Ark Ascended Server Manager

Unverified Ark Ascended Server Manager

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RECENT UPDATE: v0.2.3.4​


Elevate your server management with the Ark Ascended Server Manager. Say goodbye to the hassle of manual setups and updates!

Here are SOME more (BUT NOT ALL) features and updates!
Enhancements and Improvements:
Compatibility and Customization:

  • Full support for "Scorched Earth" and other DLC maps.
  • Custom map integration allows administrators to choose or upload unique maps.
Automated Systems:

  • Automatic backup systems with server-specific schedules ensure data integrity.
  • Optimized application code for enhanced performance.
  • Automatic startup with Windows for seamless access.
  • Auto-restart mechanism upon application crash.
File Handling and Configuration:

  • Reliable configuration saving to Config.ini.
  • Improved server messaging integration.
  • Multiple entries of OverridePlayerLevelEngramPoints in INI files.
  • Dynamic backup directory logic for .ark files.
  • Add ConfigOverrideItemMaxQuantity to game.ini without risking deletion of duplicates.
  • Checkbox for enabling Old Console under Server Settings -> Other Settings.
  • Accurate creation and utilization of backup directories.
  • Fixed custom map name saving issues.
  • Enhanced visibility of remaining license days in the toolbar.
  • Installation prompt to prevent application crashes.
  • Seamless integration into Windows Startup.
  • Configurable shutdown messages before restarts or updates.
  • Direct access to Task Manager and server folders.
  • Cleanup and memory freeing features.
Server Management:

  • Graceful shutdown processes for multi-server environments using PIDs.
  • Enhanced multi-server control with a unified control panel and server-specific RCON schedulers.
  • Rectified multi-server issues and improved performance.
  • Enhanced server start compatibility with spaces in directory names.
Security and Access Controls:

  • Exclusive server joining and admin whitelisting.
  • Admin-only and no player join checks.
  • Enhanced security features for password fields.
RCON and API Integration:

  • Expanded RCON command capabilities.
  • Independent RCON connections and commands for each server.
  • Full integration of ASA API for simplified installation.
  • Cluster settings for managing server attachments.
  • Enhanced RCON stability and reconnection handling.
  • Dedicated RCON scheduler for tailored command execution.
  • Optimized RCON Manager and Server Manager socket usage.
User Interface and Usability:

  • Dark mode settings retained across sessions.
  • Enhanced visibility and usability in dark mode.
  • Prompt to install the server before accessing settings.
  • Display remaining license days in the toolbar.
  • Open Task Manager and server folder directly from the application.
  • Enhanced server tab switching for smoother navigation.
Maintenance and Monitoring:

  • Real-time CPU, memory, disk usage, and online players monitoring.
  • Server uptime, RCON connection status, and license status in the maintenance tab.
  • Optimized maintenance scheduling and server message sending.
  • Automatic server updates as soon as they are released.
Stability and Reliability:

  • Numerous bug fixes and stability enhancements.
  • Correct application of default GUS.ini and GAME.ini settings.
  • Resolved application shutdown crashes.
  • Improved user experience with seamless operation.
  • Enhanced program stability and optimized performance.
Enhanced Access Controls:

  • Exclusive Server Joining: Admins can whitelist players, enhancing security.
  • Admin-Only and No Player Join Checks: Specific checks for different player statuses to manage server access more effectively.
Improved List Management:

  • Interactive Table with Checkboxes: Easily add and manage player IDs.
  • Refresh and Delete Options: Update the list dynamically or remove player IDs as needed.
  • Export and Import Features: Transfer player ID lists via zip files between different servers.
  • Enabling/Disabling Lists: Customize which lists are active for specific servers.
User Assistance and Statistics:

  • Help Buttons: Located on various screens to guide you through setup processes.
  • Server Statistics: View details such as total player IDs, the number of admins, and lists' statuses.
  • Comment Feature in Table: Admins can note who is associated with each player ID.
  • Server Shutdown Optimizations: Fixes and enhancements, including a specific fix for RCON issues.
  • UI Adjustments: Resolved issues with sliders not saving settings.
Let's make server management a breeze and focus on what matters - the adventure within Ark!

