Devs Ego's


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Sep 6, 2018
This is from Foppas Discord server:

I need it again because I had some issues with my server and removed the config without saving the code. I paid for the plugin, but if it's an issue to give me the code again, I can just live without it. After all, it's all just temporary, and not worthwhile for the devs, only the players as I was informed when I was attacked by one of your moderators for having an opinion that did not directly reflect his own just for inquiring about ownprox. Is it a projection on his part from guilt for copying and pasting ownproxs plugins? If that's the case, then he needs to deal with that on his end, doesn't project it onto the patrons. Or is he just a terrible person? I am entitled to my opinion and it doesn't have to conform to others. That's why it is called my opinion. Players have lives too. Their time, effort, and the money that you would like to have is valuable to them also. They have families also. Devs /moderators should not behave like time is more valuable for them than it is for others. Players pay you money. Real money, is an actual tangible item. Not virtual tokens. And this is the treatment they receive on your server for inquiring about a topic. All I wanted to know was where to find the version another plugin told me I needed. I did not expect or deserve to get lambasted about not supporting devs, that I should stop bitching about free plugins, without even considering that I may have actually already bought some before verballing attacking, and running his mouth. You should go back and read the logs, although I have no doubt you will take his side since he is on your team. Not that it matters at this point. Like turning an officer into the police. What is done is done. He is obviously damaged by some make belief dev-hating bad guy who didn't stroke his ego pleasingly enough. I am 100% dissatisfied with my experience on this server. At the very least, if you do not give me the code I paid for, at least take my hard-earned money I gave you and buy wishhewasakillerrivermouth a leash, so he won't accost other would-be patrons. BTW I was moments away from making a donation out of the kindness of my heart to show my appreciation when this took place. So needless to say, that absolutely will not be happening now. I made a copy of this message. Maybe I will share it.


  • _ticket---SC0RPI0--_ _ Ark_Atlas Plugins Support - Discord 1_29_2023 10_46_39 AM.png
    _ticket---SC0RPI0--_ _ Ark_Atlas Plugins Support - Discord 1_29_2023 10_46_39 AM.png
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  • _ticket---SC0RPI0--_ _ Ark_Atlas Plugins Support - Discord 1_29_2023 11_02_58 AM.png
    _ticket---SC0RPI0--_ _ Ark_Atlas Plugins Support - Discord 1_29_2023 11_02_58 AM.png
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he does not appear rude or to have an ego at all to me in the screenshots?
he does not appear rude or to have an ego at all to me in the screenshots?
--SC0RPI0-- — 01/28/2023 11:21 AM
Plugin checker says there is a version of this plugin 3.55 available, but I can not find it?
[11:21 AM]
01/28/23 11:13 [PluginChecker][info] AntiPveGriefing 3.55 is now available for download from
01/28/23 11:13 [PluginChecker][info] ArkShop 3.55 is now available for download from
01/28/23 11:13 [PluginChecker][info] AZEventManager 3.55 is now available for download from
01/28/23 11:13 [PluginChecker][info] DeathmatchEvent 3.55 is now available for download from
01/28/23 11:13 [PluginChecker][info] DinoColourCommand 3.55 is now available for download from
[11:23 AM]
same thing with Dino Colour Command
[11:26 AM]
and all the rest. the only available update I can find is for the api itself.

KillerDelta — 01/28/2023 11:31 AM
Speak to the dev of PluginChecker

Plugin checker says there is a version of this plugin 3.55 available, but I can not find it?

KillerDelta — 01/28/2023 11:32 AM
API 3.55 is available on gameserverhub (edited)

--SC0RPI0-- — 01/28/2023 11:39 AM
yes, arkshop3.55 is not
[11:39 AM]
i wasnt looking for the 3.55 api update
[11:39 AM]
I was looking for the ones in the list

pichulone — 01/28/2023 11:40 AM
[PluginChecker ? who made that?

