ASA Discord Shop Beta (Crossplay Supported)

Verified (Paid) ASA Discord Shop Beta (Crossplay Supported) 1.3


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Website User Information:

On GameServersHub, developers can earn a "Verified" prefix tag for their resources. This tag indicates that the developer has been granted a website role to upload verified resources, which are generally of higher quality than unverified ones. By consistently providing dedicated and quality results for the gaming community, developers can earn this tag and showcase their commitment to providing top-notch content. So, if you're looking for the best gaming resources, be sure to keep an eye out for the "Verified" tag on GameServersHub.
ASA Discord Shop Beta (Crossplay Supported)
! Only Windows Supportet !

To activate, visit my Discord and you will find further information there

If you already have a license from this ASE shop, you do not need to buy a license again here. You can find out more in Discord
+ Custom Emojis
+ This bot has its own currency + ArkShop Points Support
+ Automatic Points with specific roles
+ Custom translation
+ Categorie Options
+ Cooldown
+ set Limits
+ Admin Commands for Set / Remove / Add
+ Discount in %
+ StackPoints
+ ArkShop Points Infos
+ Queue for Offline Buying
+ Merge Function
+ Market System ShowCase Market

+ Included NGoG Tool for Dinos Spawn in Cryos and Linking System

const { PresenceUpdateStatus, ActivityType } = require('discord.js');

module.exports = {
    token: '', // Discord Bot Token
    licenseKey: '', // This is the licenseKey that the LIcense Bot gave you
    guildId: '', // Discord Guild ID
    commandChannel: '', // Channel ID
    linkingSystem: 'ngog', // ngog , wooly
    adminRoleId: '', // Admin Role
    logChannelId: '', // Channel ID
    maxWithdrawAmount: 1000,
    maxDepositAmount: 1000,
    maxTradeAmount: 1000,
    marketChannelId: '', // Channel ID The offer is sent in this channel
    requestChannelId: '', // Channel ID The offer is sent in this channel
    auctionChannelId: '', // Channel ID The offer is sent in this channel
    marketCategoryId: '',  // Category Id The offer opens in this category
    requestCategoryId: '', // Category Id The offer opens in this category
    marketTranscriptChannelId: '', // Channel ID
    requestTranscriptChannelId: '', // Channel ID
    presence: {
        status: PresenceUpdateStatus.Idle,
        activity: {
            name: 'the shop',
            type: ActivityType.Listening,
    settings: {
        color: 0x4287f5,
    databases: {
        shopBot: { // This is the data receipt from the bot.
            host: 'localhost',
            user: 'user', // Mysql User
            pass: '', // Mysql Password
            port: 3306, // Mysql Port
            shopDbName: 'asa',
        steamLinks: { // The same database must be there as with one of the linking plugins
            host: 'localhost',
            user: 'user', // Mysql User
            pass: '', // Mysql Password
            port: 3306, // Mysql Port
            authDbName: 'asa',
        arkShop: { // The same database must be entered there as by ArkShop Plugin
            host: 'localhost',
            user: 'user', // Mysql User
            pass: '', // Mysql Password
            port: 3306, // Mysql Port
            shopDbName: 'asa',
    servers: [
            name: 'Pve Cluster',
            ip: 'localhost', // Server IP
            port: 50000, // RCON Port
            password: '', // Admin Passwort
            mapId: 'TheIsland',
    shop: {
        stackPoints: false,
        points: [
                priority: 0,
                role: 'default', // Default is standard
                autoClaim: false,
                claimAmount: 500000,
                cooldownMin: 5,
        stackDiscounts: false,
        discounts: [
                roleId: '', // Discord Role
                discountPercent: 25,
                roleId: '', // Discord Role
                discountPercent: 50,
        categories: [
                id: 'dinos', // Categorie 1
                name: '🦖 Dinos',
                description: 'Below are all available dinos listed!',
                footer: '',
                color: 0x74d44a,
                mergeEmbeds: false,
                //This is New pls Add this to the Config
                image: '', // Only for Merge
                thumbnail: '', // Only for Merge
                //This is New pls Add this to the Config
                channelId: '', // Discord Channel ID
                items: [
                        id: '1',
                        name: 'Ankylosaurus',
                        description: '**ID:** {id}\n**Level:** 250\n**Price:** {price}\n**Stats:** Capped\n**Info:** some info about item.',
                        price: 500000,
                        limit: 2, // buy Limits This line is optimal and can be removed
                        cooldownMin: 1, // cooldown in minutes  This line is optimal and can be removed
                        image: '',
                        onlyArkShop: false, // true use ARk Points - false use Bot Points
                        enabled: true,
                        //This is New pls Add this to the Config
                        buycategory: 'Kaufen',
                        buyemojiecategory: '🛒',
                        buymerge: 'Buy', // works only with Merge
                        buymergeemoji: '🔗', // works only with Merge
                        //This is New pls Add this to the Config
                        allowedRoles: [], // Discord Role
                        commands: [
                        "ngogcryo {id} /Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Ankylo/Ankylo_Character_BP.Ankylo_Character_BP 250 1 0 0 0 0",
                        "ngogcryo {id} /Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Ankylo/Ankylo_Character_BP.Ankylo_Character_BP 250 1 0 0 0 0",
                        "ngogcryo {id} /Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Ankylo/Ankylo_Character_BP.Ankylo_Character_BP 250 1 0 0 0 0"
                        id: '2',
                        name: 'Bow',
                        description: '**ID:** {id}\n**Level:** 250\n**Price:** {price}\n**Stats:** Capped\n**Info:** some info about item.',
                        price: 50000,
                        image: '',
                        onlyArkShop: true, // true use ARk Points - false use Bot Points
                        enabled: true,
                        //This is New pls Add this to the Config
                        buycategory: 'Kaufen',
                        buyemojiecategory: '🛒',
                        buymerge: 'Buy', // works only with Merge
                        buymergeemoji: '🔗', // works only with Merge
                        //This is New pls Add this to the Config
                        allowedRoles: [],
                        commands: ["ngogitem {id} /Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Weapons/PrimalItem_WeaponCompoundBow.PrimalItem_WeaponCompoundBow 1 12 0 800 1200 0"],