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Detailed Change Logs


  • Fixed issue where even if server started successfully the logger would show otherwise.
  • When Scheduled Auto Restart Runs, allowed more time for Saveworld to execute to ensure world is saved before exiting the program.
  • After sending SaveWorld Command, Automatic shutdown will then send RCON Command DoExit to ensure server shuts down gracefully.
  • When shutting down server manually, if RCON is connected it will send command DoExit instead of terminating server to ensure it shuts down gracefully.
  • RCON Connection Delay, to ensure that servers connect to Server Managers RCON, The RCON will try to connect to server every 30 seconds for 20 retries.
  • Fixed issue where loading the server tabs could potentially make the Install Server button show.
  • Added additional checks when loading servers etc to ensure that Immediate_update flag does not get duplicated.
  • Adjusted Server Auto Server Startup after scheduled update/restart to ensure all servers start sequentially.
  • If scheduled more than 1 server when starting application will start 60 seconds apart to ensure no blocking and smooth server startups (up from 15 seconds).
  • Fixed issue where when scheduling server restarts and updates only 1 server would start.
  • Fixed Issue with INI Backups not reading correctly.
  • Fixed issue where some settings in the INI files could get duplicated, Manager will now delete duplicate lines that are not specified.
  • Fixed issue where update timer when server is online would disappear and reappear every 10 seconds.
  • Fixed issue where Server Managers RCON would fail to connect on Windows Server 2019.
  • Changed Save Settings Icon to a button to make it more user-friendly.
  • Updated the message that the Save Settings button shows after saving.
  • All Warnings and Errors are now logged to a file called debug.log which can be used to find errors and assist with debugging.
  • Fixed issue where RCON could potentially try to connect to a server for a second time causing blocking/hanging.
  • Fixed Issue where the Server Auto Start / Server Starting during maintenance etc now starts timers etc.
  • Adjusted the sizing of the content for settings so it changes with the size of the screen.
  • Moved Maintenance tab to the end of server settings tab.
  • Reduced the number of checks on the server running checks, these are now cached for 2 minutes and then rechecked. This will help in reducing the overall usage of the CPU and Memory when running a heap of servers.
  • When shutting down server it will now ask user if they wish to send shutdown messages to the server.
  • User can specify minutes before shutdown, Manager will send these messages until the time of shutdown, and then proceed with saveworld and doexit.
  • On Application Start, Auto Start on Crash will stagger checks for any server that has Auto Restart on Server Crash enabled. Can take up to from a minute to 5 minutes depending on the number of servers in use.
  • Fixed a bug where the player count was not updating due to a previous update.
  • Ascended Server Manager Process Priority will now default to low to ensure that all resources are utilized by the servers themselves and to account for high CPU Usage.
  • Tons of Optimizations done throughout the code to ensure that the server manager does not use a High CPU Load (More Testing and Changes Possibly Required).
  • Fixed issue where Cluster settings would not save causing cluster management issues.
  • Removed Filepath Updating for versions prior to V0.2.3.0 (as all existing users prior should be up and running now).
  • Made Adjustments to ASA API Toggle should now read config.ini and set checkbox to true/false as required.
  • Uploading of INI will now ensure that Duplicate Lines are not removed retaining all RAW configs in the imported INI File.
  • Fixed an issue with ConfigOverrideItemMaxQuantity where when importing an INI it would have errors and Application would fail to load.
  • Server Shutdown has been rebuilt to ensure that the RCON is connected and SaveWorld command is sent to the server before shutdown.
  • Server Shutdown button will now notify the user if the RCON is not connected and warn them SaveWorld command will not be sent.
  • Added Feature where when starting a server it will create backups for GUS.ini and Game.ini in a folder called backups within the server folder. Feature will automatically delete files older than 10 days old.
  • Added New Icon to toolbar for Restoring Previous Server INI Files, When Pressed will open new window for user to select which file to restore.
