[Resource] Foppa's Vote Rewards [Deleted]


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Triple checked my configs on 5 servers in my cluster, everything is matching up on all three voting sites yet w/e anyone /claims in game it just says checking and never does anything. The admin test command is very inconsistent about giving out all three rewards every time as well.
Is there a way to add custom cave drops as a reward along with points?
Hello, all the time it crashes after entering /claim. Awards after entry /vrtest are giving away prizes.

         "Sprawdzanie glosow, prosze czekac...",
         "Nie ma zadnych nagrod do odebrania.",
         "Wejdz w menu (F1) i kliknij:",
         "Po oddaniu glosu wpisz /claim aby odebrać nagrode",
     "Musisz poczekac {} Godzin & {} Minuty przed zlozeniem kolejnego glosu.",
     "Musisz poczekac {} Sekund przed zlozeniem kolejnego glosu."
         "Glosuj 1! dla - ark-servers.net"
      "ChanceofPointsOrItems": false,
      "MinPointsReward": 0,
      "MaxPointsReward": 0,
         "Cos jest nie tak z prosba, sprobuj pozniej.",
         "Gratulacje, ciesz się nagroda od ark-servers.net"
         "Glosuj 2! dla - trackyserver.com"
      "ChanceofPointsOrItems": false,
      "MinPointsReward": 0,
      "MaxPointsReward": 0,
         "Cos jest nie tak z prosba, sprobuj pozniej.",
         "Gratulacje, ciesz się nagroda od trackyserver.com"
         "Glosuj 3! dla - toparkservers.com"
      "ChanceofPointsOrItems": false,
      "MinPointsReward": 0,
      "MaxPointsReward": 0,
         "Cos jest nie tak z prosba, sprobuj pozniej.",
         "Gratulacje, ciesz się nagroda od toparkservers.com"
Last edited:
After 6 hours of searching for the /claim server crashes i could found that the problem is a problem with the map of Ragnarok, and https://ark-servers.net/ the server crashes with the standardconfiguration gus.ini and game.ini and the input /claim in the chatbox. it could be possible that it something with saveworld. Because you get the error when you start an new server and a savegame (Ragnarok.ark) doesnt exist. After 15 Minutes (autosavetime) it works, sometimes.

The Only changed what i have done, are to insert a Servername without Space like "M1" my Apikey and the Vote URL to the configuration of the VoteRewards. I Also tested it with a Config where i removed the other servers so that only ark-servers.net entry was inside.

Everything else was standard the plugins what i used are 1. Ark Server Api 2. Permission 3. VoteRewards, no mods, map Ragnarok, the startroutines were:

Ragnarok?listen?Port=8800?QueryPort=27260?MaxPlayers=70?PreventSpawnAnimations=true?TribeLogDestroyedEnemyStructures=true?AutoSavePeriodMinutes=15 -NoTransferFromFiltering -ClusterDirOverride=C:\ARK\ArkTestServer\clustersave -clusterid=TestCluster -nosteamclient -server -log -automanagedmods

The Dmp File shows this Error:

Errorcode: 0xC0000005
The thread has attempted to read from or write to a virtual address for which it does not have the appropriate access rights.

I give the user user the full rights of the serverfolder, also my account wich has administrative rights. I started the commandline with adminstrative rights and run the server. Still the same problem.

So please bug fix it.


cand this be made to read votes from a mysql db ?


something like this for the config , dont know what the actual coding for the dll will be
I am also having the crashing issue as well. Everytime I /claim the server hard crashes.
Any chance to add option command so we can add more staff in.
like i use on my lootbox and i have vote box and i still manual send it and by adding that option it will save some time
We have multiple Crashes with VoteRewards since the last ARK Update...

V o t e R e w a r d s . d l l ! U W o r l d : : G e t T i m e S e c o n d s ( ) ( 0 x 0 0 0 0 7 f f b 1 5 b 9 9 8 8 a ) + 1 0 6 b y t e s [ E : \ A r k S e r v e r M o d d i n g \ A r k S e r v e r A P I R E P \ v e r s i o n \ C o r e \ P u b l i c \ A P I \ A R K \ G a m e M o d e . h : 2 2 7 ]

V o t e R e w a r d s . d l l ! C h e c k V o t e R e w a r d ( ) ( 0 x 0 0 0 0 7 f f b 1 5 b 9 f 2 e 5 ) + 2 3 b y t e s [ E : \ A r k S e r v e r M o d d i n g \ A r k S e r v e r A p i \ V o t e R e w a r d s \ V o t e R e w a r d s \ V o t e R e w a r d s . c p p : 2 1 5 ]
Yeah, every single one of our maps (30+) on all 3 clusters has crashed in the past few hours, until we took the Vote Rewards plugin out. Some have crashed again, making me think it might be another plugin, but it doesn't leave a crash window.
It works now here without the Vote Plugin, all i know is that our Player wanted to claim a Vote and then it crashes...
It is an API Problem since the last patch! It is with ALL (!) Plugins, not only this one.
I can report it freezes the server here too. It didn't do that before the steam issues, but now it does.
Can confirm vote rewards is broken with new ark update.
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