module.exports = {
translations: {
        // claim
        claimEmbedTitle: 'Successfully claimed points',
        claimEmbedDescription: '{user} has claimed :coin: **{points}** points.',
        claimEmbedFooter: 'Rewards Shop | Claiming',
        claimCantUse: '⚠️ Your points are claimed automatically, there is no need to use this command.',
        // Buy logs
        buyEmbedTitle: 'Successfully Bought Items',
        buyEmbedDescription: '{user} has bought **{item}**! \n\nYour items should be dilivered in-game now.',
        buyEmbedFooter: 'Successfully Bought Items',
        buyLimitReached: '❌ You have reached the purchase limit of this item.',
        notEnoughPoints: '>>> You dont have enough points for this item.\n\n**{item}** costs :coin: **{price} Points** but you have **{points} Points**.',
        // Info
        listEmbedTitle: 'Rewards Shop | Info',
        listEmbedDescription: "{user}'s info is shown below:\n\n**Points:** {points}\n**Shop Points:** {shopPoints}\n**Total:** {total}",
        listEmbedFooter: 'Rewards Shop',
        listInfoSent: "✅ I've sent you a DM with your info.",
        listInfoNotSent: "❌ I could not send you a DM, make sure your DM's are enabled.",
        // Trade
        tradeNotEnoughPoints: '❌ You dont have enough points to trade.',
        tradeSuccess: '✅ You have successfully traded **{points}** points with {user}.',
        depositNotLinked: '❌ You must be linked with ark to use this command.',
        depositNotEnoughPoints: '❌ You dont have enough points to deposit.',
        depositSuccess: '✅ You have successfully withdrawn **{points}** points.',
        withdrawNotLinked: '❌ You must be linked with ark to use this command.',
        withdrawNotEnoughPoints: '❌ You dont have enough points to withdraw.',
        withdrawSuccess: '✅ You have successfully withdrawn **{points}** points.',
        // logs, Errors
        buyLogMessage: '{user} has bought **{item}** for **{price}** points.',
        norewards: '❌ There are no rewards to claim.',
        cooldownMessage: '>>> You are still on cooldown, Please try again later.',
        itemNotFound: '>>> I could not find the specified package.',
        notLinked: ">>> It seems you're not linked with ark yet.",
        notConnected: ">>> It seems like you're not connected, make sure to join a server first.",
        notAllowed: '>>> You dont have the required role to buy this item.',
        errorServerNotFound: '>>> I Could not find the server you are on. (Contact an admin to update the config)',
        errorRconCommand: '>>> There seems to be an error when i try to send the item to you. (contact a admin for help)',

