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Unverified Kals CrossChat with Discord & Tribes 4.6

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Website User Information:

When a resource is labeled as "unverified," it means that the developer has not yet completed the necessary steps to become a verified resource. However, this tag should not be interpreted as a sign that the resource is dangerous or insecure. Rather, it serves as a reminder that the developer still needs to meet specific requirements to attain verified status. On the other hand, verified resources are those that come from developers who have already met these requirements. These resources can be considered trustworthy and reliable, as they are created by developers who actively engage with the community and consistently provide high-quality content. By using verified resources, users can ensure that they are accessing safe and secure content that has been thoroughly vetted.

Developer Information:

To obtain the verified tag, you must first meet the specific requirements mentioned in the link below. Once you have confirmed that you meet the requirements, the next step is to join our Discord Server. After joining the server, you must create an API support ticket and apply for the verified tag.

How to apply: Click Me To Learn More

1 more fix for discord buttons
This now includes a fix for the discord bot msgs stopping
Lots of misc fixes that I have been to lazy to release

+ Fixed PlayerId
+ Fix debug spamming console with Debug off
+ Fix for Ally, Local, Pms going to tribe chat
+ Fix Local&Ally chat not working in spectator
+ Fix for DiscordAPIError: Unknown Member in permission sync
+ Added option to disable cross chat but still use icons, colors, tags, etc (DisableCrossServerChat)
+ Added reason to mutes and response msg (BE SURE TO UPDATE MUTED_MSGS)
+ Added join/leave to discord (NEW CONFIG SECTION IN DISCORDCONFIG)
+ Added button option to give role to player
+ Added optional dropdown to PermMsg Buttons
+ Added ALLMAPS and Comma Seperated values as options for RconServerKeys
+ Added optional RconCommands for doing multiple commands with 1 button
+ Added wait X as an rcon command for compound commands, i.e. broadcast, wait, save
+ Added option RconIp to config.json
+ Added optional ShowResponseToEveryone for buttons
+ Added threading to Sql to improve server FPS
+ Bot Permanenant Messages option (With buttons, embeds, Permissions, etc)
+ Roles to Permission sync fixed from Discord to ARK
+ Fix chat formatting in Discord when a player's name cannot be retrieved (Chatting while dead, ascending, char select)
+ Fox player name not retrieved when joining or transferring servers
+ Fix playerlist only displaying player count and not player information
+ Fix for capitals not working in Bad Words list
+ Fix for /linkTribe not showing code
+ Bot performance improvements
+ /joinleave now works correctly
+ New License system!!
+ Added IncludeTribeInNickname to Bot SteamLink ForceUpdateDiscordNickname

Price is changing to do ever increasing functionality and effort put into this plugin/bot
New Price is $40 per HWID
Existing licenses will be fine but will need to be transferred to the new system!!

To upgrade please join my discord (link)
The purchase links in the Buy-Plugin-Info channel should automatically activate, if not please make a ticket.
Fixed too many things too list
but heres some

+ Fixed issue with loading serverkeys
+ Fixed an issue with the /online command not displaying correctly
+ Fixed auto delete for old messages
+ Fixed issue blocking the "player left server" msgs from showing
+ Fixed issue with newline "/n" breaking msg coloring
+ Fixed a tiny issue with emojis
+ Fixed issue with /ignore list not showing the right options
+ Added /joinLeave toggle command to let players hide cross map join/leave notifications
Other fixes from the beta

Added "ToggleCommand": "/joinleave", in the CrossMapNotifications section
Added JoinLeaveHidden and JoinLeaveUnhidden in the Messages section
Version 3.6

+ Performance Improvements (Added caching for Permissions to avoid spamming the sql database)
+ Added localization and unicode support for CrossMapNotifications
+ Added Display time, Scale, and Color options for join/leave notifications


"CrossMapNotifications": {
    "Enabled": true,
    "Display_Scale": 1.0,
    "Display_Time": 5.0,
    "JoinDifferent_ColorRGB": [255, 255, 255],
    "LeaveDifferent_ColorRGB": [255, 255, 255],
    "JoinSame_ColorRGB": [100, 180, 100],
    "LeaveSame_ColorRGB": [163, 50, 50],
    "JoinedWord": "Joined",
    "LeftWord": "Left"
Fix for latest version causing new ServerKeys to not be added to the database
Fix for join/leave messages being reversed
Version 3.5
- Added Cluster Join/Leave notifications
- Fixed a performance issue causing many extra Sql calls
- Temporarily disabled StatusChannels in discord bot
- Fixed /kickMe for real this time!!!

New option in config.json
"UseCrossMapNotifications": true,