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Unmaintained KalsCrossChat - Atlas Edition 4.5

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The "Unmaintained" prefix is a technical term often used in the development world to signal that a specific piece of code, feature, or a resource is no longer actively managed or updated by its creators. It's similar to a 'Beware' sign on a physical property, warning visitors to proceed with caution.

For instance, if a developer creates a resource for other users to use, but later decides not to continue updating it due to various reasons like time constraints or shifting focus to other projects, they might attach an 'unmaintained' tag to it. This tag serves as a clear indication to other users that while they can still use this resource, they should be aware that it may not be up-to-date with the latest coding standards or security updates.

From a user perspective, an 'unmaintained' tag can help yourself identify resources that may not provide the best experience or security. It signals that the resource in question may have outdated features, potential security vulnerabilities, or bugs that are unlikely to be fixed.
This is a Cross Ark Chat system with tribe chat and two-way discord.
The discord integration is completely optional and requires a self hosted discord bot.

This plugin & bot communicate through MySql
You will need to set up a Sql server if you do not already have one.

Global Chat
  • Cross Server global chat
  • Custom Tags & Tag Color based on Permission or Tribe
  • Custom Icons based on Permissions or Tribe or Map
  • Custom Chat Colors (Name, TribeName, Message) based on Permission or Tribe
  • Server Name (and optional default icon) in message
  • 2-Way chat with discord
  • /server MAPNAME hey friends to "hide" what map you are on
  • Spam prevention
  • BlockedWord list with automatic chat mute
Tribe Chat
Tribes must invite the bot to their own discords
Give them the link

  • Cross Server tribe chat
  • Must be a member of the tribe where the message is sent FROM to receive.
  • You can use /tribe MAPNAME hey friends to send the tribe chat message as if you were on that server.
  • 2-Way Tribe Discord Setup
    • Can only be setup by tribe admin and discord admin
    • Invite the ArkChatBot to your tribes discord
    • In the channel you want TribeChat use the command /linkTribe
    • Copy the command it returns, i.e. /linkTribe aF9h5asrZDc3
    • Have a tribe admin use this command ingame.
  • /unlinkTribe ingame or in tribe discord channel to remove
Tribe Logs
  • Tribe logs to discord via TribeLogRelay
  • Use /linkTribeLogs in discord to set up automatically, no messing with webhooks
Link Discord to Steam
  • /linkDiscord in the server's discord to link Discord to Steam
  • After linked you can use /kickMe in discord
    • This is for people that keep getting the "This player is already connected" bug
Discord Bot
Invite the bot to your servers discord:
  • Hosted by server owner
  • Optional Auto create and rename VoiceChannels with server status
  • Shows currently connected total for cluster
  • Create a new discord bot at:
  • Copy bot token into config.json, and set up Mysql info
  • Optional live updated list of players
  • Rcon Commander for admin to send rcon to any or all maps

Console command reloadchat to reload the config and badword list

Some icons can cause crashes, some icons dont show up at all, use in a test server until you find good ones

It is suggested to put discord chat channel into "Slow Mode" and/or adding discord Roles that are allowed to use the channel.
You could also add the ingame /linkTribe command to permission groups


- Screenshot coming soon
- Screenshot coming soon
- Screenshot coming soon

This is plugin free for small clusters, but if your cluster has more than 20 players online chat will start working as normal again
You will need to purchase the full version of the plugin to keep using it for larger servers.

If you would like to upgrade the plugin, send $15 to:
Ethereum - 0xB0400f0F4C2F272209B50e2D62E618b3ff982e6D
Bitcoin - 3AM21nisMdk7c8n9Qcr95pLzTER8vCJpB9

then message me on my discord with your HWID
It should be printed to the console when you load the plugin. (If you do not see the HWID use Rcon command GetChatHwid)

If you love the plugin and would like to see more features/plugins by me feel free to donate more!

For support please respond on this thread or reach out on my support discord
First release
Last update


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Latest updates

  1. Version 4.0

    Update to include all latest features from ark cross chat
  2. Update PluginInfo.json

    Update PluginInfo.json