Planned PVP FREE

Verified Planned PVP FREE 1.13

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Planned PVP FREE
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An updated/enhanced PvP scheduler plugin! Schedule PVP mode on a weekly basis.
(Or if you remove the pvp schedule entirely "PVPSchedule":[], you could use this for pve anti-grieving)

PVEMode highlights:
- DisableMindControl // if true then Noglins will not be able to control characters
- DisablePicking // if true then players can't pick other players/dinos with thier dinos
- DisableDraggingBodies // if true then players can't drag enemy bodies around
- DisableCryoSickness // if true then disables cryosickness
- DisableTurretsPlayers // if true then turrets will not target/shoot at players
- DisableTurretsDinos // if true then turrets will not target/shoot at dinos
- RefillTurretAmmo // if true then turrets will not use ammo if they are shooting targets in pve mode
- ProtectPlayers // protect players from damage?
- ProtectDinos // protect dinos from damage?
- ProtectStructures // protect structures from damage?
- ProtectExplosives // protect targets from explosives?
- ProtectStructureInventories // protect players from opening enemy structure inventories?
- AllowAccessToUnlockedStructures // allow players to open unlocked enemy structure inventories
- ProtectPlayerInventories // protect players from opening enemy player inventories?
- ProtectDinoInventories // protect players from opening enemy dino inventories?
- PreventPickingUpItems // prevent players from picking up enemy dropped items
- ProtectDroppedBags // prevent players from opening enemy death bags or dropped bags
- DisableStructureAccess // prevent players from activating structures like generators or forges etc...
- AllowAllianceAccess // allow alliance tribes access to your structures, bodies, dragging, picking, etc..
- StructureProtectionBlacklist // allow damage to these structures while in pve mode
- DisableTributeTerminalInventory // prevents users from placing items in the common tribute area in oblisks and terminals

*In order for PvP to work, your server should still be in pvp mode when using this plugin
** All the PVEMode variables can be added to the PVP profile if you want to use them, except for RefillTurretAmmo. This only works in PVEMode.

chat command: /pvpstatus

Using /pvpstatus as a Admin displays the values of all the pve variables:

A configurable countdown gives players notice before the mode changes:

