Ark: Survival Evolved - ArkShop

[Official] Ark: Survival Evolved - ArkShop 3.02

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Redownload permissions plugin from the plugin page, and use MySQL, I believe there might be an issue currently with SQLite in Permissions. That's also how you share points.
Already done it, but the next issue is that both plugins wont work. And my server is hosted by Serverblend not from my pc
How they don't work? Could you explain?
like when i type the mysql info and all that thing, and change the permissions to sqlite, restar the server and both plugins arent working. or if i dont change anything with the mysql, the arkshop is working but players wont get any points, and with the command /groups from permissions. the Default group wont show up
So i have a 14 map cluster as of this week.

I added 4 new maps.. 2 of switch are doubles of existing maps.

So i have Theisland PVP and a TheIsland PVE and i have a Gen 2 PvP and a Gen 2 PvE

the 2 PVE maps where added this week, the PVP maps have been up for a long time.

If i try to use any /buy or /kit command on the PVE maps it seems to make the server instant CRASH.

my guess... the PVP map someone used a /buy command and the shop opened and locked the log file to itself.... so preventing the PVE map to use the same log file... seeing how the file names for the logs use the map name. i see a possible conflic here.

My 14 maps run off the same game installation folder. all the maps use the same config file. so they also all used the same log file...

how do i fix my issues. ive been looking all over to see if anyone else has this issue... have not seen anyone.... yet.

So all my 14 maps work... but the second you try /buy anything

instant crash...

i think the following is a crash report for this errror but im not 100% sure.

Fatal error!

