New Player Protection


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Dear @barnwellrd

How dare you sir! How dare you have a new child AND a new job at the same time! You should be taken out into the streets and stoned for the crimes of not providing insta-gratification to weebs!!!! The least you could have done was to provide a discord where people could go for support! Maybe post some patches, and other information!!!!! And how dare you sir not make that really really clear at the very top of the plugin description.. I am highly offended.

Disclaimer- for all the crayon eaters out there, everything above was sarcasm...

If you need support, go to the discord. Multiple fixes have been posted there (thank you @WETBATMAN for helping with solutions!)

There is a patch out for people to test with all these fixes on his discord right now.
Dear @barnwellrd

How dare you sir! How dare you have a new child AND a new job at the same time! You should be taken out into the streets and stoned for the crimes of not providing insta-gratification to weebs!!!! The least you could have done was to provide a discord where people could go for support! Maybe post some patches, and other information!!!!! And how dare you sir not make that really really clear at the very top of the plugin description.. I am highly offended.

Disclaimer- for all the crayon eaters out there, everything above was sarcasm...

If you need support, go to the discord. Multiple fixes have been posted there (thank you @WETBATMAN for helping with solutions!)

There is a patch out for people to test with all these fixes on his discord right now.

And where is the link to your discord supposed to be, where can we all see the solution and stop complaining?
In the overview. Bolded, italicized, and underlined, like so. Also immediately follows "Be sure to join the Discord:" where the ":" signifys that the subject of the message follows.
barnwellrd updated New Player Protection with a new update entry:

[UPDATE:] New Player Protection V1.87

  • Added new config option to enable debugging info in the console (EnableDebugging)
  • Added new message for admins when doing !npp status command on an admin only tribe
  • Fixed c4 Lag
    • Added a Permission group cache for the NPPAdmin group
    • Added a cache of currently protected tribes (Checks all tribes vs all players on damage now)
  • Fixed !npp disable command crash
  • Updated to ARK API V3.2
  • Fixed bug where multiple pve tribes removed in a short time...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Yesterday i place the plugin on the server, and ping goes from 40, to perma 240, any idea where it comes from?
How does your config look like?
How does your config look like?
It's vanilla config, just i place lvl 100, and i translated the messages to spanish, i don't think it's about the "NPPAdminGroup": "Admins",

   "General": {
      "DbPathOverride": "",
      "EnableDebugging": false,
      "PlayerUpdateIntervalInMins": 10,
      "IgnoreAdmins": true,
      "AllowNewPlayersToDamageEnemyStructures": false,
      "AllowPlayersToDisableOwnedTribeProtection": true,
      "AllowWildCorruptedDinoDamage": false,
      "AllowWildDinoDamage": true,
      "NPPPlayerDecayInHours": 384,
      "NPPCommandPrefix": "!",
      "NPPAdminGroup": "Admins",
      "NewPlayerDoingDamageMessage": "You can't attack structures while under New Player Protection!",
      "NewPlayerStructureTakingDamageMessage": "You can't attack structures that are under New Player Protection!",
      "NewPlayerStructureTakingDamageFromUnknownTribemateMessage": "Your tribe can't attack structures that are under New Player Protection!",
      "NPPRemainingMessage": "New Player Protection Remaining: {} Day(s) {} Hour(s) {} Minute(s) OR {} level(s)! [Based on oldest/highest tribe member]",
      "NPPInfoMessage": "NPP Server Settings: Hours of Protection: {}, Max New Player Level: {}.",
      "NPPInvalidCommand": "Invalid chat command!",
      "NewPlayerProtectionDisableSuccess": "Your tribes protection has been disabled!",
      "NotANewPlayerMessage": "Your tribe is not under New Player Protection!",
      "NotTribeAdminMessage": "You are not a tribe admin!",
      "TribeIDText": "Target structure's Tribe ID: {}.",
      "NoStructureForTribeIDText": "Please face the middle of your screen towards the structure you want to retrieve the Tribe ID from.",
      "PVEDisablePlayerMessage": "PVE player can not disable their own protection",
      "PVEStatusMessage": "Your tribe is a PVE tribe",
      "NotAStructureMessage": "This target is not a structure!",
      "IsAdminTribe": "Everyone in this tribe is a NPPAdmin.",
      "AdminNoTribeExistsMessage": "No tribe with that ID exists; Tribe: {}",
      "AdminTribeProtectionRemoved": "Protection has been removed for Tribe: {}",
      "AdminTribeNotUnderProtection": "No protection to remove from Tribe: {}",
      "AdminResetTribeProtectionSuccess": "{} hour(s) of protection from now has been given to Tribe: {}",
      "AdminResetTribeProtectionLvlFailure": "A player is over the NPP Max Level. Cannot give protection to Tribe: {}",
      "AdminPVETribeAddedSuccessMessage": "Successfully added to PVE Tribes: {}",
      "AdminPVETribeAlreadyAddedMessage": "Tribe was already added to PVE Tribes: {}",
      "AdminPVETribeRemovedSuccessMessage": "Successfully removed from PVE Tribes: {}",
      "AdminPVETribeAlreadyRemovedMessage": "Tribe was already removed from PVE Tribes: {}",
      "MessageIntervalInSecs": 10,
      "MessageTextSize": 1.4,
      "MessageDisplayDelay": 10,
      "MessageColor": [
      "NewPlayerProtection": {
         "NewPlayerMaxLevel": 100,
         "HoursOfProtection": 72
      "StructureExemptions": []
Last edited by a moderator:
The plugin only executes code on load, logins and logouts, structure damage, commands, and on the interval defined in the config. So its not unrealistic that you might see higher ping on one of these events, especially structure damage.
[QUOTE = "barnwellrd, post: 13646, member: 402"] Eso es un error de configuración. Use el predeterminado y cambie una línea a la vez hasta que lo descubra. [/ QUOTE]
¿Y cómo hago eso? ¡Gracias!
Hello, i've got a question.

What if the protected players attack an other tribe will there new player buff be removed ?
Hello guys iam making a new server to test some stuff
my ping was 25 / 30 , i stop server place protection and start server and i get like 112 / 132
is only with me ?
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