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Easily manage the turrets on your server!
Disables the automatic ammobox reload event and removes the timer from displaying on turrets.
Each command is configurable by Permissions and can be configured to cost Ark Shop points or Tokens via TokenBank!
FILL - fills the turrets in your range. To see the current range bubble use /filltest
/fill <filter>
Filter Examples:
/fill tek
/fill cannons
/fill myturrets
TURRETS - a series of commands to control the turrets in your range. To see the current range bubble use /turretstest
TURRETS ON/OFF - turns the turrets in your range on or off
/turrets on
/turrets off
/turrets <filter> on
/turrets <filter> off
Filter Examples:
/turrets tek on
/turrets myturrets off
TURRETS TARGET - changes the targeting of the turrets in your range
/turrets target all
/turrets target playerstamed
/turrets target players
/turrets target wild
/turrets target tamed
/turrets target playersmounted
/turrets <filter> target players
/turrets <filter> target wild
Filter Examples:
/turrets tek target players
/turrets myturrets target playerstamed
TURRETS RANGE - changes the range of the turrets in your range
/turrets range low
/turrets range med
/turrets range high
/turrets <filter> range low
Filter Examples: /turrets tek range low /turrets myturrets range high
TURRETS NAME - changes the name of the turrets in your range
/turrets name 'South Wall'
/turrets <filter> name 'Front Line'
Filter Examples:
/turrets heavy name 'myturrets'
/turrets myturrets name 'My Turretz'
TURRETS PULL - pulls the ammo from the turrets in your range
/turrets pull
/turrets <filter> pull
Filter Examples: /turrets heavy pull /turrets myturrets pull
/fill heavy
/turrets tek on
/turrets cannon name 'Ballz'
/fill ballz
/turrets ballz range high
/turrets ballz target playersmounted
/turrets turretz off
Reload RCON command: TurretManager.reload
IF YOU HAVE ANY ISSUES BUYING FROM HERE you can also purchase from my Official Webstore located at:
Easily manage the turrets on your server!
Disables the automatic ammobox reload event and removes the timer from displaying on turrets.
Each command is configurable by Permissions and can be configured to cost Ark Shop points or Tokens via TokenBank!
FILL - fills the turrets in your range. To see the current range bubble use /filltest
/fill <filter>
Filter Examples:
/fill tek
/fill cannons
/fill myturrets
TURRETS - a series of commands to control the turrets in your range. To see the current range bubble use /turretstest
TURRETS ON/OFF - turns the turrets in your range on or off
/turrets on
/turrets off
/turrets <filter> on
/turrets <filter> off
Filter Examples:
/turrets tek on
/turrets myturrets off
TURRETS TARGET - changes the targeting of the turrets in your range
/turrets target all
/turrets target playerstamed
/turrets target players
/turrets target wild
/turrets target tamed
/turrets target playersmounted
/turrets <filter> target players
/turrets <filter> target wild
Filter Examples:
/turrets tek target players
/turrets myturrets target playerstamed
TURRETS RANGE - changes the range of the turrets in your range
/turrets range low
/turrets range med
/turrets range high
/turrets <filter> range low
Filter Examples: /turrets tek range low /turrets myturrets range high
TURRETS NAME - changes the name of the turrets in your range
/turrets name 'South Wall'
/turrets <filter> name 'Front Line'
Filter Examples:
/turrets heavy name 'myturrets'
/turrets myturrets name 'My Turretz'
TURRETS PULL - pulls the ammo from the turrets in your range
/turrets pull
/turrets <filter> pull
Filter Examples: /turrets heavy pull /turrets myturrets pull
/fill heavy
/turrets tek on
/turrets cannon name 'Ballz'
/fill ballz
/turrets ballz range high
/turrets ballz target playersmounted
/turrets turretz off
Reload RCON command: TurretManager.reload
"AccountID": "",
"Enabled": true,
"RangeBubbleTrigger": "test", // this gets appended to the chat command, this is used to display the range bubble.. eg. /filltest
"DisableAutoReloadTurretsFromAmmoBoxes": true, // prevent the auto reloading from ammo boxes (the auto reloading can cause server lag, so this will prevent that)
"GroupPermission": {
"Priority": 99,
"FillTurretsEnabled": true,
"FillTurretsUseTokens": false,
"FillTurretsCommandCooldownInSeconds": 5,
"FillTurretsPrice": 0,
"FillTurretsRangeInFoundations": 80,
"FillTurretsBlacklist": [],
"TurretControlEnabled": true,
"TurretControlUseTokens": false,
"TurretControlCommandCooldownInSeconds": 5,
"TurretControlDefaultPrice": 0,
"TurretControlNamePrice": 0,
"TurretControlPullPrice": 0,
"TurretControlRangePrice": 0,
"TurretControlTargetPrice": 0,
"TurretControlRangeInFoundations": 80,
"TurretControlBlacklist": []
"Enabled": true,
"ChatCommand": "/fill",
"TokenName": "FillTurrets",
"MasterBlacklist": []
"Enabled": true,
"ChatCommand": "/turrets",
"TokenName": "TurretControl",
"MasterBlacklist": []
"GroupPermission": {
"Priority": 99,
"NoPermission": "You do not have permission to use this command",
"PlayerHelpCommand": "All your available commands for Turret Manager have been printed out for you in the tab console. Press your tab twice to see the results.",
"PlayerHelpCommandResults": "Command: {} for {} {}",
"SenderNameInChat": "SERVER",
"NotEnabled": "This feature is not enabled on the server",
"NotEnoughTokens": "You don't have enough tokens to use this command",
"NoPoints": "You do not have enough points ({} needed)",
"CommandPurchased": "Command purchased for {} points",
"CommandCooldown": "You cannot use this command so quickly, try again in a moment",
"NoTurretsFound": "No turrets were found in your area",
"NoAmmo": "No ammo or not enough ammo was found in your inventory to fill turrets",
"NoAmmoNeeded": "The turrets in your area are already full",
"FillSuccess": "Filled {} turrets each with {} {}",
"TurretControlUsage": "Turret Manager Usage:\n/fill\n/fill heavy\n/turrets on\n/turrets off\n/turrets heavy on\n/turrets heavy off\n-----------------\n/turrets range high\n/turrets range med\n/turrets range low\n/turrets heavy range high\n-----------------\n/turrets target all\n/turrets target playerstamed\n/turrets target players\n/turrets target wild\n/turrets target tamed\n/turrets target playersmounted\n/turrets heavy target players\n-----------------\n/turrets name 'FrontLine'\n/turrets heavy name 'FrontLine'\n/turrets frontline name 'Back Line'\n",
"Points": "Points",
"Tokens": "Tokens",
"Free": "Free",
"ControlCommands": {
"on": "on",
"off": "off",
"range": "range",
"low": "low",
"med": "med",
"high": "high",
"target": "target",
"all": "all",
"playerstamed": "playerstamed",
"players": "players",
"wild": "wild",
"tamed": "tamed",
"playersmounted": "playersmounted",
"name": "name",
"pull": "pull"