VERSION: 332.13
ArkShop.dll!spdlog::logger::log<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > >() (0x00007ffe15492d2d) + 0 bytes [d:\programs\ark\ark-server-api\version\core\public\logger\spdlog\details\logger_impl.h:111]
ArkShop.dll!ArkShop::Store::Buy() (0x00007ffe15526c53) + 135 bytes [d:\programs\ark\plugins\arkshop\arkshop\private\store.cpp:327]
ArkShop.dll!ArkShop::Store::ChatBuy() (0x00007ffe15526f56) + 0 bytes [d:\programs\ark\plugins\arkshop\arkshop\private\store.cpp:364]
VERSION.dll!ArkApi::Commands::CheckCommands<ArkApi::Commands::Command<void __cdecl(AShooterPlayerController *,FString *,enum EChatSendMode::Type)>,AShooterPlayerController * &,FString * &,enum EChatSendMode::Type &>() (0x00007ffe19f76786) + 84 bytes [C:\Users\Adrian\Desktop\Programmierung\LIBRARIES\C++\ARK-Server-API-master\version\Core\Private\Commands.h:115]
VERSION.dll!ArkApi::Hook_AShooterPlayerController_ServerSendChatMessage_Impl() (0x00007ffe19f73a63) + 0 bytes [C:\Users\Adrian\Desktop\Programmierung\LIBRARIES\C++\ARK-Server-API-master\version\Core\Private\Ark\HooksImpl.cpp:107]
KalsCrossChat.dll!UnknownFunction (0x00007ffe14e0e236) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0]
PvPCooldowns.dll!UnknownFunction (0x00007ffe11ad2759) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0]
ShooterGameServer.exe!AShooterPlayerController::execServerSendChatMessage() (0x00007ff6fc0b7a30) + 192 bytes [f:\build\summerbash2021\projects\shootergame\source\shootergame\classes\shooterplayercontroller.h:323]
ShooterGameServer.exe!UFunction::Invoke() (0x00007ff6fc7ec25e) + 19 bytes [f:\build\summerbash2021\engine\source\runtime\coreuobject\private\uobject\class.cpp:3822]
ShooterGameServer.exe!UObject::processEvent() (0x00007ff6fc81661c) + 0 bytes [f:\build\summerbash2021\engine\source\runtime\coreuobject\private\uobject\scriptcore.cpp:931]
ShooterGameServer.exe!AActor::processEvent() (0x00007ff6fcc3ec80) + 0 bytes [f:\build\summerbash2021\engine\source\runtime\engine\private\actor.cpp:647]
ShooterGameServer.exe!FObjectReplicator::ReceivedBunch_WrappedNet() (0x00007ff6fcce2816) + 0 bytes [f:\build\summerbash2021\engine\source\runtime\engine\private\datareplication.cpp:1055]
ShooterGameServer.exe!UActorChannel::processBunch() (0x00007ff6fccaaadf) + 0 bytes [f:\build\summerbash2021\engine\source\runtime\engine\private\datachannel.cpp:1812]
ShooterGameServer.exe!UActorChannel::ReceivedBunch() (0x00007ff6fccab505) + 11 bytes [f:\build\summerbash2021\engine\source\runtime\engine\private\datachannel.cpp:1707]
ShooterGameServer.exe!UChannel::ReceivedSequencedBunch() (0x00007ff6fccaca1f) + 0 bytes [f:\build\summerbash2021\engine\source\runtime\engine\private\datachannel.cpp:248]
ShooterGameServer.exe!UChannel::ReceivedNextBunch() (0x00007ff6fccac826) + 11 bytes [f:\build\summerbash2021\engine\source\runtime\engine\private\datachannel.cpp:533]
ShooterGameServer.exe!UChannel::ReceivedRawBunch() (0x00007ff6fccac973) + 0 bytes [f:\build\summerbash2021\engine\source\runtime\engine\private\datachannel.cpp:330]
ShooterGameServer.exe!UNetConnection::ReceivedPacket() (0x00007ff6fcdb711a) + 0 bytes [f:\build\summerbash2021\engine\source\runtime\engine\private\netconnection.cpp:1246]
ShooterGameServer.exe!UNetConnection::ReceivedRawPacket() (0x00007ff6fcdb771a) + 12 bytes [f:\build\summerbash2021\engine\source\runtime\engine\private\netconnection.cpp:658]
ShooterGameServer.exe!UIpNetDriver::TickDispatch() (0x00007ff6fcc0dd86) + 0 bytes [f:\build\summerbash2021\engine\source\runtime\online\onlinesubsystemutils\private\ipnetdriver.cpp:184]
ShooterGameServer.exe!TBaseUObjectMethodDelegateInstance_OneParam<APlayerController,void,float>::ExecuteIfSafe() (0x00007ff6fcddd2ec) + 0 bytes [f:\build\summerbash2021\engine\source\runtime\core\public\delegates\delegateinstancesimpl.inl:555]
ShooterGameServer.exe!TBaseMulticastDelegate_OneParam<void,float>::Broadcast() (0x00007ff6fcd67599) + 14 bytes [f:\build\summerbash2021\engine\source\runtime\core\public\delegates\delegatesignatureimpl.inl:1871]
ShooterGameServer.exe!UWorld::Tick() (0x00007ff6fcd8e102) + 0 bytes [f:\build\summerbash2021\engine\source\runtime\engine\private\leveltick.cpp:1101]
ShooterGameServer.exe!UGameEngine::Tick() (0x00007ff6fcd296ff) + 0 bytes [f:\build\summerbash2021\engine\source\runtime\engine\private\gameengine.cpp:1183]
ShooterGameServer.exe!FEngineLoop::Tick() (0x00007ff6fabe81ac) + 0 bytes [f:\build\summerbash2021\engine\source\runtime\launch\private\launchengineloop.cpp:2441]
ShooterGameServer.exe!GuardedMain() (0x00007ff6fabe4c2d) + 0 bytes [f:\build\summerbash2021\engine\source\runtime\launch\private\launch.cpp:140]
ShooterGameServer.exe!GuardedMainWrapper() (0x00007ff6fabe4c8a) + 5 bytes [f:\build\summerbash2021\engine\source\runtime\launch\private\windows\launchwindows.cpp:125]
ShooterGameServer.exe!WinMain() (0x00007ff6fabe881c) + 17 bytes [f:\build\summerbash2021\engine\source\runtime\launch\private\windows\launchwindows.cpp:213]
ShooterGameServer.exe!__tmainCRTStartup() (0x00007ff6fdbf073d) + 21 bytes [f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\dllstuff\crtexe.c:618]
KERNEL32.DLL!UnknownFunction (0x00007ffe3e957bd4) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0]
ntdll.dll!UnknownFunction (0x00007ffe3ff4ce51) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0]
ntdll.dll!UnknownFunction (0x00007ffe3ff4ce51) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0]
The shop keeps the file open to log purchases, so running off 1 installation, PvP and PvE where you have more than 1 server per map, then it's the issue. Try splitting PvP and PvE into their own install dirs, at the very mininal.
would i still be able to cluster them?

