config.json file


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Active member
May 6, 2021
I am attempting to update my config.json file, although I have gotten mainly the dinos to work for the shop, I have attempted to include things such as items and artifacts and the like, but the items and artifacts, etc do not appear in the listing of the shop when I type /shop to purchase, would someone be able to possibly review, as I have run it through the JSON site, but they may be placed in the incorrect areas, please help. Attaching file
also what section would things like element be placed under, I was informed they would need to go under the shop section, and although using the line below, I may be missing items for the element:




or saddles
at first, you shouldn't delete all lines inside config, coz i didn't see some sections in your cfg, if you don't want to have smth u can just leave it as it like
This is default cfg

also what section would things like element be placed under, I was informed they would need to go under the shop section, and although using the line below, I may be missing items for the element:




or saddles

Do you use UI for shop? Wdym "section"?
I'm a bit new, not sure or wdym, but I believe I use the UI, and as mentioned the dinos do work but things such as cryopods do not
Do you press any key for your shop to be opened? Are u using some additional UI like WShop, or arkshopui?
how would I also add items such as kibble, element, items such as artifacts for all the bosses, to the config file, would they also be listed under the shop section? also armor such as flak etc?
I made some additions, although now when I attempt to type /shop the text appears and not the shop listing, although when attempting to validate I receive errors on things like the pearls and black pearls with an expected EOF. although everything appears in order, not sure why I am receiving that, may I ask if you would be able to review once again, please
also now when I attempt to even use the default json file, and type /shop, just the text appears, would there be a reason for this. I have copied the config.json file to the arkshop and plugins folder on the server, then rebooted the server but still the shop does not list or load
Hello Friend,

I don't know if it's a problem, when I use "/kit" it only appears when I teleport from bed to another bed..