Item Collector FREE

Verified Item Collector FREE 1.11

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Item Collector FREE
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A simple plugin to add Item Collectors to your server!
  • Currently collects fertilized eggs, Gacha crystals, dropped eggs, poop and snow owl pellets and more! Nine (9) Collectors in total.
  • Will only collect items dropped by tribe dinos, will not collect other tribes' items.
  • Configure and limit the number of collectors by permission.
  • Collection structures are configurable.
  • It will also rename the structure to item it is collecting when active.
  • Collectors are reloaded on map restart.
Each command is configurable by Permissions and can be configured to cost Ark Shop points or Tokens via TokenBank!

*** For many more collectors AND distributors, check out Item Collector Pro ***

**** PLEASE NOTE: Group Permissions are used, not the Group Name. So, in your "Default" Group Name, you should also have a permission called "Default" (or whatever you want to call it, I chose Default) in order for the plugin to work correctly. ****
PLEASE be sure you TEST as a PLAYER and not an Admin, and do not use the enablecheats command as this makes you Admin also.


Oil Collector
/collectoil - will force the Storage Box or Vault you are looking at to start collecting oil from Tusoteuthis and Basilosaurus in the area.

Pheonix Pearl Collector
/collectpearls - will force the Storage Box or Vault you are looking at to start collecting Pheonix pearls in the area.

Achatina Paste Collector
/collectpaste - will force the Storage Box or Vault you are looking at to start collecting Achatina Paste in the area.

Achatina Organic Polymer Collector
/collectpoly - will force the Storage Box or Vault you are looking at to start collecting Achatina Organic Polymer in the area and convert it to regular Polymer.

Crystal Collector
/collectcrystals - will force the Storage Box or Vault you are looking at to start collecting Gacha crystals in the area.

Fertilized Egg Collector
/collecteggsfert - will force the refrigerator or preserving bin you are looking at to start collecting fertilized eggs in the area.

Egg Collector
/collecteggs - will force the refrigerator or preserving bin you are looking at to start collecting dropped eggs in the area.

Poop Collector
/collectpoop - will force the Storage Box or Vault you are looking at to start collecting poop in the area.

Pellet Collector
/collectpellets - will force the Storage Box or Vault you are looking at to start collecting owl pellets in the area.

*Use the command again to toggle off the collector




        "UseTokens": false,   // if true then uses the TokenBank plugin, and price is the number of tokens needed to use command
        "RangeBubbleTrigger": "test",
        "DatabaseSaveIntervalMinutes": 15,
        "EggFertCheckIntervalMinutes": 3,
        "EggCheckIntervalMinutes": 5, 
        "PoopCheckIntervalMinutes": 1,  // unclaimed poop decays in 60 seconds
        "PelletsCheckIntervalMinutes": 1, // unclaimed pellets decays in 60 seconds
                "Priority": 99,

                "CollectCrystalsEnabled": true,
                "CollectCrystalsLimit": 2,
                "CollectCrystalsPrice": 0,
                "CollectEggsFertEnabled": true,
                "CollectEggsFertLimit": 2,
                "CollectEggsFertPrice": 0,

                "CollectEggsEnabled":  true,
                "CollectEggsLimit":  2,
                "CollectEggsPrice":  0,

                "CollectPoopEnabled":  true,
                "CollectPoopLimit":  2,
                "CollectPoopPrice":  0,

                "CollectPelletsEnabled": true,
                "CollectPelletsLimit": 2,
                "CollectPelletsPrice": 0

