Passive Protection


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Jan 27, 2018
Plugin to protect Dino's on the "Passive" stance from damage, Obviously it needs some fails safes to stop abuse (immune vaults)

Plugin should Detect dino's on the passive stance with no rider, And apply protection after they have been Passive for 5mins (Configurable time)
Protection will remove if dino is mounted, Stance change or made follow.
Dino's with inventory items should not be made protected, To stop Immune vault abuse.
Option to always Protect Baby dino's
Protection should not enable if in range of enemy structures.
I would like this as well, that is something that many would appreciate!
the hard factor is to know if your by the enemy's base or he just built something by yours (maybe structures have a timestamp when they were placed but yeah that would be addition work on the server to check if each dino is by a enemy structure) i can think of a lot of ways to abuse it, Might look into it in the future it is a good idea for sure
the hard factor is to know if your by the enemy's base or he just built something by yours (maybe structures have a timestamp when they were placed but yeah that would be addition work on the server to check if each dino is by a enemy structure) i can think of a lot of ways to abuse it, Might look into it in the future it is a good idea for sure
Can that issue be avoided by taping into arks current " Can not place, in range of enemy foundation" function, If you can find that range..then knock it back a few M, As no enemy is going to be able to build closer to your base than arks enemy structure range anyway, So it would almost be guaranteed your dino is at an enemy base, rather then a enemy structure at your base.....if that makes sense
Probably the biggest abuse i can think of is People whipping Protected dino's onto platform saddles then whipping them off into peoples bases to drain turrets, So you would need some kind of protection for this maybe:
1.) If dino moves X distance protection breaks/
2.) Protection breaks if placed on platform saddle or picked by a dino
3,) Protected dino's not target-able by turrets, This would need further protection , Unable to place c4 on protected dino.

I think the remove protection if the dino moves is the best option.
that seems like a better solution checking if the dino changed position instead of checking if its next to a enemy's base then if it gets damaged by a enemy put a cooldown on the protection (while not actually under protection)
or if the plugin can count how many structures there is. like there is more of your own structures than the enemies then you have protection.
Probably the biggest abuse i can think of is People whipping Protected dino's onto platform saddles then whipping them off into peoples bases to drain turrets, So you would need some kind of protection for this maybe:
1.) If dino moves X distance protection breaks/
2.) Protection breaks if placed on platform saddle or picked by a dino
3,) Protected dino's not target-able by turrets, This would need further protection , Unable to place c4 on protected dino.

I think the remove protection if the dino moves is the best option.
See this mod
why...That's an outdated, Abandoned mod with multiple issues that causes server lag....i used to use it...
Yeah, the quality is quite bad on that mod. I have experienced the same issues. And really don't want this to be a mod. This should be build-in the game and 100% server feature.
Problem I can see with something like this is someone putting passive dinos on a flyer with a platform saddle and loading it with C4 and dropping it into the enemy base. That would bypass the enemy structure stuff for sure right?
Problem I can see with something like this is someone putting passive dinos on a flyer with a platform saddle and loading it with C4 and dropping it into the enemy base. That would bypass the enemy structure stuff for sure right?

Well if they get to close to enemies area the amount of enemies structures are more so the passive protection should be disabled then.
But maybe more options are good as well.

- Check if Dino has items attached such as C4
This would require a crap ton of measures/coding to assure no abusing,
this could be a big nice tool for the servers, because the actual mod is outdated, and have some problems. The author give the code sometime ago, i let you it here maybe could be usefull.

And his discord:

he always help.

Thank you for all.

haha thanks but we make mods in pure c++ and not using ark dev kit or not using blueprints but i believe Michidu might be working on some protection if not i might make it a part of safezone as noob passive protection but yeah i know how it can be abused by alts so a buff is better than protection
These settings/provisions will be required for this to run right.


  • Set this to any number you want in seconds.


  • Set this to either true or false.
  • If this is set to true, the dino will not drop items left in its inventory when it becomes protected.

IconMode (or some type of display??)=

  • Set to 0, 1, or 2.
  • If set to 0. When the dino is protected, a shield icon apears above their head.
  • If set to 1. When the dino is protected, the blue timer at the dino's feet turns green and remains at the dino's feet.
  • If set to 2. When the dino is protected, there is no indicator that the dino is protected.


  • Set this to either true or false.
  • If this is set to true, when dinos become protected, they also become transparent and you will be able to move through them.
    • The INI option DisableGhostMode= must be set to false for this option to work.
  • If this is set to false, dinos will remain the same as they were when they become protected.


  • Set this to either true or false.
  • If this is set to true, all protected dinos will not be able to enter ghost mode.
  • If this is set to false, dinos will be able to enter ghost mode.


  • Set this to either true or false.
  • If this is set to true, dinos will be able to be protected if they are near enemy structures.
  • If this is set to false, if there are more enemy structures in the area than friendly structures, the dino will not be able to enter protected mode.


  • The INI option DisableStructureCheck= must be set to false for this option to work.
  • Set this to either true or false.
  • If this is set to true, dinos will not be able to become protected if they are near ally structures.
  • If this is set to false, dinos will be able to become protected while near ally structures.


  • Set this to either true or false.
  • If this is set to true, if a dino has anything in its inventory(not including an equipped saddle), it won't be able to be protected.
  • If this is set to false, the dino can be protected if there are items in it's inventory.


  • Set this to either true or false.
  • If this is set to true, dinos can be protected while near boss dinos.
  • if this is set to false, dinos will lose protection if they are near a boss dino. And will not be able to enter protection until there are no boss dinos in the area.


  • Set this to either true or false.
  • If this is set to true, dinos with stuff built on their platform are able to be protected.
  • If this is set to false, dinos will lose protection if there is anything built on their platform. And won't be able to become protected until there is nothing built on the platform.


  • Set this to either true or false.
  • If this is set to true, dinos will remain protected if you tell them to follow a target.
  • If this is set to false, dinos will lose protection if you tell them to follow a target, and they will not be able to become protected until they arent following a target.


  • Set this to either true or false.
  • If this is set to true, protected dinos will move around while they are set to wander.
  • If this is set to false, protected dinos will not move while set to wander.


  • Set this to either true or false.
  • If this is set to true, a dino will be able to become protected no matter what their health is.
  • If this is set to false, if a dino doesn't have full health, it will not be able to become protected.


  • Set this to any number you want.
  • This is the amount of time in seconds the dropped item caches will have before they despawn.
  • Set this to 0 to have dropped caches never despawn.
    • While this is set to 0, when a dino loses protection, and they have an item cache, all items will move from the cache back into the dinos inventory.


  • Set this to either true or false.
  • If this is set to true, dinos will stay protected while they are shot by turrets.
  • If this is set to false, dinos will be removed from a protected state if they get shot by a turret.


  • Set this to either true or false.
  • If this is set to true, dinos will be able to become protected while they are on a platform saddle or raft.
  • If this is set to false, dinos wont be able to enter protected mode while on platforms or rafts.
And other importan option will be


Wow! I thought can add one more suggestion to this, but youre good :)

So yes, If that able a protected dino limitation / tribe could be usefull.
And one more thing:
Class specified blacklist/whitelist protection.
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