        queuemessage: '📥 Purchase added to queue. Purchase will be sent once youre back online.',
        sendofflineMessage: '❌ Could not find you online on any of the servers.',
        sendMessage: '✅ Your items have been sent to you successfully',
        notiems: '⚠️ You dont have any items in the queue.',

        //Page (command /buy)
        pageFooter: '❌Click the Purchase button to buy this item.',
        pagePurchase: '❌Purchase',
        pagePrevious: '❌Previous',
        pageNext: '❌Next',
        pagePage: '❌Page 1/',
        nextpagePage: '❌Page',
        Purchaseemojie: '🛒',
        Previousemojie: '⬅️',
        Nextemojie: '➡️',
        Pageemojie: '📃',
    messages: { // Market Translation
        sell: {
            commandDescription: 'Sell items on the market.',
            modalTitle: 'Sell your item',
            modalOptionItemName: 'Item',
            modalOptionItemText: 'Maxed T-Rex',
            modalOptionAmountName: 'Amount',
            modalOptionAmountText: "2 dino's",
            modalOptionPriceName: 'Price',
            modalOptionPriceText: '100 Points',
            modalOptionMapName: 'Map',
            modalOptionMapText: 'The Island',
            modalOptionImageName: 'Image',
            modalOptionImageText: '',
            messageTitle: "{user}'s Offer:",
            messageDescription: '{user} created a new offer, click the `Buy` button below!',
            messageFooter: 'Ark Market',
            fieldItemName: 'Item',
            fieldAmountName: 'Amount',
            fieldPriceName: 'Price',
            fieldMapName: 'Map',
            fieldIdName: 'Offer ID',
            buyButtonLabel: 'Buy',
            buyemoji: '🛒',
            removeButtonLabel: 'Remove',
            removeemojie: '🗑️',
            claimMessageTitle: '{user} claimed your offer!',
            claimMessageDescription:'{user} has claimed your offer. To complete this trade click the confirm button below!\n\n**Offer:**\n- Item: `{offer}`\n- Amount `${amount}`\n- Price `{price}`\n\nTo complete this trade contact the buyer!',
            claimMessageFooter: 'Ark Market',
            buyMessageTitle: 'Claimed offer',
            buyMessageDescription: '✅ Successfully claimed the offer, you can contact the seller to complete the trade.',
            buyMessageFooter: 'Ark Market',
        auction: {
            commandDescription: 'Create a auction.',
            modalTitle: 'Create a new auction',
            modalOptionItemName: 'Item/Dino',
            modalOptionItemText: 'Maxed T-Rex',
            modalOptionAmountName: 'Amount',
            modalOptionAmountText: "2 dino's",
            modalOptionPriceName: 'Price',
            modalOptionPriceText: '100 Points',
            modalOptionDurationName: 'Duration',
            modalOptionDurationText: '1h, 1d, 1w',
            modalOptionImageName: 'Image',
            modalOptionImageText: '',
            auctionChannelNotFound: 'The auction channel was not found.',
            auctionTitle: 'New Auction',
            auctionFieldDuration: 'Duration',
            auctionFieldItem: 'Item',
            auctionFieldAmount: 'Amount',
            auctionFieldPrice: 'Price',
            auctionFieldMap: 'Map',
            auctionFieldBidders: 'Bidders',
            auctionCreated: '✅ Auction created!',
            auctionEndsAt: 'Ends at',
            noBidders: 'No bidders yet.',
            newBidMessage: 'has placed a new bid on your auction!',
            modalPlaceholder: 'Place your bid here',
            modalLabel: 'Enter your bid here',
            modalTitle: 'Submit your bid',
            auctionEndedTitle: 'Auction Ended!',
            auctionEndedDurationField: 'This auction has ended!',
            auctionEndedMessage: 'Your auction has ended! Make sure to contact the best bidder!',
            auctionemoji: '💰',
            auctionlabel: 'Bid',
        requests: {
            commandDescription: 'Create a new request.',
            modalTitle: 'Create a request',
            modalOptionItemName: 'Item',
            modalOptionItemText: 'Maxed T-Rex',
            modalOptionAmountName: 'Amount',
            modalOptionAmountText: "2 dino's",
            modalOptionPriceName: 'Price',
            modalOptionPriceText: '100 Points',
            modalOptionMapName: 'Map',
            modalOptionMapText: 'The Island',
            modalOptionImageName: 'Image',
            modalOptionImageText: '',
            requestChannelNotFound: 'The request channel was not found.',
            requestTitle: 'New Request',
            requestDescription: '{user} has created a new request!',
            requestFieldItem: 'Item',
            requestFieldAmount: 'Amount',
            requestFieldPrice: 'Price',
            requestFieldMap: 'Map',
            requestCreatedTitle: 'Request created!',
            requestCreatedDescription: 'Your request has been created!',
            requestAcceptButtonLabel: 'Accept',
            requestAcceptemoji: '✅',
            requestRemoveButtonLabel: 'Remove',
            requestRemoveemoji: '🗑️',
            requestDeletedMessage: 'This request has been deleted',
            requestAcceptedTitle: 'Request Accepted',
            requestAcceptedDescription: 'Your request for **{amount} {request}** has been accepted by `{user}`! Please contact them to complete the trade.',
        marketofferrequest: {
            requesttitle: 'Request T',
            requestdescription: 'Hier you can discuss about the request, once completed you can close the request with the button below.',
            requestfooter: 'Test',