--SC0RPI0-- — 01/28/2023 11:40 AM
idk, i can look it up

pichulone — 01/28/2023 11:40 AM
who ever made that needs to work on that. check when was his last update for that plugin

--SC0RPI0-- — 01/28/2023 11:41 AM
[11:41 AM]
Game Servers Hub
Free - Automatic Plugin Update Checker
Automatic Plugin Update Checker

Source: Click Here


Prints messages in server console when plugin updates are out
Sends alerts to discord when new plugin updates are released
Checks for plugin updates each 30 minutes
notify's you...

pichulone — 01/28/2023 11:41 AM

idk, i can look it up

KillerDelta — 01/28/2023 11:41 AM
Arkshop is not on 3.55
Sorry cant do anything for you here buddy

pichulone — 01/28/2023 11:41 AM

--SC0RPI0-- — 01/28/2023 11:42 AM
ummm, ok

ummm, ok

KillerDelta — 01/28/2023 11:43 AM
Arkshop is on 3.02

We can not do anything about another plugin detecting incorrect information

--SC0RPI0-- — 01/28/2023 11:43 AM
Thats what i wanted to make sure of. Took a minute to get to that result.But thank you all the same
[11:45 AM]
whats the deal with ownprox? he make everyone mad or something? hes like the elephant in the room it seems?

whats the deal with ownprox? he make everyone mad or something? hes like the elephant in the room it seems?

KillerDelta — 01/28/2023 11:45 AM
There is no deal with Ownprox.
Lol no one has an issue with him

--SC0RPI0-- — 01/28/2023 11:46 AM
ok, i did not mean to imply that they did, just seeems like he is awol, and no one wants to talk about it, not that i am prying, none of my business, just seemed strange, is all

KillerDelta — 01/28/2023 11:46 AM
He just does not build plugins anymore..

Note the date on the update checker
See plugins are a part time thing for devs, devs get families, kids, more important things than gaming.

--SC0RPI0-- — 01/28/2023 11:47 AM
as does everyone...
[11:47 AM]
Ty Killer Delta
[11:49 AM]
i did note the date, didnt think that was indicative of an abandon plugin
[11:53 AM]
So, then, all of his plugins are obsolete, and all the rest of everyone else's will be in due time. Doesn't instill much faith in bothering with spending any time or money on them, from either side., the dev or the customer/player/server owner. Not intending to offend. Just an observation from outside looking in.
[11:54 AM]
Loits of time spent in configs that my family would like me to spend elsewhere

So, then, all of his plugins are obsolete, and all the rest of everyone else's will be in due time. Doesn't instill much faith in bothering with spending any time or money on them, from either side., the dev or the customer/player/server owner. Not intending to offend. Just an observation from outside looking in.

KillerDelta — 01/28/2023 11:54 AM
Dude you do you.
But this chat is no longer productive..
Further comments on attacking developers will be removed

--SC0RPI0-- — 01/28/2023 11:54 AM
I was not attacking devs. you are mistaken and are now attacking me.

pichulone — 01/28/2023 11:54 AM
ure right tho, i personally dont mess with plugin not recently updated, i rather stay away from ghost crashes and give myself some inner peace. also paid plugins are the right thing to do in most cases.

Loits of time spent in configs that my family would like me to spend elsewhere

KillerDelta — 01/28/2023 11:55 AM
That is how you prioritize
Most people who love their families prioritize their families

--SC0RPI0-- — 01/28/2023 11:55 AM
Ahh, still attacking me sir.
[11:55 AM]
I was simply stating the obvious facts of the situation. Sorry if that upset you.
[11:57 AM]
I do buy paid plugins, BTW

I was simply stating the obvious facts of the situation. Sorry if that upset you.

KillerDelta — 01/28/2023 11:57 AM
If you dont have faith in a dev dont use them.
As simple as that.
You decided to use a plugin that is 5 years old and now complaining about having faith.
This is not constructive to Shop chat or any chat for that matter.

You decide what you want to use and use at own risk
Further comments from you will be removed


--SC0RPI0-- — 01/28/2023 11:57 AM
or, at leat, I did.
[11:58 AM]
You Delta Killer are a misjudging prick
[11:58 AM]
erase that sir
[11:58 AM]
and do the world a favor and erase yourself while you are at it
[11:59 AM]
not rewading ur responses, stoptyping

not rewading ur responses, stoptyping

KillerDelta — 01/28/2023 12:02 PM
You insinuated that devs should not care about more than developing.
Maybe you were one of the reasons he stopped developing.. or people like you.

Show some respect to what devs have built for YOU and also hat devs have built for FREE.
Have some respect for developers and the time they put into plugins.
Not everyone will bend to YOUR will like you want them to.

You have made so many unnecessary comments bringing devs down.
How long should devs put up with such negative ugliness from users like you before they give up

--SC0RPI0-- — 01/28/2023 12:04 PM
SAeriously, you are a troll, I do not have negative opinionms of devs, unless you call yourself one, then i guess I would.

