Atlas Server Manager (Source available)


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When you start the server from atlas server manager, this message appears and it is impossible to access the server.

View attachment 1135

If I run the server without atlas server manager, it can be accessed without any problem. What can be happening?

additional info:

View attachment 1136

View attachment 1138
serverguid.json->gameport==stlasservermanage->server port
serverguid.json->port==stlasservermanage->query port
I'm having some issues with the updating function. The app stalls when first starting while checking for update. I waited 20 mins just now. It does not move on. If I do a "force update" it does everything right, and updates atlas, but then a minute or two after it has completed the update and started the servers, it decides it needs to do the same update again, and starts the automatic cycle of notifications and reboots etc, except it ends up doing a full verify instead because there is no further update.
I'm having some issues with the updating function. The app stalls when first starting while checking for update. I waited 20 mins just now. It does not move on. If I do a "force update" it does everything right, and updates atlas, but then a minute or two after it has completed the update and started the servers, it decides it needs to do the same update again, and starts the automatic cycle of notifications and reboots etc, except it ends up doing a full verify instead because there is no further update.
does running it as administrator make any difference?
For my at least running as Admin does not, i've tried running manually on launch and adjusted the .exe to always run as admin. Still doesn't do anything with the updates.

@scottr69 - Not seeing any dump files at least for steam CMD.
@ OwnProx - Not sure if it helps, but Ark Server Manager ( has a very smooth auto update process that i use for my ARK Cluster. They use task scheduler for managing any auto restarts and updates.

I imagine it would also work perfectly for ATLAS as well though, but i'm not certain if they are open or closed source. I expect this is the same for most people, but a smooth auto update process is definitely top of my wish list over any and all other features, to the point where if it did just that one function i would be happy for now :)
@ OwnProx - Not sure if it helps, but Ark Server Manager ( has a very smooth auto update process that i use for my ARK Cluster. They use task scheduler for managing any auto restarts and updates.

I imagine it would also work perfectly for ATLAS as well though, but i'm not certain if they are open or closed source. I expect this is the same for most people, but a smooth auto update process is definitely top of my wish list over any and all other features, to the point where if it did just that one function i would be happy for now :)

thanks but it doesn't really help as its not happening for me every single version since first release has had what you call smooth updating process for myself, also im well aware of asm and don't even use it for my ark servers i actually have a version of this for them to, I currently run 13 atlas servers they all use this but i have been stress testing it and trying to cause issues and i think i may have finally figured it out who knows give the new one a try.

if it still doesn't work i guess ill add you on discord and we can try get it fixed but i will be out most the day today so it will be this evening or tomorrow depending on my free time but yeah hope the latest version works good luck
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thanks but it doesn't really help as its not happening for me every single version since first release has had what you call smooth updating process for myself, also im well aware of asm and don't even use it for my ark servers i actually have a version of this for them to, I currently run 13 atlas servers they all use this but i have been stress testing it and trying to cause issues and i think i may have finally figured it out who knows give the new one a try.

if it still doesn't work i guess ill add you on discord and we can try get it fixed but i will be out most the day today so it will be this evening or tomorrow depending on my free time but yeah hope the latest version works good luck

Thanks that's great, i'm working all day anyway but will give 3.0 ago later this evening so fingers crossed! Thanks again for the time spent on this.

One final question, how does the application know where to call steam CMD from or is it in someway built in? More out of curiosity than anything else.
Thanks that's great, i'm working all day anyway but will give 3.0 ago later this evening so fingers crossed! Thanks again for the time spent on this.

