TebexArk - Server Donation Plugin


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tebex updated TebexArk - Server Donation Plugin with a new update entry:

TebexArk 0.2.0

We're pleased to announce the release of our first update for out TebexArk API. We've been delighted to work closely with the ArkServerAPI community to ensure the plugin works in the best way for the community.

In this update we've added a new placeholder - {ue4id}

This allows you to use the UE4 ID in commands - as required by some commands such as giveitemtoplayer

Read the rest of this update entry...
@Noo - we've just released a new version of the plugin that should resolve your issue.

As per my previous message, the giveitemtoplayer command requires a UE4ID rather than the Steam64 ID - the new version of the plugin adds support for a {ue4id} variable that does just this.

Please be aware we can only get the UE4ID for a player who is online, so commands using {ue4id} need to be set up to only run when the player is online, but we've tested it and had the following command working perfectly with the new plugin:

giveitemtoplayer {ue4id} "blueprint'/game/primalearth/coreblueprints/items/armor/leather/primalitemarmor_hidegloves.primalitemarmor_hidegloves'" 1 1 0

The new plugin will be available on the forum shortly (just awaiting approval), and is available to download from your Tebex Control Panel now.
@Noo - we've just released a new version of the plugin that should resolve your issue.

As per my previous message, the giveitemtoplayer command requires a UE4ID rather than the Steam64 ID - the new version of the plugin adds support for a {ue4id} variable that does just this.

Please be aware we can only get the UE4ID for a player who is online, so commands using {ue4id} need to be set up to only run when the player is online, but we've tested it and had the following command working perfectly with the new plugin:

giveitemtoplayer {ue4id} "blueprint'/game/primalearth/coreblueprints/items/armor/leather/primalitemarmor_hidegloves.primalitemarmor_hidegloves'" 1 1 0

The new plugin will be available on the forum shortly (just awaiting approval), and is available to download from your Tebex Control Panel now.

Now that work perfectly, you're the best ! Thanks ! :D:D:D
Items still not sent but white lines are gone, it can be a miss settings on my tebex webstore too, because seems to Maticha's players can receiven their items

What's command did you put on your tebex webstore, like below, because this one and same only with giveitem doesn't work :/
View attachment 664
Hello, tebex is not using Rcon to send the command so this will not work because, Tebex only work with the steam Id
But Tebex did it fast the plugin is now supporting it
-New release of our Ark plugin to support UE4 IDs
Hello, are you planning to a graphic interface ingame for the shop, that can be awesome, people can donate and use the shop without switching betwin the game and the browser

Yes, we have a number of plans including inventory checks (so you can require a player has a certain amount of inventory space free before running the command) and an in-game GUI.

We don't have timeframes on these as of yet - one of the ways that you can help us get these things added sooner is by getting other servers owners to start using Tebex - the more users we have of the plugin, the more time we can put into it to make it even better :D
Your plugin is causing every single server who uses it to crash for roughly 5 mins. I sent numerous emails about this issue with included logs. I checked all known ark servers I know, not just mine, and they all went down the same exact time. This is a big issue. Hope you guys can fix this...
Your plugin is causing every single server who uses it to crash for roughly 5 mins. I sent numerous emails about this issue with included logs. I checked all known ark servers I know, not just mine, and they all went down the same exact time. This is a big issue. Hope you guys can fix this...

We have just had an outage caused by a DDOS attack on our network however that shouldn't cause the servers to crash - however I will be working on this and doing extra testing etc over the next few days.
We have just had an outage caused by a DDOS attack on our network however that shouldn't cause the servers to crash - however I will be working on this and doing extra testing etc over the next few days.

Awesome, yea, just confirmed with other server owners who use this and their servers went down exactly same time. Some even using first plugin version so it rules that out. Thanks for looking into it. This is a wonderful system.
We have just had an outage caused by a DDOS attack on our network however that shouldn't cause the servers to crash - however I will be working on this and doing extra testing etc over the next few days.
i confirm what Ronnie is saying he talked to me this morning our server goes off at the same time and the crash log was cleary talking about tebex, for my part i got 2 type of bug the first one the server completely crash the second one the server console stay online but all players got disconnected and the server disapear from server list for like 5 - 10 min
Thanks for confirming. If you (and anyone else experiencing similar issues) can email me your logs to [email protected] (Mark them for Liam's attention), that would be a great help!
I Manage to get the crash as well on my test server. Attaching dump and crash stack.
Thanks @Foppa - I don't have a windows machine at home to read the dump, but this will be my first priority Monday :)
Am I able to use dinos with tebex? We attempted it but it didn't work. Althought items worked. Can you give us the command to use with an example?
Awesome, yea, just confirmed with other server owners who use this and their servers went down exactly same time. Some even using first plugin version so it rules that out. Thanks for looking into it. This is a wonderful system.

Ark Api and Voterewards just updated. If this is not updated on your server you will have disconnections every time the server starts or hits a world save. You probably already have the automatic updateplugin checker but this is just an FYI
Ark Api and Voterewards just updated. If this is not updated on your server you will have disconnections every time the server starts or hits a world save. You probably already have the automatic updateplugin checker but this is just an FYI
Thanks, but this is unrelated to that.
Thanks to everyone who provided feedback over the weekend - we've just released an updated version of the plugin addressing the cause of the crashes.

The plugin is available to download now in your control panel, and will be available from the forum soon :).
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