PLEASE NOTE: After you purchase a license, please visit my Discord Channel for file access
IF YOU HAVE ANY ISSUES BUYING FROM HERE you can also purchase from my Official Webstore located at:
Color everything in ARK quickly! Dinos, Structures, Items, Armor, Weapons! Even color Dinos in Cryopods!
/colordino - Randomly colors the dino you are looking at
/colordinos - Randomly colors the dinos in your area
/copycolordinos - Copies the color scheme of the dino you are looking at and colors the dinos in your area with it
/coloritems - Randomly colors the items in the structure you are looking at. Even colors dinos in cryopods!
/colorplayer - Randomly colors the kit you are wearing and the weapon you have equipped
/copycolorplayer - copies the color scheme of the kit you are wearing to the tribe members in your area
/colorstructure - Randomly colors the structure you are looking at and all structures linked to it
/colorstructures - Randomly colors the structures in your area
/copycolorstructures - colors the color scheme of the structure you are looking at all the structures in your area
/setitemcolor - Sets the color scheme for all future items from the tribe to the color scheme the player is currently wearing
/setitemcoloroff - turns it off
/setdinocolor - Sets the color scheme for all future dinos from the tribe to the color scheme of the dino you are looking at
/setdinocoloroff - turns it off
/setstructurecolor - Sets the color scheme for all future structures from the tribe to the color scheme of the structure you are looking at
/setstructurecoloroff - turns it off
/copystructurecolor - Copies the color scheme from the structure you are looking at and queue's it to be used on the next structure color command you use
/copydinocolor - Copies the color scheme from the dino you are looking at and queue's it to be used on the next dino color command you use
Here are a couple demo videos I put together prior to release
IF YOU HAVE ANY ISSUES BUYING FROM HERE you can also purchase from my Official Webstore located at:
Color everything in ARK quickly! Dinos, Structures, Items, Armor, Weapons! Even color Dinos in Cryopods!
- Colors are randomly rolled.
- No more cumbersome coloring, just roll until you're happy!
- Color many structures, items or dinos at once.
- Color entire blocks of connected structures or all structures in a range bubble
- Set Default Tribe Colors so all new items/structures are automatically colored!
- Copy a color pattern into "memory" for the next command.
- Setup command usage for Tribe Admin or Tribe Owners only.
- Add a filter to your command so you only color that specific structure or dino. eg. /colordinos 'Boss1' /colorstructures 'Tek Wall'
/colordino - Randomly colors the dino you are looking at
/colordinos - Randomly colors the dinos in your area
/copycolordinos - Copies the color scheme of the dino you are looking at and colors the dinos in your area with it
/coloritems - Randomly colors the items in the structure you are looking at. Even colors dinos in cryopods!
/colorplayer - Randomly colors the kit you are wearing and the weapon you have equipped
/copycolorplayer - copies the color scheme of the kit you are wearing to the tribe members in your area
/colorstructure - Randomly colors the structure you are looking at and all structures linked to it
/colorstructures - Randomly colors the structures in your area
/copycolorstructures - colors the color scheme of the structure you are looking at all the structures in your area
/setitemcolor - Sets the color scheme for all future items from the tribe to the color scheme the player is currently wearing
/setitemcoloroff - turns it off
/setdinocolor - Sets the color scheme for all future dinos from the tribe to the color scheme of the dino you are looking at
/setdinocoloroff - turns it off
/setstructurecolor - Sets the color scheme for all future structures from the tribe to the color scheme of the structure you are looking at
/setstructurecoloroff - turns it off
/copystructurecolor - Copies the color scheme from the structure you are looking at and queue's it to be used on the next structure color command you use
/copydinocolor - Copies the color scheme from the dino you are looking at and queue's it to be used on the next dino color command you use
Here are a couple demo videos I put together prior to release
"AccountID": "",
"PlayerHelpCommand": "/colorhelp", // displays all the available commands to the player and the prices