  • RCON Manager can now be used on one other PC using the same License details as Server.
  • Fixed Issue where capital letters in Server Name would revert and cause issues with server directory.
  • Fixed Issues with Installing Server.
  • Change Configparser so that it allows Uppercase items in the config.ini files.
  • Fixed issue where Backup Settings were not being loaded into Server Manager.
  • Fixed Issue with Restoring INI files. Would cause a crash.
  • Ensured that the Servers Directory will not be changed for new users when running the application for a second time (causing to re-import).
  • RCON Manager now clears the Command, Serverchat and PM when you click send or execute.
  • RCON Manager now listens for user to press "Enter" when sending commands or messages.
  • RCON Manager when changing between servers, the console and chat data is kept.
  • When user types commands into the RCON Manager it will show list of known RCON Commands in a dropdown below.
  • Fixed Server Duplication, Will now ask user where they want the server to be duplicated too.
  • Added Button in (Maintenance Tab) Where the user can easily open ports in the windows Firewall for the Server.
  • Added Button in (Maintenance Tab) to Install Unreal Engine Certificates Automatically for those who need to install for server to appear.
  • Added Button in (Maintenance Tab) to easily clean all logs from the server, this will assist if there is many log files that are using disk space.
  • New RCON Management Window.
  • Added Way to Connect to Servers Easily.
  • Control Multiple Servers Simultaneously.
  • Easy RCON Command Execution.
  • Send serverchat messages directly to servers.
  • Send Users Private Messages.
  • View ingame chat easily and respond to players with ease.
  • Ability to Ban Players.
  • Ability to Kick Players.
  • Added Banned Players Tab.
  • When unbanning player when server is offline it will delete the banned player from the txt file.
  • When unbanning player whilst connected to server it will use command unbanplayer to allow the unban to be done live.
  • Adjustments to handling any errors/reconnection on RCON Connection dropout for RCON Manager and Server Manager.
  • Made the Console logging and Chat etc. show as a table for easy viewing.
  • Ensured that the Sending Server Messages pre-populates with serverchat unless specified otherwise (broadcast does not work (wildcard issue)).
  • File Directory Path now allows for users to use Capitals and Some Special Characters: Full list: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789_-.
  • Fixed Issue where duplicates were not allowed in the GameUserSettings.ini all duplicates will now work in the GameUserSettings.ini.
  • If Values in Game.ini or GameUserConfig.ini are outside the range of a 32-bit integer (-2147483648 to 2147483647) the program will auto correct them.
  • Fixed RCON so that there are no disconnections, if a disconnection is detected it will reconnect immediately.
  • Adjustments made to the RCON Scheduler ensure that multiple commands scheduled at the same time are queued and executed one at a time, preventing connection drops.
  • If RCON detects that Banlist.txt or Nochecklist.txt does not exist it will create it and not show any errors saying it does not exist.
  • Fixed issue where an extra folder would be created in the Server folder named the same as the Server Name.
  • RCON Manager and RCON within the Server Manager will now use a single socket to send command then close that socket (Improving reliability).
  • Further Optimizations done to further enhance the Server Manager's speed.
  • When updating or verifying server no additional console window will open and after executing window will close automatically.
  • Fixed Disable Structure Decay, as was doubled.
  • Added LevelExperienceRampOverrides to the duplicate list.
  • Added New CryopodFridgeCooldowntime=90 from center release (In Rules Tab).
  • Added bForceCanRideFliers setting (In Rules Tab).
  • Changed Culture to Default to English instead of Catalan.
  • Added setting for -PrideColors for server command line arguments (In Server Settings Tab).
  • Added Setting for ForceExploitedTameDeletion (In Rules Tab).
  • Can No longer Duplicate a Server if it is running, Also need to not be on an active server tab that is currently running (Was Causing Application Crashes).
  • When Adding a server the user can now select where to place the server folder on their PC or Server.
  • Added Right Click Menu Item to Move Server to different Location.
  • User can now import an existing server folder when adding a server or choose to create a new one.