            offertitle: 'Market Offer T',
            offerdescription: 'Here you can discuss about the request, once completed you can close the request with the button below.',
            offerfooter: 'Test',

            requestconfirmButtonLabel: 'Complete Test.',
            requestconfirmemoji: '✅',
            requestcancelButtonLabel: 'Cancel Test.',
            requestcancelemoji: '🗑️',
            offerconfirmButtonLabel: 'Complete Test',
            offerconfirmemoji: '✅',
            offercancelButtonLabel: 'Cancle Test',
            offercancelemoji: '🗑️',
        errors: {
            marketCantClaimOwn: '❌ you cant claim your own offers...',
            marketAlreadySold: '❌ It seems like this offer was already sold.',
            marketTradeNotFound: '❌ I could not find the specified trade.',
            marketAlreadySold: '❌ It seems like this offer was already sold.',
            marketClaimConfirmed: '✅ Your claim has been confirmed by {user}!',
            marketTradeConfirmed: '✅ You have successfully completed this trade.',
            sellError: '❌ The marked channel ID in the config is invalid. please contact an admin!',
            sellSuccess: '✅ Successfully created a new offer in {channel}!',
            onlySellerCanRemove: '❌ Only the seller can remove this offer.',
            tradeRemoved: '✅ Trade is successfully removed.',
            requestRemoved: '✅ Request is successfully removed.',

ArkShop For using ArkShop Points
Linking Plugins Supoorted: NGoGTool ASALinker Wooly
Hosting Docs
Create Bot Docs

Free Hosting your Bots:
NGoG Hosting

One license for unlimited servers in a same single physical server.
To activate, visit my Discord and you will find further information there

Installation / Support / Buy:

Please, join to my to see all documentation, get support or buy it.
German and English Support

Latest updates

  1. Fixes

    notiems: ':warning: You dont have any items in the queue.', Change it to: noitems: ':warning...
  2. Update, Changes and more!!

    Happy New Year! Update 1.1 Beta • + Translation,js File ( Default is in Discord ) • + Added...
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