"PlayerHelpCommandCooldownInSeconds": 60,
"ShowPlayerHelpInChat": false, // displays the commands in the chat window also
"DiscordWebHook": "",
"DatabaseSaveIntervalMinutes": 15, // the interval in which the database save occurs
"GroupPermission": {
"Priority": 99,
"DinoColorRandomEnabled": true, // enable or disable this command for this group permission only
"DinoColorRandomUseTokens": false, // uses tokens instead of points
"DinoColorRandomRequireAdmin": true, // requires player to be a tribe admin in order to use command
"DinoColorRandomRequireOwner": false, // requires player to be the tribe owner in order to use command
"DinoColorRandomPrice": 0,
"DinoColorRandomBlacklist": [], // dinos not to color for this group permission only
"DinoColorRandomRangeEnabled": true,
"DinoColorRandomRangeUseTokens": false,
"DinoColorRandomRangeRequireAdmin": true,
"DinoColorRandomRangeRequireOwner": false,
"DinoColorRandomRangePrice": 0,
"DinoColorRandomRangeFoundations": 10, // the size of the range bubbe
"DinoColorRandomRangeBlacklist": [],
"DinoCopyColorRandomRangeEnabled": true,
"DinoCopyColorRandomRangeUseTokens": false,
"DinoCopyColorRandomRangeRequireAdmin": true,
"DinoCopyColorRandomRangeRequireOwner": false,
"DinoCopyColorRandomRangePrice": 0,
"DinoCopyColorRandomRangeFoundations": 10,
"DinoCopyColorRandomRangeBlacklist": [],
"ItemColorRandomEnabled": true,
"ItemColorRandomUseTokens": false,
"ItemColorRandomRequireAdmin": true,
"ItemColorRandomRequireOwner": false,
"ItemColorRandomPrice": 0,
"ItemColorRandomBlacklist": [],
"PlayerColorRandomEnabled": true,
"PlayerColorRandomUseTokens": false,
"PlayerColorRandomRequireAdmin": false,
"PlayerColorRandomRequireOwner": false,
"PlayerColorRandomPrice": 0,
"PlayerCopyColorRandomEnabled": true,
"PlayerCopyColorRandomUseTokens": false,
"PlayerCopyColorRandomRequireAdmin": true,
"PlayerCopyColorRandomRequireOwner": false,
"PlayerCopyColorRandomPrice": 0,
"PlayerCopyColorRandomRangeFoundations": 10,
"StructureColorRandomEnabled": true,
"StructureColorRandomUseTokens": false,
"StructureColorRandomRequireAdmin": true,
"StructureColorRandomRequireOwner": false,
"StructureColorRandomPrice": 0,
"StructureColorRandomBlacklist": [],
"StructureColorRandomRangeEnabled": true,
"StructureColorRandomRangeUseTokens": false,
"StructureColorRandomRangeRequireAdmin": true,
"StructureColorRandomRangeRequireOwner": false,
"StructureColorRandomRangePrice": 0,
"StructureColorRandomRangeFoundations": 10,
"StructureColorRandomRangeBlacklist": [],
"StructureCopyColorRandomRangeEnabled": true,
"StructureCopyColorRandomRangeUseTokens": false,
"StructureCopyColorRandomRangeRequireAdmin": true,
"StructureCopyColorRandomRangeRequireOwner": false,
"StructureCopyColorRandomRangePrice": 0,
"StructureCopyColorRandomRangeFoundations": 10,
"StructureCopyColorRandomRangeBlacklist": [],
"SetItemColorEnabled": true,
"SetItemColorUseTokens": false,
"SetItemColorRequireAdmin": true,
"SetItemColorRequireOwner": false,
"SetItemColorPrice": 0,
"SetDinoColorEnabled": true,
"SetDinoColorUseTokens": false,
"SetDinoColorRequireAdmin": true,
"SetDinoColorRequireOwner": false,
"SetDinoColorPrice": 0,
"SetStructureColorEnabled": true,
"SetStructureColorUseTokens": false,
"SetStructureColorRequireAdmin": true,
"SetStructureColorRequireOwner": false,
"SetStructureColorPrice": 0,
"CopyDinoColorEnabled": true,
"CopyDinoColorUseTokens": false,
"CopyDinoColorRequireAdmin": true,
"CopyDinoColorRequireOwner": false,
"CopyDinoColorPrice": 0,
"CopyStructureColorEnabled": true,
"CopyStructureColorUseTokens": false,
"CopyStructureColorRequireAdmin": true,
"CopyStructureColorRequireOwner": false,
"CopyStructureColorPrice": 0
"Enabled": true, // disables this command for all players on the map
"ChatCommand": "/colordino", // chat command to use
"Description": " - Randomly colors the dino you are looking at", // the description that shows up in /colorhelp
"TokenName": "DinoColorRandom", // the Token name to use for this command
"CommandCooldownInSeconds": 5, // how fast the player can execute this command
"FoundationDistanceLimit": 5, // how close the player has to be to the dino to use the command
"MasterBlacklist": [] // dinos not to color for all players on the map
"Enabled": true,
"ChatCommand": "/colordinos",
"Description": " - Randomly colors the dinos in your area",
"TokenName": "DinoColorRandomRange",
"MaxLimit": 0, // 0 - colors all the dinos in the bubble, or you can set a limit if you want.
