlayerDemoGunOn": "Demo gun mode on",
                    "PlayerPickupGunOn": "Puckup gun mode on",
                    "PlayerRepairGunOff": "Repair gun mode off",
                    "PlayerDemoGunOff": "Demo gun mode off",
                    "PlayerPickupGunOff": "Puckup gun mode off",
                    "PlayerGetDeathBags": "Death bag(s) retrieved",
                    "PlayerGetDeathBagsNone": "No death bag(s) found.",
                    "PlayerUnlockEngrams": "Unlock engrams complete",
                    "PlayerUnlockEngramsFail": "You cannot unlock that engram",
                    "PlayerSuicide": "Suicide complete",
                    "PlayerSuicideKO": "You cannot use this command while unconscious",
                    "PlayerSuicideSitting": "You cannot use this command while sitting",
                    "PlayerSuicideHandcuffs": "You cannot use this command while wearing handcuffs",
                    "PlayerSuicideRiding": "You cannot use this command while riding a dino",
                    "PlayerSuicidePicked": "You cannot use this command while you are picked by another dino",
                    "PlayerSuicideDead": "You cannot use this command because you are already dead",
                    "PlayerSuicideGrappled": "You cannot use this command while attached or grappled to another player",
                    "PlayerSuicideMindControl": "You cannot use this command while you are mind controlled by a Noglin",
                    "PlayerTransferGunComplete": "Transfered {} items.",
                    "PlayerTransferGunNoTransfer1": "No items were transferred",
                    "PlayerTransferGunNoTransfer2": "Some items were not transferred",
                    "PlayerTransferGunInvFull": "Target inventory is full",
                    "PlayerTransferGunSet": "Transfer source inventory is set.",
                    "PlayerTransferGunClear": "Transfer inventory cleared.",
                    "SenderNameInChat": "SERVER",
                    "Points": "Points",
                    "Tokens": "Tokens",
                    "Free": "Free"


Config reload command: PlayerUtilities.reload

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Latest updates

  1. Version 1.14 Update

    Version 1.14 Removed UseTokens from top of config Each permission command has a UseTokens...
  2. Version 1.12 Update

    What's new in version 1.12: Fixed /transfergun from losing item quality when transferring...
  3. Version 1.11 Update

    What's new in version 1.11: fixed /getbags from stripping all upgraded gear to primitive on...

Latest reviews

Working Good and without Problems. Love it and using it such a long time. My Players also Happy with the functions :D
Great plugin that improve with new functionalities your admin/player game.
Thanks Jra for this plugin ❤️
With a wide range of commands for everything from resource gathering to tribe management, it's a must-have addition to your server. It's stable, compatible with other plugins, and backed by great support – simply put, a fantastic addition to your ARK servers.
Best player commands i have used. Well worth the download. Great communication between the community and support. Great job for this plugin.
Great Plugin! no crashes like other ones, and it's compatible with other plugins like Tokens and arkshop from foppa.
The plugins of this creator are the best I have seen, I do not understand that it does not have good reviews with how useful they are for both pvp and pve without mods and with mods
thank you
Tempest Dedicated Servers