        "PVPStatusCommand": "/pvpstatus",    // displays the current mode, and time left until next mode
        "PVPStatusCommandCooldownInSecond": 15,
        "SenderNameInChat": "SERVER",
            "PVPActiveMessage": "PvP mode is currently enabled",   // used for /pvpstatus
            "PVEActiveMessage": "PvE mode is currently enabled",   // used for /pvpstatus
            "ProtectExplosiveMessage": "You can only use explosives when PVP mode is enabled", // message for when player tries to use c4
            "PVPTimeLeftMessage": "There's less than {} day(s), {} hour(s) and {} minute(s) until PvE mode begins", // used for /pvpstatus and broadcast
            "PVETimeLeftMessage": "There's less than {} day(s), {} hour(s) and {} minute(s) until PvP mode begins", // used for /pvpstatus and broadcast
            "PVPTimeLeftMessage2": "There's less than {} minute(s) until PvE mode begins",   // message used for countdown
            "PVETimeLeftMessage2": "There's less than {} minute(s) until PvP mode begins",   // message used for countdown
            "DisplayStatusEveryXMinutes": 30,     // how often to broadcast the time left in the current mode
            "StartCountdownXMinutesBeforeChange": 10,     // how many minutes before the next mode change do we start the countdown?
            "AlwaysOnStructureProtectionForTribeIDs": [],   // tribe ids that always have structure protection, for fixed things
            "IgnoreStructureProtectionForTribeIDs": [],     // tribe ids that never have structure protection, for admin raid bases etc..
            "PVEMode": {
                "DisableMindControl": true,
                "DisablePicking": true,  // if true then players can't pick other players/dinos with thier dinos
                "DisableDraggingBodies": true,   // if true then players can't drag enemy bodies around
                "DisableCryoSickness": true,    // if true then disables cryosickness
                "DisableTurretsPlayers": false,   // if true then turrets will not target/shoot at players at all
                "DisableTurretsDinos": false,   // if true then turrets will not target/shoot at dinos at all
                "RefillTurretAmmo": true,    // if true then turrets will not use ammo if they are shooting targets
                "ProtectPlayers": true,   // protect players from damage?
                "ProtectDinos": true,    // protect dinos from damage?
                "ProtectStructures": true,   // protect structures from damage?
                "ProtectExplosives": true,   // protect targets from explosives?
                "ProtectStructureInventories": true,  // protect players from opening enemy structure inventories?
                "AllowAccessToUnlockedStructures": true, // allow players to open unlocked enemy structure inventories
                "ProtectPlayerInventories": true,   // protect players from opening enemy player inventories?
                "ProtectDinoInventories": true,   // protect players from opening enemy dino inventories?
                "PreventPickingUpItems": true,  // prevent players from picking up enemy droppped items
                "ProtectDroppedBags": true.  // prevent players from opening enemy droppped bags or death bags
                "DisableStructureAccess": true, // prevent players from activating structures like generators or forges etc...
                "AllowAllianceAccess": true, // allow alliance tribes access to your structures, bodies, dragging, picking, etc...
                "DisableMindControl": true, // prevent Noglins from controlling characters          
                "DisableTributeTerminalInventory": true, // prevents users from placing items in the common tribute area in oblisks and terminals
                "UseStructureProtectionBlacklistAsAWhitelist": false, // treats StructureProtectionBlacklist as a whitelist and ONLY protects the structures listed in PVE mode           
                "StructureProtectionBlacklist": [  // structures to allow damage while in pve mode
            "PVPSchedule":    // this is an example of a 7 day schedule with PvP from 8pm to 2am
                    "StartDay": 0,    // 0 = sunday, 6 = saturday    *if more than 1 day, then they MUST be in order from 0 to 6 or it won't work correctly. Only program one continuous schedule going from 0-6
                    "StartHour": 20,  // 0 = midnight, 23 = 11pm
                    "EndDay": 1,
                    "EndHour": 2,
                    "EnabledMessage": "PvP mode is active",
                    "DisabledMessage": "PvE mode is active"
                { "StartDay": 1, "StartHour": 20, "EndDay": 2, "EndHour": 2, "EnabledMessage": "PvP mode is active", "DisabledMessage": "PvE mode is active" },
                { "StartDay": 2, "StartHour": 20, "EndDay": 3, "EndHour": 2, "EnabledMessage": "PvP mode is active", "DisabledMessage": "PvE mode is active" },
                { "StartDay": 3, "StartHour": 20, "EndDay": 4, "EndHour": 2, "EnabledMessage": "PvP mode is active", "DisabledMessage": "PvE mode is active" },
                { "StartDay": 4, "StartHour": 20, "EndDay": 5, "EndHour": 2, "EnabledMessage": "PvP mode is active", "DisabledMessage": "PvE mode is active" },
                { "StartDay": 5, "StartHour": 20, "EndDay": 6, "EndHour": 2, "EnabledMessage": "PvP mode is active", "DisabledMessage": "PvE mode is active" },
                { "StartDay": 6, "StartHour": 20, "EndDay": 0, "EndHour": 2, "EnabledMessage": "PvP mode is active", "DisabledMessage": "PvE mode is active" }
            "GroupPermission": {
                    "Priority": 99,
                    "CommandCooldown": "You cannot use this command so quickly, try again in a moment ({} seconds)"

Config reload command: PlannedPVP.reload

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Latest updates

  1. Version 1.13 Update

    Fixed crash that happened when you killed yourself using a rocket launcher against an enemy...
  2. Version 1.12 Update

    - Fixed typo/1114 error in config file - Added UseStructureProtectionBlacklistAsAWhitelist -...
  3. Version 1.11 Update

    - Added DisableMindControl to the PVE config config file has changed

Latest reviews

After version 1.13, in the Genesis series maps, weapons or armor that cannot be placed in the mission terminal with higher stats than the original stats or armor will become the original item and cannot be placed in the quest terminal, and the server will crash when the building skin is inserted, etc. It doesn't happen when I uninstall the 1.13 version plugin. Hopefully, you'll be able to fix it in your busy schedule, please. (from Machine Translation)
it's good even for pve Only servers. thanks to this now bad-intentioned players cannot drag the bodies of other players to steal them and many other things. Ty Jra 💙
awww shucks!
Spectacular! (Read the discussion for an expanded list of structures to exclude from protection)

Helps control many aspects of PvPvE rules, with a schedule, and customizable exclusion/include rules for tribes and items.
Muito obrigado!
Vocês me ajudaram muito!
Que Deus abençoe vocês em tudo que fizer
Desejo todo sucesso do mundo!
Se meu server der certo pode ter certeza que eu vou enviar dinheiro para vocês
good luck!
great plugin great Dev! He's actively giving support to all his plugins. Cant wait to try his new plugins !
thank you!
I have for year a PVP PVE daily server and this is the best solution for config this
You can manage every day how you want and use many available options.
thank you!
Nice for "Purge PvP" hehe and for the first release seems to be stable but will keep the Dev updated with bugs etc
thank you!
Tempest Dedicated Servers