        "CollectCrystals":{   // collects Gacha Crystals
            "Enabled": true,
            "ChatCommand": "/collectcrystals",
            "TokenName": "CollectCrystals",
            "CommandCooldownInSeconds": 5, // how fast the player can use the command
            "FoundationDistanceLimit" : 5, // how close the player has to be to use the command
            "FoundationRange" : 40 // the number foundations within the range of the structure to collect fertilized eggs in
        "CollectEggsFert":{   // collects fertilized eggs
            "Enabled": true,
            "ChatCommand": "/collecteggsfert",
            "TokenName": "CollectEggsFert",
            "CommandCooldownInSeconds": 5,
            "FoundationDistanceLimit": 5,
            "FoundationRange": 40
            "Enabled": true,
            "ChatCommand": "/collecteggs",
            "TokenName": "CollectEggs",
            "CommandCooldownInSeconds": 5,
            "FoundationDistanceLimit": 5,
            "FoundationRange": 40
            "Enabled": true,
            "ChatCommand": "/collectpoop",
            "TokenName": "CollectPoop",
            "CommandCooldownInSeconds": 5,
            "FoundationDistanceLimit": 5,
            "FoundationRange": 40
        "CollectPellets":{   // collects snow owl pellets
            "Enabled": true,
            "ChatCommand": "/collectpellets",
            "TokenName": "CollectPellets",
            "CommandCooldownInSeconds": 5,
            "FoundationDistanceLimit": 5,
            "FoundationRange": 40
        //The acceptable strucutures for item collection
        // Planned future versions of this plugin will auto distribute these items to their target containers
        // For example, poop will automatically goto dung beetles and compost bins, pellets will goto crop plots and Gacha's
        // so keep that in mind, that is why I put vaults in here instead of compost bins
        "Collectors": {
            "Crystal": [
            "EggFert": [
            "Egg": [
            "Poop": [
            "Pellet": [
            "GroupPermission": {
                    "Priority": 99,
                    "NoPermission": "You do not have permission to use this command",
                    "PlayerHelpCommand": "All your available commands for Item Collector have been printed out for you in the tab console. Press your tab twice to see the results.",
                    "PlayerHelpCommandResults": "Command: {} for {} points",
                    "SenderNameInChat": "SERVER",
                    "NotEnabled": "This feature is not enabled on the server",
                    "NotEnoughTokens": "You don't have enough tokens to use this command",
                    "NoPoints": "You do not have enough points ({} needed)",
                    "CommandPurchased": "Command purchased for {} points",
                    "CollectFail": "This structure is already being used as a collector",
                    "CollectEggsFert": "This structure will now collect fertilized eggs",
                    "CollectEggs": "This structure will now collect eggs",
                    "CollectPoop": "This structure will now collect poop",
                    "CollectPellets": "This structure will now collect pellets",
                    "CollectCrystals": "This structure will now collect Gacha Crystals",
                    "CollectEggsFertOff": "This structure is no longer collecting fertilized eggs",
                    "CollectEggsOff": "This structure is no longer collecting eggs",
                    "CollectPoopOff": "This structure is no longer collecting poop",
                    "CollectPelletsOff": "This structure is no longer collecting snow owl pellets",
                    "CollectCrystalsOff": "This structure is no longer collecting Gacha Crystals",
                    "CommandCooldown": "You cannot use this command so quickly, try again in a moment",
                    "CollectEggsFertMax": "You have reached the max limit for Fertilized Egg Collectors on this map",
                    "CollectEggsMax": "You have reached the max limit for Egg Collectors on this map",
                    "CollectPoopMax": "You have reached the max limit for Poop Collectors on this map",
                    "CollectPelletsMax": "You have reached the max limit for Snow Owl Pellet Collectors on this map",
                    "CollectCrystalsMax": "You have reached the max limit for Crystal Collectors on this map",
                    "GetCloser": "You are too far away to use this command",
                    "NoTarget": "You must be looking at a valid structure",
                    "NoTarget2": "You must be looking at your structure",
                    "NoTarget3": "You must be looking at the correct structure for this command",
                    "Collecting": "Collecting",
                    "EggsFert": "Fertilized Eggs",
                    "Eggs": "Eggs",
                    "Poop": "Poop",
                    "Pellets": "Pellets"

Config reload command: ItemCollector.reload

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Latest updates

  1. Version 1.11 Update

    re-issuing download with missing files included
  2. Version 1.11 Update

    Finally discovered and fixed the issue with some of the collectors/distributors not loading...
  3. Version 1.10 Update

    What new in versio 1.10: - Added RangeBubbleTrigger this is the trigger for showing the range...

Latest reviews

fantastic plugin, unbelievable that its free

makes life easier for my players and allows me to add value to my cluster :)
Very great plugin. Wish it had a MySQL option to prevent issues with database files so it didnt create database files and cause issues with permissions but VERY recommended if you dont want to pay for a license. HOWEVER I also RECOMMEND buying the pro as its an unlimited license for $25 USD so I dont know about you but on October 3rd or 4th 2022 I will be buying a licence myself for the pro version for the more options and would also recommend the pro version to anyone that loves this plugin, but it is also a GREAT alternative until you have the money to get the pro.
Love this ty so much. Anyway we can get mysql support I always get database locked errors. Keep up the hardwork.
I'm not getting those type of errors, and nobody has complained about that before. Interesting. It must be something on your end. Join my discord and open a ticket and we can talk about it in more detail.
So I finally got rid of the old Egg Poop collector from the Steam Workshop, and decided to use plugins, and I found this, sooo much easier, and clients don't have to bother with mods, it works perfectly, thank you very much.
thank you!
this is an outstanding piece of work that gives a lot of utility to non-moded servers! Hope to see more functionality added in the future keep up the good work
thank you!
it is a good alternative for those servers that cannot have mods and maybe with the following updates you will have other types of materials
thank you for the kind words
Tempest Dedicated Servers