Tip4Serv Donation Webstore

Tip4Serv Donation Webstore 1.3.1

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Here are the latest updates:
  • Secured Deliveries: Players no longer receive their items on the spawn screen to prevent item loss.
  • New API Format: The plugin has been updated to support the new API key format generated in MY SERVERS, preventing conflicts between multiple ARK servers.
We are pleased to announce a new update to our plugin for Tip4Serv, designed to improve the speed and reliability of in-game command management.

Now, when commands are executed on your server, their status is instantly updated on Tip4Serv. This real-time synchronization eliminates the previous 1-minute delay for status updates.

Update Benefits:
  • Instant Status Updates: The status of commands executed on your server is immediately reflected in Tip4Serv under payment details, avoiding any confirmation delays. This is especially useful during payment testing, as it saves you from long wait times.
  • Optimized Multi-Server Deliveries: If you’re using the same API key for multiple maps/servers, this update ensures that each server synchronizes its commands correctly and instantly, providing consistent transaction tracking.
Recommended Update: Use this new version of the plugin with the same API key across all your servers. This will prevent conflicts and allow you to manage everything from a single server in your Tip4Serv panel, making management much simpler, especially for large communities with multiple servers.

Small fix​

In rare cases the response.json file was corrupted and this caused an error when starting the server, we have fixed it.

Note for the plugin update: You do not need to replace your 'config.json' file. You can keep the same key and only replace the .dll file on your server.

Direct RCON Connection​

You can now connect your ARK servers directly via RCON without needing a plugin.
  1. Add your server to MY SERVERS or disconnect it if you already had one.
  2. Click on the Connect button.
  3. Select Connect with RCON and follow the steps.

Happy selling and thank you for your trust!

Best regards,
Your Tip4Serv team


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Commands are now also executed if the player is offline, useful for subscription expirations.
To update your plugin simply replace the Tip4serv_Ark.dll file on your server.


New features for PRO members:
  • Dynamic Dark/Light Theme. Cart System with avatars from Steam, Discord, and Minecraft.
  • Immerse your customers with a video/image gallery.
  • Customize theme colors and incorporate custom CSS.
  • Add thumbnails for each category.
  • Top Customers, Featured Products, Related Products, Top Products widgets.
Sample store:



If you are currently using the Tip4serv plugin on your ARK server, an important update has been made and we strongly advise you to update the plugin on your server.​

Change log:
  • After receiving their order, players could temporarily become administrators
  • This problem has been permanently corrected

Update procedure: