DBD NEXUS - Your all-in-one solution for Discord bot management

Free DBD NEXUS - Your all-in-one solution for Discord bot management 1.5.15

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DBD Nexus
DBD Nexus is your comprehensive solution for centralized bot management. Our intuitive UI streamlines your operations, allowing seamless configuration and control from a singular dashboard. Say goodbye to cumbersome config files and embrace efficiency with DBD Nexus.

DBD Nexus allows users to run their Discord Bots on their machines. Users can choose to use the site for configuration or a local configuration file.

Get Started Here For Free HERE

📦 FREE Modules
Our platform offers a wide range of modules including many free features!

⏱️ FREE Trials
Every module on DBD Nexus has an optional Free trial where you can test every feature completely for free!

💾 Hosted Locally
Every bot runs on your own machine, this way you will always have full control over your own bots and no monthly hosting fees!

📷 Previews
This is the home page where you can quickly navigate to the most important pages.

Modules Page - On this page you activate and manage all your modules.

Module Page - Each module has its own details page that shows important details about the module.

Profile Page - On this page you can see all your account details, modules, payments, logs and more!

Configuration Page - On this page you can configure all your bot features and much more!


Language Selector - More languages will be added overtime. (or help translate with us!)

Local Discord Bot App - Here is a image where one Discord bot is locally running on your machine.

Local Bot Folder - This is how the bot files look like when running the bot locally.

🔗 Links
DBD Nexus: https://nexus.defaultsbotdev.com/
Bot Download: https://discord.com/channels/488177151946915841/1207711313132916878
Documentation: https://docs.defaultsbotdev.com/docs/nexus/info

📞 Support
DBD Suport Server: https://discord.gg/bkAMbSWk8Z

🏁 Get Started Here For Free: https://nexus.defaultsbotdev.com
First release
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Latest updates

  1. V1.5.15

    - [bot] Added `hide_overwrite_startup_warning` option to skip the startup warning inside the...
  2. 1.4.4

    - Disabled modules are now properly sorted to the end of the modules page. - Fixed an error when...
  3. v2.2.7

    - Added Pirate protections. - Fixed an issue where the bot can't connect to the auth server for...