Structure Utilities PRO

Verified Structure Utilities PRO 1.11


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- Fixed water pipes (again) oops
- Fixed lingering issues with water pipes
- Fixed crashing issues when MySQL is not used
- Added StructurePlacementCooldownInSeconds to config, to put a cooldown on spamming structures, 0 is off
config file has changed
- Fixed error with electric wires giving away free electricity without a generator! 😆 (an unintentional change from last update)
- Added DisableStructuresAttachToExosuit setting, default is true.
config file has changed
- Removed AutoFillWaterTanks section, added NEW AutoFillWaterPipes section. This fixes all issues with beer barrels not irrigating etc...
- Removed chat command section for water tanks
config file has changed
Version 1.06
- Fixed lag issues. The database MySQL schema has changed! Please delete your existing database/schema and start over with a new schema
- Added FastTravel section, allowing you to disable Fast travel on the map
- Fixed all issues with structure limits, with crashes and incorrect counts
- Fixed Structure health glitch, it will now display the correct HP when placed after you log in and out of the map (I had to quickly damage it and repair it to make it work)
- Fixed inventory slots counts
- Fixed issue with custom counts
- Fixed multiple crashes.
config file has changed
- Fixed issue with inventory slot counts resetting after restart
- Added UseTabConsole to StructureLimiting, to have output go to tab console instead of chat window
- Added UseChatCommand, ChatCommand, MessageAutofilling to AutoFillWaterTanks section, enabling a chat command (/autofill) to fill water tanks instead of a global setting.
- Added AutoFillWaterTanksUseCommand section to player permissions configuration
- Added PlayerHelpCommand to Messages
- Fixed issue with permissions assignment
- added unlocking GasCollectors to plugin config
- added unlocking WaterWells to plugin config
- added price to /limits display
- added ShowLimits3 and ShowLimits4 to Messages
- Removed individual configs for GasCollectors, OilPumps and WaterWells and combined them into a new config called UnlockStructuctures
- Added TreeSapTaps to UnlockStructuctures
- Added new config for S+ specific structures called StructuresPlus and added TeleporterBlockAll and TeleporterBlockAllAllowAlliance
- Added Name, Price, UseTokens, TokenName to StructureHealthConfig
config file has changed
- Fixed issue where local sqlite database can clear itself if it saves before loading the plugin completely.
- Added BeaconNotifier section for simple beacon notification/spawn location messages
config file has changed
- Fixed issue found with database schema, which could be causing an error. It is recommended to create a new database. I apologize for the inconvenience.
- Updated Auth System to autodetect HWID changes and automatically unbind. Restart the plugin to rebind.
config file has changed
Version 1.01
- Fixed issue with inventory slot counts resetting after restart
- Added UseTabConsole to StructureLimiting, to have output go to tab console instead of chat window
- Added UseChatCommand, ChatCommand, MessageAutofilling to AutoFillWaterTanks section, enabling a chat command (/autofill) to fill water tanks instead of a global setting.
- Added AutoFillWaterTanksUseCommand section to player permissions configuration
- Added PlayerHelpCommand to Messages
config file has changed