DBD NEXUS - Your all-in-one solution for Discord bot management

Free DBD NEXUS - Your all-in-one solution for Discord bot management 1.3.0

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  • Added Free Linker module.
  • Moved linking database fields from the general configuration section to the linker module.
  • Added Module info pages for all modules.
  • Added Mobile support for configurations page. (This update makes DBD Nexus 100% compatble on mobile!)
  • Updated Modules page with info buttons to show the module details.
  • Fixed backgound style resetting on login.
  • Added Server Controller module.
  • Fixed sorting of the configuration page sections.
  • Fixed issue where users that purchased tokens did not get any.
  • Fixed error when using a select menu.
  • Added RCON module.

See updates here: https://nexus.defaultsbotdev.com/
Get Support here: https://discord.gg/bkAMbSWk8Z
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