  • Made Adjustments to Server Renaming so that the Config.ini will reflect this and update all directory paths for server.
  • Made Adjustments so that when deleting a server ALL files and Folders will be deleted and information stored in config.ini will also be deleted.
  • Force_install_dir for the SteamCMD is now utilized for Installing Servers as this is required for custom folder locations.
  • Increased Windowed Size Height by an Extra 50px, As to not squash Metrics in Maintenance Tab.
  • Added Version Number to the About Dialog Box.
  • Issue Fixed where Auto Starting Servers on Application Load was loading correct servers but using the same configuration as the first loaded server.
  • Change Culture Selection in Program to Show Actual Languages/Culture Names.
  • Added Custom Maps to the Dropdown list to make it easier for people to use custom maps!! NO NEED TO ENTER MOD ID FOR MAP!.
  • Maps in list TheIsland_WP, ScorchedEarth_WP, TheCenter_WP, and CUSTOM MAPS Forglar_WP, Amissa_WP, Insaluna_WP, Temptress_WP, Reverence_WP, Svartalfheim_WP.
  • Added More Contrast to Input Fields for Dark Mode so that they can be seen clearly.
  • Updated Install SteamCMD, Install Server, Start Server, Update Server, and About buttons to be more prominent.
  • Updated About Popup to contain more information with links to Website, Facebook, and Discord Server.
  • Player Count has been updated and Players Online Donut Chart Fixed and Optimized to ensure reliability (Updates every 60 Seconds).
  • Allow Duplicates of HarvestResourceItemAmountClassMultipliers in Game.ini.
  • Fixed Issue where after Server Install, Start Buttons would not appear etc.
  • Fixed RCON so that it does not try to connect to server until it has started.
  • Ensured RCON can shut down properly with server and open again with start server.
  • RCON will make 20 attempts at an RCON connection before stopping, giving server sufficient time to start running.
  • Added Version of Program to Applications Title Bar (for debugging and support purposes).
  • Server Crash Monitor Will Now check if the server is already running at Application Startup and Start monitoring after 2 Minutes & Will recheck every 2 minutes.
  • Fixed Issue with scheduling and sending server shutdown messages.
  • If server messages are blank by default command "serverchat" will be used (broadcast not working at the moment wildcard issue).
  • Added TheCenter_WP Map and additional settings for users to get their servers ready upon its release (Obviously don't start server until it is released).
  • Fix wording for Dino Level Up Animations to (Allow Dino Level Up Animations).
  • Fixed Auto Updater as it was downloading file 2 times.
  • When New Update is available the temp folder will be cleared to ensure it does not use much disk usage.
  • Fully Tested Everything on Windows 11 and Windows 10 (NIL ISSUES FOUND DURING MY TESTING).
  • Fix issues with configoverrideitemcraftingcosts, Duplicates will not be deleted.
  • Fixed issue where some tabs would not save the correct data to the correct server ini files.
  • When Update is Available it will ask user if they wish to update to the latest version.
  • Made Checkboxes easier to set and unset by removing hover effect.
  • Made Command line more clean with appropriate spaces where they are required.
  • Fixed Issue with the Side by Side Sliders and selecting the input boxes.
  • Fixed Slider Input Boxes to allow any value and ability to type easily without limitations.
  • Made further Adjustments to Cluster Directory as Other windows were saving to incorrect location.
  • Added Refresh Tabs Button to Toolbar (Use this if you make changes to ini files manually to reload them in the manager).
  • Added Ability to change RCON Command for sending Server Shutdown Messages (Command Only).
  • Fixed issue where Server Restart on Crash would restart Active Server Tab Only.
  • Fixed ASA API Crashing when installing or uninstalling.
  • Fixed Issue with Auto Restart.
  • Fixed Issue where if using ASA API and you shut down a server it would shut down multiple.
  • Tidied Up Command Line & removed unnecessary arguments.
  • Adjusted how the directory is set for the cluster folder, using os.path.exists to ensure it goes to the correct location (further testing required).
  • Add Spaces to Console Arguments.
  • Add More Attempts for RCON Connection (As when loading with ASAAPI it would use all attempts and fail to connect).
  • Allow ConfigOverrideItemCraftingCosts Duplicates in Game.ini.
  • Fix issue with extra "{}" symbols in console arguments.
  • SteamCMD will close the command window once it has completed.
  • Added Option to Enable -servergamelog to Server Manager.
