Website User Information:
On GameServersHub, developers can earn a "Verified" prefix tag for their resources. This tag indicates that the developer has been granted a website role to upload verified resources, which are generally of higher quality than unverified ones. By consistently providing dedicated and quality results for the gaming community, developers can earn this tag and showcase their commitment to providing top-notch content. So, if you're looking for the best gaming resources, be sure to keep an eye out for the "Verified" tag on GameServersHub.
Plugin salvou eu, passando muito tempo tentando fazer do zero mas n tenho essa capacidade não, obrigado por disponibilzar gratis ainda, que Deus te abençoe tmj uaca
Muito bom plugin. Estava precisando de algo parecido no Ark para meu servidor. Estou satisfeito com a qualidade e eficiencia do mesmo.