KillerDelta — 01/28/2023 12:04 PM
Not intending to offend
Is so Contradictive

--SC0RPI0-- — 01/28/2023 12:04 PM
i am kind to everyone and very grateful to the devs

i am kind to everyone and very grateful to the devs

KillerDelta — 01/28/2023 12:04 PM
if you say so
[12:05 PM]
i am blocking you now.. i dont have time for you

--SC0RPI0-- — 01/28/2023 12:05 PM
you have misjudged me with conceptions you have from the past about others, you have attacked me, and you still are, you are the only opinion allowed tobe heard her apparently
[12:05 PM]
Fuck you rick
[12:05 PM]
[12:06 PM]
[12:06 PM]
[12:06 PM]
[12:06 PM]
[12:06 PM]
[12:06 PM]
[12:06 PM]
[12:06 PM]
[12:06 PM]

pichulone — 01/28/2023 12:06 PM

--SC0RPI0-- — 01/28/2023 12:06 PM
[12:06 PM]
[12:06 PM]
there is a brifge somewhere missing you


  • #🎫chat-support _ Ark_Atlas Plugins Support - Discord 2_1_2023 12_38_11 PM.png
    #🎫chat-support _ Ark_Atlas Plugins Support - Discord 2_1_2023 12_38_11 PM.png
    285.3 KB · Views: 2
  • #🎫chat-support _ Ark_Atlas Plugins Support - Discord 2_1_2023 12_38_02 PM.png
    #🎫chat-support _ Ark_Atlas Plugins Support - Discord 2_1_2023 12_38_02 PM.png
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  • #🎫chat-support _ Ark_Atlas Plugins Support - Discord 2_1_2023 12_37_52 PM.png
    #🎫chat-support _ Ark_Atlas Plugins Support - Discord 2_1_2023 12_37_52 PM.png
    337 KB · Views: 2
  • #🎫chat-support _ Ark_Atlas Plugins Support - Discord 2_1_2023 12_37_41 PM.png
    #🎫chat-support _ Ark_Atlas Plugins Support - Discord 2_1_2023 12_37_41 PM.png
    358.1 KB · Views: 1
  • #🎫chat-support _ Ark_Atlas Plugins Support - Discord 2_1_2023 12_37_31 PM.png
    #🎫chat-support _ Ark_Atlas Plugins Support - Discord 2_1_2023 12_37_31 PM.png
    306.6 KB · Views: 1
  • #🎫chat-support _ Ark_Atlas Plugins Support - Discord 2_1_2023 12_37_20 PM.png
    #🎫chat-support _ Ark_Atlas Plugins Support - Discord 2_1_2023 12_37_20 PM.png
    343.2 KB · Views: 1
--SC0RPI0-- — 01/28/2023 11:21 AM
Plugin checker says there is a version of this plugin 3.55 available, but I can not find it?
[11:21 AM]
01/28/23 11:13 [PluginChecker][info] AntiPveGriefing 3.55 is now available for download from
01/28/23 11:13 [PluginChecker][info] ArkShop 3.55 is now available for download from
01/28/23 11:13 [PluginChecker][info] AZEventManager 3.55 is now available for download from
01/28/23 11:13 [PluginChecker][info] DeathmatchEvent 3.55 is now available for download from
01/28/23 11:13 [PluginChecker][info] DinoColourCommand 3.55 is now available for download from
[11:23 AM]
same thing with Dino Colour Command
[11:26 AM]
and all the rest. the only available update I can find is for the api itself.

KillerDelta — 01/28/2023 11:31 AM
Speak to the dev of PluginChecker

Plugin checker says there is a version of this plugin 3.55 available, but I can not find it?

KillerDelta — 01/28/2023 11:32 AM
API 3.55 is available on gameserverhub (edited)

--SC0RPI0-- — 01/28/2023 11:39 AM
yes, arkshop3.55 is not
[11:39 AM]
i wasnt looking for the 3.55 api update
[11:39 AM]
I was looking for the ones in the list

pichulone — 01/28/2023 11:40 AM
[PluginChecker ? who made that?