  • Fixed Issue where Duplicating Server Would Create another "servers" folder in the "servers" folder, causing issues with Manager.
  • Stabilization of Code that was causing the program to crash, Refactored and Rebuilt to ensure it does not block or crash program.
  • Automatic Restarter Changed to Check and Restart Program Every 30 seconds (Will Only Restart if .exe for server is not in the task list).
  • Fixed Checkmark Box for Darkmode.
  • Changing Server Tabs now changing more smoothly and faster.
  • Optimized Code base to ensure smooth program operation and ensure the application does not crash.
  • Fixed Error with NoTributeDownloads > has also been moved to Cluster Settings Tab.
  • Fixed RCON Connect / Disconnect (When Manually Closing the Server Window would send Stale RCON Requests making the application hang).
  • Fixed issue where some people encountered error with UTF8 decode.
  • Fixed Server Start Command line to remove server password argument if it is not set.
  • Fixed Issue with Setting Correct Port for Servers when launching server.
  • Fixed Automatic Backup (Would sometimes fail to initiate and create backups).
  • Player Count now only updates every 60 seconds to ensure it does not slow the application.
  • Fixed Maintenance Scheduling and Sending of Server Messages.
  • Added Line for Users to add Passive Mods to the Server Manager.
  • New "Overrides" Tab to Control Item Stack Overrides, Engram Point Overrides, and Creature Overrides (More Will be Added in Future e.g Crafting Overrides, Beacons etc.).
  • Allow User to Input custom inputs into Overrides Tab to allow for Custom Items/Settings.
  • Updating Tables Directly in Overrides Tab will Automatically save the Information.
  • Added Ability to Start Servers When Application Loads (Each Server Will Initialize every 15 seconds if enabled).
  • Added Maintenance Checkbox to Enable Server Auto Updated as soon as a server update has been released (Checks done every 30 minutes).
  • Add Custom Command Line Input Area for custom Arguments.
  • Add Options for the following in the server settings tab - OneThread, DisablePerformanceThreads, DisableSound, ForcePerformanceThreads, DisableUnderMeshPlayerKills, DisableUnderMeshChecking, DisableCustomCosmetics.
  • Made adjustments to Style of Light and Dark Mode giving it a more modern look.
  • Adjusted Colors of the Performance Stats to Transition better between Green to Red.
  • Allow Duplicates of NPCReplacements, ConfigOverrideItemCraftingCosts, DinoClassDamageMultipliers, DinoClassResistanceMultipliers, ConfigOverrideItemMaxQuantity, OverrideNamedEngramEntries in Game.ini.
  • Added Force Dino Respawn Checkbox in Other Settings in Server Settings Tab.
  • Updated Crossplay argument to Wildcards New Requirements, can be set in Server Settings Tab (PC, XBOX etc.).
  • Added Culture Selection to Server Settings.
  • Removed Option to Enable Crossplay as this is no longer used.
  • Updated Licensing System to Periodically check License Status Every 6 hours.
  • Fixed issue that when exiting the application if you pressed no when it confirms with you would exit anyway.
  • Allow Duplicates of EngramEntryAutoUnlocks, ConfigOverrideSupplyCrateItems in Game.ini.
  • Fixed Issue where if weekly was set as Restart Frequency the Application would fail to load this information on Application Reload.
  • Added Feature to Duplicate Servers (By Right Clicking the Server Tab).
  • Further Application Optimizations (Active Server Directories).
  • Fixed Issue with Debounced Save - When Editing Line Edits and Pressing Save button would cause a crash.
  • Fixed Issue with Exclusive Save Checkboxes causing application to crash.
  • Fixed Issue with Adding Server on First Start that caused Application to Crash.
  • Fixed Issue with Donut Charts not responding.
  • Ensured all Cluster Settings are set when creating a server.
  • Cluster Settings now automatically save after 1 second when making changes only.
  • Optimized application code, enhancing performance.
  • Configured automatic application startup with Windows.
  • Implemented an automatic restart mechanism for crashes.
  • Updated file handling to reliably save configurations to Config.ini.
  • Enhanced server messaging integration for smoother Auto restart.
  • Streamlined server recovery after crashes.
  • Added support for multiple OverridePlayerLevelEngramPoints entries in INI files.
  • Revamped backup directory logic for dynamic .ark file search.
  • Enabled adding ConfigOverrideItemMaxQuantity to game.ini without deleting duplicates.
  • Added checkbox for Old Console under Server Settings -> Other Settings.
