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Discord Game Linker
A Simple plugin designed for Bot developers to allow linked functions between discord and Ark.
Allows you to store discord id's to steam id's or link steamid's to a bot generated link code.
The command is configurable by Permissions and can be configured to cost Ark Shop points or Tokens via TokenBank!
Depending on what mode you are using:
UseLinkCode = true
Will search the database for the <LinkCode> argument and then add the steam id to that existing row.
UseLinkCode = false
Will save the players <DiscordID> they entered and their steam/epic id into a new database row.
Supports MySql/MariaDB and Sqlite.
Reload command: DiscordGameLinker.reload
If you enjoy my plugins, please leave a rating!
Discord Game Linker
A Simple plugin designed for Bot developers to allow linked functions between discord and Ark.
Allows you to store discord id's to steam id's or link steamid's to a bot generated link code.
The command is configurable by Permissions and can be configured to cost Ark Shop points or Tokens via TokenBank!
/linkgame <DiscordID>
or if UseLinkCode = true
/linkgame <LinkCode>
RCon: <steam_id> <discord_id>
Depending on what mode you are using:
UseLinkCode = true
Will search the database for the <LinkCode> argument and then add the steam id to that existing row.
UseLinkCode = false
Will save the players <DiscordID> they entered and their steam/epic id into a new database row.
Supports MySql/MariaDB and Sqlite.
Reload command: DiscordGameLinker.reload
"Enabled": true, // enables the plugin
"DiscordWebHook": "", // add a webhook url for logging when players use the command and what id they supply
"GroupPermission": {
"Default":{ // player group permissions are defined here. A Default config is required. Set your priority order, this is for players that qualify for more than one config. The lowest priority is selected. This is why Default should always be the highest priority
"Priority": 99,
"LinkGameEnabled": true, // enables the command for this group
"LinkGameUseLinkCode": false, // if true then the plugin looks for a link code already in the database to match first, then adds steam id to that row.
"LinkGameUseTokens": false, // use tokens for currency (via TokenBank), otherwise ArkShop points are assumed
"LinkGameTokenName": "LinkGameToken", // name of token to use
"LinkGamePrice": 0 // amount to charge, if 0 then command is free
"LinkGame":{ // stores the players steam id and discord id they entered, into a database
"Enabled": true, // enable this feature for the plugin
"ChatCommand": "/linkgame", // chat command to use
"CommandCooldownInSeconds": 5 // how often the user can spam the command
"GroupPermission": {
"Priority": 99,
"NoPermission": "You do not have permission to use this command",
"SenderNameInChat": "SERVER",
"NotEnabled": "This feature is not enabled on the server",
"NotEnoughTokens": "You don't have enough tokens to use this command",
"NoPoints": "You do not have enough points ({} needed)",
"CommandPurchased": "Command purchased for {} points",
"CommandCooldown": "You cannot use this command so quickly, try again in a moment ({} second(s) left)", "LinkGame": "You succesfully linked your discord id",
"MissingId": "You must supply your discord id",
"InvalidLinkCode": "The link code you entered: {} is not valid",
"InvalidId": "The discord id you entered: {} is not valid",
"LinkClaimed": "This link code: {} has already been claimed",
"Points": "Points",
"Tokens": "Tokens",
"Free": "Free"
"Mysql": {
"UseMysql": false,
"MysqlHost": "localhost",
"MysqlUser": "",
"MysqlPass": "",
"MysqlDB": "discordgamelink"