--SC0RPI0-- — 01/28/2023 11:40 AM
idk, i can look it up

pichulone — 01/28/2023 11:40 AM
who ever made that needs to work on that. check when was his last update for that plugin

--SC0RPI0-- — 01/28/2023 11:41 AM
[11:41 AM]
Game Servers Hub
Free - Automatic Plugin Update Checker
Automatic Plugin Update Checker

Source: Click Here


Prints messages in server console when plugin updates are out
Sends alerts to discord when new plugin updates are released
Checks for plugin updates each 30 minutes
notify's you...

pichulone — 01/28/2023 11:41 AM

idk, i can look it up

KillerDelta — 01/28/2023 11:41 AM
Arkshop is not on 3.55
Sorry cant do anything for you here buddy

pichulone — 01/28/2023 11:41 AM

--SC0RPI0-- — 01/28/2023 11:42 AM
ummm, ok

ummm, ok

KillerDelta — 01/28/2023 11:43 AM
Arkshop is on 3.02

We can not do anything about another plugin detecting incorrect information

--SC0RPI0-- — 01/28/2023 11:43 AM
Thats what i wanted to make sure of. Took a minute to get to that result.But thank you all the same
[11:45 AM]
whats the deal with ownprox? he make everyone mad or something? hes like the elephant in the room it seems?

whats the deal with ownprox? he make everyone mad or something? hes like the elephant in the room it seems?

KillerDelta — 01/28/2023 11:45 AM
There is no deal with Ownprox.
Lol no one has an issue with him

--SC0RPI0-- — 01/28/2023 11:46 AM
ok, i did not mean to imply that they did, just seeems like he is awol, and no one wants to talk about it, not that i am prying, none of my business, just seemed strange, is all

KillerDelta — 01/28/2023 11:46 AM
He just does not build plugins anymore..

Note the date on the update checker
See plugins are a part time thing for devs, devs get families, kids, more important things than gaming.

--SC0RPI0-- — 01/28/2023 11:47 AM
as does everyone...
[11:47 AM]
Ty Killer Delta
[11:49 AM]
i did note the date, didnt think that was indicative of an abandon plugin
[11:53 AM]
So, then, all of his plugins are obsolete, and all the rest of everyone else's will be in due time. Doesn't instill much faith in bothering with spending any time or money on them, from either side., the dev or the customer/player/server owner. Not intending to offend. Just an observation from outside looking in.
[11:54 AM]
Loits of time spent in configs that my family would like me to spend elsewhere

So, then, all of his plugins are obsolete, and all the rest of everyone else's will be in due time. Doesn't instill much faith in bothering with spending any time or money on them, from either side., the dev or the customer/player/server owner. Not intending to offend. Just an observation from outside looking in.

KillerDelta — 01/28/2023 11:54 AM
Dude you do you.
But this chat is no longer productive..
Further comments on attacking developers will be removed

--SC0RPI0-- — 01/28/2023 11:54 AM
I was not attacking devs. you are mistaken and are now attacking me.

pichulone — 01/28/2023 11:54 AM
ure right tho, i personally dont mess with plugin not recently updated, i rather stay away from ghost crashes and give myself some inner peace. also paid plugins are the right thing to do in most cases.

Loits of time spent in configs that my family would like me to spend elsewhere

KillerDelta — 01/28/2023 11:55 AM
That is how you prioritize
Most people who love their families prioritize their families

--SC0RPI0-- — 01/28/2023 11:55 AM
Ahh, still attacking me sir.
[11:55 AM]
I was simply stating the obvious facts of the situation. Sorry if that upset you.
[11:57 AM]
I do buy paid plugins, BTW

I was simply stating the obvious facts of the situation. Sorry if that upset you.

KillerDelta — 01/28/2023 11:57 AM
If you dont have faith in a dev dont use them.
As simple as that.
You decided to use a plugin that is 5 years old and now complaining about having faith.
This is not constructive to Shop chat or any chat for that matter.

You decide what you want to use and use at own risk
Further comments from you will be removed


--SC0RPI0-- — 01/28/2023 11:57 AM
or, at leat, I did.
[11:58 AM]
You Delta Killer are a misjudging prick
[11:58 AM]
erase that sir
[11:58 AM]
and do the world a favor and erase yourself while you are at it
[11:59 AM]
not rewading ur responses, stoptyping

not rewading ur responses, stoptyping

KillerDelta — 01/28/2023 12:02 PM
You insinuated that devs should not care about more than developing.
Maybe you were one of the reasons he stopped developing.. or people like you.

