Gacha Crystal Manager

Verified Gacha Crystal Manager 1.0


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This plugin will add Gacha Crystal Collectors and Crystal Crackers to your servers. Both are saved and reloaded with the map.


Just look at the configured collector structure (the default config is the vault and storage box) and then type /collectcrystals and the structure will start collecting. To also turn the collector into a crystal cracker type /crackcrystals right after.



        "AccountID": "",  // account id
        "Enabled": true,  // enable plugin  
        "DiscordWebHook": "", // discord webhook for logging
        "DatabaseSaveIntervalMinutes": 15,    // database save interval in minutes
        "CrystalCheckIntervalSeconds": 80,   // how often to check for crystals in seconds

        "GroupPermission": {
                "Priority": 1,   // admins should always be priority 1

                "CollectCrystalsEnabled": true,
                "CollectCrystalsUseTokens": false, // pay with tokens?
                "CollectCrystalsLimit": 4, // how many collectors per map?
                "CollectCrystalsPrice": 0, // how much?      

                "CrackCrystalsEnabled": true,  // enable turning collectors into collection crackers
                "CrackCrystalsUseTokens": false, // pay with tokens?
                "CrackCrystalsPrice": 0 // how much?  
                "Priority": 99,   // Default group should always be last

                "CollectCrystalsEnabled": true,
                "CollectCrystalsUseTokens": false,
                "CollectCrystalsLimit": 4,
                "CollectCrystalsPrice": 0,

                "CrackCrystalsEnabled": true,
                "CrackCrystalsUseTokens": false,
                "CrackCrystalsPrice": 0

            "Enabled": true,      
            "ChatCommand": "/collectcrystals",
            "TokenName": "CollectCrystals",
            "CommandCooldownInSeconds": 5,  // how often can the player spam this command?
            "FoundationDistanceLimit": 5,  // how close the player has to be to use the command
            "FoundationRange": 40,  // the range to look for gachas crystals
            // the structures used as collectors
            "Structures": [

            "Enabled": true,
            "ChatCommand": "/crackcrystals",
            "TokenName": "CrackCrystals",
            "CommandCooldownInSeconds": 10,
            "FoundationDistanceLimit": 5      

            "GroupPermission": {
                    "Priority": 99,              

                    "CollectFail": "This structure is already being used as a collector",
                    "CollectCrystals": "This structure will now collect Gacha Crystals",
                    "CollectCrystalsOff": "This structure is no longer collecting Gacha Crystals",
                    "CollectCrystalsMax": "You have reached the max limit for Crystal Collectors on this map",
                    "CrackCrystals": "This structure will now crack open Gacha Crystals",
                    "CrackFail": "You must use this command on a Gacha Crystal Collector",
                    "Crystals": "Gacha Crystals",
                    "Cracking": "Cracking",
                    "Collecting": "Collecting",
                    "NoPermission": "You do not have permission to use this command",
                    "SenderNameInChat": "SERVER",
                    "NotEnabled": "This feature is not enabled on the server",
                    "NotEnoughTokens": "You don't have enough tokens to use this command",
                    "NoPoints": "You do not have enough points ({} needed)",
                    "CommandPurchased": "Command purchased for {} points",
                    "CommandCooldown": "You cannot use this command so quickly, try again in a moment",              
                    "Points": "Points",
                    "Tokens": "Tokens",
                    "Free": "Free"
Digital product
License duration
5.00 USD
First release
Last update


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