"CommandCooldownInSeconds": 5,
"MasterBlacklist": []
"Enabled": true,
"ChatCommand": "/copycolordinos",
"Description": " - Copies the color scheme of the dino you are looking at and colors the dinos in your area with it",
"TokenName": "DinoCopyColorRandomRange",
"MaxLimit": 0,
"CommandCooldownInSeconds": 5,
"MasterBlacklist": []
"Enabled": true,
"ChatCommand": "/coloritems",
"Description": " - Randomly colors the items in the structure you are looking at",
"TokenName": "ItemColorRandom",
"CommandCooldownInSeconds": 5,
"FoundationDistanceLimit": 5,
"MasterBlacklist": []
"Enabled": true,
"ChatCommand": "/colorplayer",
"Description": " - Randomly colors the kit you are wearing and the weapon you have equipped",
"TokenName": "PlayerColorRandom",
"CommandCooldownInSeconds": 5,
"FoundationDistanceLimit": 5
"Enabled": true,
"ChatCommand": "/copycolorplayer",
"Description": " - copies the color scheme of the kit you are wearing to the tribe members in your area",
"TokenName": "PlayerCopyColorRandom",
"CommandCooldownInSeconds": 5,
"FoundationDistanceLimit": 5
"Enabled": true,
"ChatCommand": "/colorstructure",
"Description": " - Randomly colors the structure you are looking at and all structures linked to it",
"TokenName": "StructureColorRandom",
"CommandCooldownInSeconds": 5,
"FoundationDistanceLimit": 5,
"MasterBlacklist": []
"Enabled": true,
"ChatCommand": "/colorstructures",
"Description": " - Randomly colors the structures in your area",
"TokenName": "StructureColorRandomRange",
"MaxLimit": 0,
"CommandCooldownInSeconds": 5,
"MasterBlacklist": []
"Enabled": true,
"ChatCommand": "/copycolorstructures",
"Description": " - colors the color scheme of the structure you are looking at all the structures in your area",
"TokenName": "StructureCopyColorRandomRange",
"MaxLimit": 0,
"CommandCooldownInSeconds": 5,
"MasterBlacklist": []
"Enabled": true,
"ChatCommand": "/setitemcolor",
"ChatCommandOff": "/setitemcoloroff",
"Description": " - Sets the color scheme for all future items from the tribe to the color scheme the player is currently wearing. Use /setitemcoloroff to turn this off",
"TokenName": "SetItemColor",
"CommandCooldownInSeconds": 5
"Enabled": true,
"ChatCommand": "/setdinocolor",
"ChatCommandOff": "/setdinocoloroff",
"Description": " - Sets the color scheme for all future dinos from the tribe to the color scheme of the dino you are looking at. Use /setdinocoloroff to turn this off",
"TokenName": "SetDinoColor",
"CommandCooldownInSeconds": 5,
"FoundationDistanceLimit": 5
"Enabled": true,
"ChatCommand": "/setstructurecolor",
"ChatCommandOff": "/setstructurecoloroff",
"Description": " - Sets the color scheme for all future structures from the tribe to the color scheme of the structure you are looking at. Use /setstructurecoloroff to turn this off",
"TokenName": "SetStructureColor",
"CommandCooldownInSeconds": 5,
"FoundationDistanceLimit": 5
"Enabled": true,
"ChatCommand": "/copystructurecolor",
"Description": " - Copies the color scheme from the structure you are looking at and queue's it to be used on the next structure color command you use",
"TokenName": "CopyStructureColor",
"CommandCooldownInSeconds": 5,
"FoundationDistanceLimit": 5
"Enabled": true,
"ChatCommand": "/copydinocolor",
"Description": " - Copies the color scheme from the dino you are looking at and queue's it to be used on the next dino color command you use",
"TokenName": "CopyDinoColor",
"CommandCooldownInSeconds": 5,
"FoundationDistanceLimit": 5
"GroupPermission": {
"Priority": 99,
"NoPermission": "You do not have permission to use this command",
"PlayerHelpCommand": "All your available commands for Color Things have been printed out for you in the tab console. Press your tab twice to see the results.",
"PlayerHelpCommandResults": "Command: {} for {} {}",
"SenderNameInChat": "SERVER",
"NotEnabled": "This feature is not enabled on the server",
"NotEnoughTokens": "You don't have enough tokens to use this command",
"NoPoints": "You do not have enough points ({} needed)",
"CommandPurchased": "Command purchased for {} points",
"CommandCooldown": "You cannot use this command so quickly, try again in a moment",
"CommandPurchased2": "Command purchased for {} tokens",
"ColorRandom":"Random coloring complete",
"ColorTribe": "Tribe color set",
"ColorTribeOff": "Tribe color cleared",
"CopyColor": "Color has been copied",
"BlacklistedDino": "You cannot use that command on this dino",
"TargetInvalid": "You must be looking at your dino",
"GetCloser": "You are too far away to use this command",
"NoTarget": "You must be looking at your structure",
"NoStructures": "No structures found",
"NoDinos": "No dinos found",
"Random": "random",
"Solid": "solid",
"Points": "Points",
"Tokens": "Tokens",
"Free": "Free"