One final question, how does the application know where to call steam CMD from or is it in someway built in? More out of curiosity than anything else.
It seems that the application automatically generates a folder for steam. It contains steamcmd
Today, my atlas server manager 2.9, did not update to 10.43 as normal, it does not show updates.
And I now change it to 3.0. It's updated. Provide a screenshot, I don't know if I can provide some information.
View attachment 1144

Looks like switching to Async has fixed the update problem (which by the way is how ark server manager does their updating, I was looking at their code yesterday) But the detection scheme doesn't work correctly any longer. I had launched via a batch file, saw you had updated your manager, so I downloaded it and ran it. It said the 4 server cluster was not running (but it was) and launched 4 of them again. So I closed everything down (the Manager, its 4 running servers and the original 4 running servers) and launched it again. It properly said they weren't running and launch them. But, oddly enough, the manager still didn't say they were running! So I closed down the manager and restarted it. It then said ONLINE for all the servers when it first started, but it also immediately closed them all and restarted them all again. But I think you are getting very close! :) Thanks for your efforts!
OwnProx , can you add in future versions the posibility to run external script (bat file, or exe filel) after update process?
when updated some config game file params overwrited (like defaultengine.ini), and need copy the modified again.
应用程序: AtlasServerManager.exe Framework 版本: v4.0.30319 说明: 由于未经处理的异常,进程终止。异常信息: System.NullReferenceException 在 AtlasServerManager.Includes.SourceRcon.OnServerOutput(System.String) 在 AtlasServerManager.Includes.SourceRcon.ReceiveCallback(System.IAsyncResult) 在 System.Net.LazyAsyncResult.Complete(IntPtr) 在 System.Net.ContextAwareResult.CompleteCallback(System.Object) 在 System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(System.Threading.ExecutionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback, System.Object, Boolean) 在 System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(System.Threading.ExecutionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback, System.Object, Boolean) 在 System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(System.Threading.ExecutionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback, System.Object) 在 System.Net.ContextAwareResult.Complete(IntPtr) 在 System.Net.LazyAsyncResult.ProtectedInvokeCallback(System.Object, IntPtr) 在 System.Net.Sockets.BaseOverlappedAsyncResult.CompletionPortCallback(UInt32, UInt32, System.Threading.NativeOverlapped*) 在 System.Threading._IOCompletionCallback.PerformIOCompletionCallback(UInt32, UInt32, System.Threading.NativeOverlapped*)

I feel like the problem is shutting down the server.
Because I tried to manually click on stop. Then the application crashes.
@OwnProx - Seem to be having progress now! :) It does seem to search for updates, which is great. But i think it may still have a few kinks to iron out.

  • Initial start of the application shows servers all offline, it checks for updates, then starts them as shown below. (Servers do not change from offline to online)
  • I closed and reopened the program, as i know that sometimes refreshes offline status. It did then show the servers as online but then decided to reboot them all anyway.
Would it be possible to stop this booting servers thing all together, i'd prefer it to just look up server status but not reboot, shutdown or do anything when the server manager opens, but only when i tell it too or for an auto update.

Will leave it running now and see if i get a clean update on the next patch :) keep up the good work!

Initial load

View attachment 1150
After close and re-open
View attachment 1151
can anyone tell me where the config is stored? I have issues where if I delete the server or if I clear all servers, when I restart the program they keep coming back. I want to just clear all previous configs, but can't seem to locate where that's at.
I get the following message come up when trying to run the manager, If anyone can explain this that would be great. also where do you place/install the manager? im somewhat confused. i have a atlasserver folder i created manually for my servers (which still cant get working) and it seems that the manager software creates a folder called serveratlas. Now if i run the atlas manager from either my manually created server folder (atlasserver) or the one which the manager creates (serveratlas) i get this error message. now my server shows up on the server list within atlas but it times out when joining, i've checked and forwarded my ports, followed all the vids on youtube even the german ones. at times i've got it too work but with only one server and now just nothing at all. I run Ark servers with no problem and they have been tested on the ports i opened for atlas and run fine. Sorry for the ramble but if anyone has any great advice it would be amazing.

No luck i'm affraid, 10.5 was released and it did not auto update. I've just manually forced an update and it's come up with this -

View attachment 1154

3444803 is not patch 10.5. It's an old one and i've no clue why it's saying it's found that. I expect once it has finished restarting, it will then check for updates and find the newer version, reboot and then validate as it already has it. (had this issue before)
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