Ghost Rider RP plugin

Unmaintained Ghost Rider RP plugin 1.1

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The "Unmaintained" prefix is a technical term often used in the development world to signal that a specific piece of code, feature, or a resource is no longer actively managed or updated by its creators. It's similar to a 'Beware' sign on a physical property, warning visitors to proceed with caution.

For instance, if a developer creates a resource for other users to use, but later decides not to continue updating it due to various reasons like time constraints or shifting focus to other projects, they might attach an 'unmaintained' tag to it. This tag serves as a clear indication to other users that while they can still use this resource, they should be aware that it may not be up-to-date with the latest coding standards or security updates.

From a user perspective, an 'unmaintained' tag can help yourself identify resources that may not provide the best experience or security. It signals that the resource in question may have outdated features, potential security vulnerabilities, or bugs that are unlikely to be fixed.
Ghost Rider role playing plugin!

- Why ride the dino, when you can BE the dino!


  • Hides the player when riding a dinosaur. Be the dinosaur!
  • Can now also hide the dinosaur while riding.
  • Toggle on/off with command /ghostrider (or custom command name..)
  • When it's on player will automatically hide as you mount a dino.
  • Remembers playing setting on each server individually.
  • Turrets will still shoot and kill player in Ghost Rider mode.
  • Configure who has access with allowed permission groups.
  • All messages configurable with UTF8 support, including command.

Config File with explanations:
    "SqLite_Database_Path": "",         <- if you want settings to be same on all servers, link to same db file.
    "Required_Permission_Groups": ["vip", "vip2", "vip3"],  <- the groups which are allowed to use plugin features.
    "Toggle_Chat_Command": "/ghostrider",       <- command to toggle on/off
    "Hide_Players_While_Riding": true,
    "Hide_The_Dino_While_Riding": false,
        "Switched_On": {
            "Text": "\nGhost Rider now enabled!",
            "Size": 3.0,
            "Display_Time": 6,
            "Color": {
                "Red": 0,
                "Green": 255,
                "Blue": 80
        "Switched_Off": {
            "Text": "\nGhost Rider now disabled!",
            "Size": 3.0,
            "Display_Time": 6,
            "Color": {
                "Red": 255,
                "Green": 60,
                "Blue": 60
        "No_Permission_To_Use": {
            "Text": "\nYou don't have permission to use the Ghost Riding feature.",
            "Size": 3.0,
            "Display_Time": 6,
            "Color": {
                "Red": 255,
                "Green": 60,
                "Blue": 60

Console Commands:

  • cheat gr.reload - Reloads config file.

RCON Commands:

  • gr.reload - Reloads config file.

Purchase Info:

After payment join my Discord via "Get Support" button (top right), and send me your hwid. The plugin will print it in console when not authorized.

Please give me at least 1-24 hours to setup hwid info. No new DLL is needed.

This purchase comes with basic support if needed.

Hwid Info:

- Each license represents a physical machine, so 6 ark servers running on one machine would only need 1 licence, Additional licensee's are required when using multiple physical servers.

- Are you moving server host/upgrading hardware and worried about the hwid? Not a problem send me a pm, here or on discord, with the new hwid and I will have it updated. In most cases within the hour, but it can take up to 24 hours depending upon my availability at that moment.

For questions or more information join my Discord via this link:

(This is a temporary link, and unless assigned a role, you automatically leave server when you go offline on discord.)
First release
Last update


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  1. 1.1

    - No longer uses the builtin console command. - Added config options to enable/disable hiding...