  • Rectified backup directory creation and usage issues.
  • Improved tab switching for smoother navigation.
  • Ensured server start compatibility with spaces in directory names.
  • Fixed saving of custom map names in the Manager.
  • Displayed remaining license days on the toolbar.
  • Prompted server installation before accessing settings to prevent crashes.
  • Enabled adding the application to Windows Startup.
  • Allowed configurable server shutdown messages before restarts or updates.
  • Added feature to open Task Manager directly from the application.
  • Introduced features to free up PC memory and open server folders directly.
  • Enhanced the Maintenance Tab to display real-time server status.
  • Expanded the Maintenance tab with uptime, RCON status, and license information.
  • Enhanced program stability and addressed various bugs.
  • Ensured accurate application of default GUS.ini and GAME.ini settings.
  • Fixed a crash during application shutdown.
  • Corrected a bug causing the "Please Wait... Saving" message to hang.
  • Implemented stability fixes and optimizations for better performance.
  • Toolbar now Displays Remaining Days Left on the current License.
  • If Server Not installed and User tries to enter settings will prompt user to install server first and not cause manager to crash instead.
  • Fixed Server Start to Allow Spaces in Server Directory when Starting Server.
  • Ability to add ConfigOverrideItemMaxQuantity to the game.ini without being deleted if there are duplicate entries.
  • Added Checkbox in Tab Server Settings -> Other Settings for Enabling Old Console.
  • Fixed Backup Directory to create and use the correct folder if another exists with a similar name.
  • Further Optimizations Made for Changing between tabs.
  • Fixed Issue with Custom Maps Name not saving in Manager.
  • Implemented Exclusive Server Joining/Admin Whitelisting & No Play Join Checks.
  • All Lists controlled through a table with check boxes allowing player IDs to be added to the correct listing.
  • Added refresh button to the list to ensure proper updates.
  • Ability to delete the player ID from the Table.
  • When deleting Player ID from the table it will also delete their ID from all respective lists.
  • Added Feature to Export player ID list information directly to a zip file.
  • Added Feature to Import the player ID list to import the zip file, which will extract and update the table.
  • Ability to export and import lists to different servers.
  • Ability to Enable or Disable the exclusive joining lists for the server.
  • Added New Help button In some screens to assist with setup.
  • Added Statistics for Servers that will have a Multitude of Player IDS to display Total ID's, Number of Persons in Exclusive Join List and the No Check List.
  • Added Number of Admins to Statistics List.
  • Added Comment to Table so that Admin can define who owns Player ID within the Manager.
  • Added Further Fixes and Optimizations to Server Shutdown (Fixed issue where if RCON was enabled but not connected yet would crash program).
  • Added Help Button to assist persons further with cluster settings setup within the Clusters Tab.
  • Fixed Issue with Sliders where they would not save their setting.
  • Added Fix for if Load_INI locates headings already existing in INI files will not make Corrections to avoid errors.
  • Added Rename Server which updates all configurations and renames the servers "server" folder to reflect these changes.
  • Fixed Issue when creating a new server where the new update to the slider expected a config and would crash the application.
  • Fixed Issue when shutting down server and RCON is not enabled.
  • New Feature to allow the server to restart on Crash working for Clusters/Standalone/ASA API, Requires Server to be Shutdown through manager if enabled.
  • Server Auto Restart on Crash checks for instance of PID every 60 seconds (could take 1-2 minutes for restart on crash).
  • Slider has now been changed to accept custom values in the entry section of up to 999.999999 and a Minimum of 0.00001.
  • Slider in GUI reflects the changes.
  • Slider no longer changes with 1 point and now by the 0.001.
  • Slider Input Entry allows the user to enter any number they wish for that option.
  • Slider does not crash when entering custom value.
  • Added Facebook Icon to Toolbar for Persons to follow Facebook for Updates and News.
  • Corrected INI file headers to automatically convert if incorrect e.g "/script/shootergame.shootergamemode" to "/Script/ShooterGame.ShooterGameMode".
  • Removed Server Save Directory for Clusters as this Option is not required for Ascended.
