Recent content by Default01


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  1. Default01


    Default01 submitted a new resource: XSurvive - XSurvive is an RPG-like Discord bot game. Farm resources, upgrade tools, defeat epic bosses, etc... Read more about this resource...
  2. Default01

    XSurvive 3.0

    XSurvive is an RPG-like Discord bot game. Farm resources, upgrade tools, defeat epic bosses, earn achievements, and be the strongest survivor ever! Discover new Zones and defeat the bosses, Upgrade your weapons, tools, and character to take on the next bosses! Visit Our Website...
  3. Default01

    [Resource] DBD NEXUS - Your all-in-one solution for Discord bot management

    Default01 updated DBD NEXUS - Your all-in-one solution for Discord bot management with a new update entry: V1.5.15 Read the rest of this update entry...
  4. Default01

    Free DBD NEXUS - Your all-in-one solution for Discord bot management - V1.5.15

    - [bot] Added `hide_overwrite_startup_warning` option to skip the startup warning inside the settings.json file. - [bot] Removed local `config.json` by default to prevent new users from using the method. - [shop] Removed `category_image` config option. - [shop] Removed `shop_panels` config...
  5. Default01

    [Resource] DBD NEXUS - Your all-in-one solution for Discord bot management

    Default01 updated DBD NEXUS - Your all-in-one solution for Discord bot management with a new update entry: 1.4.4 Read the rest of this update entry...
  6. Default01

    Free DBD NEXUS - Your all-in-one solution for Discord bot management - 1.4.4

    - Disabled modules are now properly sorted to the end of the modules page. - Fixed an error when loading the configuration page. - Added @DBD Nexus#9441 Bot presence, which displays some stats. - Added start button on the landing page. - Added Trial & Expired sorters and filters on the modules...
  7. Default01

    DBD Nexus - FREE Discord Shop for in-game items!

    Default01 submitted a new resource: DBD Nexus - FREE Shop Module - A fully customizable shop system for your Discord server. Read more about this resource...
  8. Default01

    DBD Nexus - FREE Discord Shop for in-game items!

    DBD Nexus Shop Module Features: Buy items from the shop inside your Discord server and receive in-game items. Allow your players to claim kits from the shop inside your Discord server. Display all your shop items and kits inside your Discord server. Manage shop user points and kits from...
  9. Default01

    📈 STATICS BOT (BIG UPDATE) - DBD Nexus 1.2.7

    This bot has been deprecated! Make sure to convert your existing license into your Free DBD Nexus account inside my support server! Converting your bot license is FREE! Support Discord Server: DBD Nexus Site:
  10. Default01

    📡 ARK RCON COMMANDER BOT - DBD Nexus 1.2.7

    This bot has been deprecated! Make sure to convert your existing license into your Free DBD Nexus account inside my support server! Converting your bot license is FREE! Support Discord Server: DBD Nexus Site:
  11. Default01

    🧮 PLAYERCOUNTER BOT (100+ GAMES) - DBD Nexus 1.2.7

    This bot has been deprecated! Make sure to convert your existing license into your Free DBD Nexus account inside my support server! Converting your bot license is FREE! Support Discord Server: DBD Nexus Site:
  12. Default01

    [Resource] DBD NEXUS - Your all-in-one solution for Discord bot management

    Default01 updated DBD NEXUS - Your all-in-one solution for Discord bot management with a new update entry: v2.2.7 Read the rest of this update entry...
  13. Default01

    Free DBD NEXUS - Your all-in-one solution for Discord bot management - v2.2.7

    - Added Pirate protections. - Fixed an issue where the bot can't connect to the auth server for some users. - Updated config validator. - Some minor fixes and optimizations. - Updated stats commands. player and group commands are now split like the standalone bot. - Hardcoded ":" inside...
  14. Default01

    [Resource] DBD NEXUS - Your all-in-one solution for Discord bot management

    Default01 updated DBD NEXUS - Your all-in-one solution for Discord bot management with a new update entry: 2.1 Read the rest of this update entry...