Players can download items from the PVE maps to the PVP maps but not the other way around. so to achive this they need to be on the same cluster... and the cluster folder is in this first game install. ima look into it

but what your saying is what i thought was the issue...

simple fix would be apprend... at the end of the log file name _PVP or _PVE... (the game mode) the plugin dev would need to implement that... tho... or a setting to turn on that would enable this. or create a launchflag like -arkshoplogfilename=TheIslandPVE
ok i just found i can do this

so i should be able to cluster them

i need a new hard drive tho now....
instead of buying a 140$+ hard drive so i can install this game twice... i could donate a 20-40$ to have this plugin updated... lol i dont think what im asking is a hard fix... ? lol

just a launch flag so you can change the log name

thanks for your answer ither way ill get this fixed soon i suppose.
The shop keeps the file open to log purchases, so running off 1 installation, PvP and PvE where you have more than 1 server per map, then it's the issue. Try splitting PvP and PvE into their own install dirs, at the very mininal.

so yeah I changed my hard drive to a bigger one... copied the full install and split everything up... and indeed now its workin... really cant have muliple maps of the same map running off the same install.

Thanks for the help.
Un cordial salsudo.
Me preguntaba como puedo usar este comando
"DbPath Override" para agrupar 2 o más servidores, compartirán la cantidad de puntos / kits en todos mis servidores para un jugador.
[QUOTE = "Pelayori, publicación: 20718, miembro: 3052"]
Utiliza MySQL. SQLite no te servirá para lo que quieres.
[/ CITA]
Mmmm gracias pero no se como usarlo el MySQL. :llorar:
[QUOTE = "Pelayori, publicación: 20720, miembro: 3052"]
[MEDIA = youtube] VaVrtNyDWzg [/ MEDIA]
Vale gracias por esa info le he estado mirando, pero lo que yo quiera es saber como o donde puedo encontrar la ruta que me pide este comando "DbPath Override" ya que tengo tres servidores en ark manager y me gustaría que cuando un jugador se pasa de un mapa a otro pueda seguir obteniendo puntos y no comenzar de cero en cada mapa ya que los tengo los tres en cluste.
El sqlite solo es para un mapa, si lo intentas usar para unir varios malas acabarás teniendo infinidad de errores y bugs
vale gracias pero porque pone esto en el soporte de la configuración?

"DbPath Override": "", // Ruta a la base de datos, si 2 o más servidores apuntan a una base de datos, compartirán la cantidad de puntos / kits. // Si está vacío, se utiliza la ruta predeterminada.
[QUOTE = "Pelayori, publicación: 20725, miembro: 3052"]
Porque por poder puedes usarlo, pero no es nada recomendable porque un servidor puede bloquear la base de datos y los otros no pueden acceder por lo que crashean
vale gracias por tu tiempo.
Hallo zusammen, leider kann ich kein Englisch, aber vieleicht kann mir da jemand auch auf Deutsch Helfen. Ich habe zwei ARK Server im Cluster in ASM, und möchte, dass die Punkte vom Shop übertragen werden, so dass mann die selben Punkte hat, ist das möglich, oder nicht?

Google Translate:
Hello everyone, unfortunately I don't speak English, but maybe someone can help me in German. I have two servers ARK in the cluster in ASM and want the points to be transferred from the shop so that you have the same points, is that possible or not?
Danke für den Hinweis, aber MySQL ist nicht Kostenlos. Mit SQLite kenne ich mich leider gar nicht aus.
Danke für den Hinweis, aber MySQL ist nicht Kostenlos. Mit SQLite kenne ich mich leider gar nicht aus.
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