  • Updated Information in Cluster Settings Setup to inform those how to Setup a Cluster.
  • Changed Player Count to Update Every 15 seconds instead of 60 seconds.
  • Implemented a security/RCON feature to set a ServerAdminPassword if not already done. This is necessary for RCON connection and server protection.
  • Improvements made to Server Tab Switching to improve loading times for those not using a Solid State Disk.
  • Implemented Cluster Settings for multi-servers.
  • Ability have servers attached to cluster or not.
  • Performance Optimizations.
  • Fixed Create backup when Server running.
  • Ensure that Server Start Command changes when Clusters are Enabled.
  • Added Ability to Delete Server via Right Clicking the Server Tab.
  • Delete Server Warns User before deletion.
  • Deleting the server successfully deletes the servers files and anything stored in the config file.
  • Fixed issue with ASA API .exe not opening its own command window and running in the background.
  • Implement Multi-Server Control Features.
  • Implement Multi-Server Control for ASA API.
  • Create RCON Scheduler for Each Server.
  • Each Server has Own RCON Connection.
  • Each Server has Own RCON Scheduled Commands.
  • Each Server Can Send Commands to Server from Respective Server Tab/RCON tab.
  • Each Server Has its own Backup System.
  • Each Server Can have custom configured backup times.
  • Each Server Backups run independently.
  • If Manager Closes has the ability to find server .exe in task list obtain PID and Continue Normal Operations for shutdown etc.
  • Server Tabs Work off their Active Directory for Starting, Shutting Down, Updating, Configs, RCON, ASAAPI, and Backups.
  • Fix Application Crash, When Attempt to start server without ASA API installed it would crash the application.
  • Fix Issue with Saving to INI files if the section does not exist in the file.
  • Select Map to Use/Ability to Use Custom Maps.
  • Fixed Backup Settings to Work with all Maps (Depending on set Map Selection).
  • Fixed Uptime Timer to stop if the server is not running or closed manually.
  • Ability to Import GameServerSettings.ini and Game.ini when installing Server.
  • Added Import Settings Button to toolbar to import server settings manually.
  • Ability to hold CTRL to select Multiple Backups for Deletion.
  • Implemented a feature to set date and time options for backups.
  • Enabled scheduling of backups through config.ini, allowing for automated execution.
  • New Backup System SavesWorld before creating backup.
  • Instant Backup SavesWorld Before creating user-initiated backup.
  • Shutdown Server - SavesWorld before shutting down. This ensures data integrity by saving the world state before any backup or shutdown operation.
  • Added a delete option for managing backup restorations.
  • Streamlined settings by consolidating them into the config.ini file.
  • Enhanced user experience by retaining Dark Mode settings across sessions.
  • Eliminated placeholder text for password and admin password fields for enhanced security.
  • Introduced shutdown functionality with a warning message.
  • Modified server shutdown process to use process ID (PID) instead of stopping services or tasks, ensuring a smoother and more controlled server shutdown.
  • Automated local RCON server connections and reconnections in the backend for reliability. This improvement focuses on maintaining a stable connection for backend operations.
  • Prevented unnecessary "saveworld" RCON commands from being sent if the server is not running during automatic or manual backups, optimizing resource use and command execution.
  • Updated ASA API to prevent updates while the server is active, indicating "Server must be offline to update."
  • Added a check for server updates that prohibits the update process if the server is operational, ensuring that updates are only applied when it is safe to do so without interrupting active server operations.
  • Added RCON Send Command to Server.
  • Added RCON Scheduler Tab and Features.
  • RCON Scheduler, Sends Commands on Users Specified Time and Dates etc to Server.
  • Added Player Count to Toolbar.
  • Fixed Sliders so that scrolling over them will not change their values.
First release
Last update


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Latest updates

  1. 🚀 Big Update Alert! Version is Live! 🚀

    V0.2.3.4 Change log - Fixed an issue where the logger incorrectly indicated server startup...
  2. V0.2.2.9

    V0. Change log Fixed RCON so that it does not try to connect to server until it has...
  3. 🚀 Big Update Alert! Version is Live! 🚀

    🚀 Big Update Alert! Version is Live! 🚀 Hey! 👋 I'm excited to announce the release of...