Show some respect to what devs have built for YOU and also hat devs have built for FREE.
Have some respect for developers and the time they put into plugins.
Not everyone will bend to YOUR will like you want them to.

You have made so many unnecessary comments bringing devs down.
How long should devs put up with such negative ugliness from users like you before they give up

--SC0RPI0-- — 01/28/2023 12:04 PM
SAeriously, you are a troll, I do not have negative opinionms of devs, unless you call yourself one, then i guess I would.

KillerDelta — 01/28/2023 12:04 PM
Not intending to offend
Is so Contradictive

--SC0RPI0-- — 01/28/2023 12:04 PM
i am kind to everyone and very grateful to the devs

i am kind to everyone and very grateful to the devs

KillerDelta — 01/28/2023 12:04 PM
if you say so
[12:05 PM]
i am blocking you now.. i dont have time for you

--SC0RPI0-- — 01/28/2023 12:05 PM
you have misjudged me with conceptions you have from the past about others, you have attacked me, and you still are, you are the only opinion allowed tobe heard her apparently
[12:05 PM]
Fuck you rick
[12:05 PM]
[12:06 PM]
[12:06 PM]
[12:06 PM]
[12:06 PM]
[12:06 PM]
[12:06 PM]
[12:06 PM]
[12:06 PM]
[12:06 PM]

pichulone — 01/28/2023 12:06 PM

--SC0RPI0-- — 01/28/2023 12:06 PM
[12:06 PM]
[12:06 PM]
there is a brifge somewhere missing you
Not that any of this matters now. He/She attacked me verbally, unwarranted, claiming that I was attacking devs. Real nice person. Easily triggered by questions that weren't pre-approved by him/her to be acceptable. The best I can tell, he/she isn't a dev him/herself, just a sad sad wannabe discord troll with appreciation issues, and a disdain for anyone, who is not a dev. (Dev Ego). Apparently, the difference between, "Not meaning to offend" and "I hope this offends you" escape him/her. Just kept on with his/her damaged narrow-minded viewpoint and attitude until I couldn't take it anymore and told her/him to F.O.

If you had inquired about anything on someone's site and got these types of responses just for asking some questions, would you think that is ok? Would you find this individual likable? Is this perfectly fine and normal? Should all patrons expect this treatment as par for the course?

All this over an ownprox plugin, which they acted like they knew nothing of its existence. I guess they didn't want to appropriate this particular plugin, as they have done with others of his. Laughably, they spend their time remaking (copying and pasting) his work, they should at least be familiar with his list of plugins.

If the characters of some of these "devs" or their "lapdogs" were as good as the code they write, there wouldn't be a problem to discuss.

I am positive I am not the only person dissatisfied with this lack of character.

I read a post yesterday about a patron who basically got the same treatment at Kals discord server for inquiring about the plugin operations of the Cross Chat. He didn't even inquire about a dev and he got poorly treated. (If need be, I can find and post that also). Seems to be a trend here. Not that any of this matters, I am not the first person to be treated poorly and I will sadly not be the last either.

There is an epidemic, stemming from an inflated self-value, and the lack of appreciation for the patrons who trade their real tangible money for make-believe virtual clams.

I feel like I need to put some disclaimers here to try to prevent myself from getting attacked again.

I do not hate Devs.

I have 5 paid plugins.

You deserve credit for your work.
You deserve to be appreciated and compensated for your time.

You do not have the right to imply that another's time or effort is more expendable than your own.
Regardless of what you can or can not do in this life. That is a SERIOUS character flaw.

Devs receive some compensation for their efforts.

"Patrons" are the ones compensating devs for their efforts.

Who should appreciate who?
Here is the correct answer:
Both should have mutual respect for each other at all times. Period.
Patrons spend their time with configs, and the game because they like to do so, at great cost to themselves, without any expectation or desire for compensation.

Being rude to them for any reason is unacceptable.
Thanks to my experience detailed above, I only have this sentiment remaining for that ass hat of a person.

Fuck @victimrivermouth and anyone who likes him. May the bubble he exists in collapse, and smother him out of existence.

I read nothing rude here. The closest thing to rude is your absurd expectations.

You being a patron or a donator does not put a leash around another persons neck. Furthermore, his responses to you were not him being rude, it was him attempting to find a reason other than "I dont know how to do this, make it work for me", and to cut to the chase to not waste his time. These guys would spend most of their days answers stupid questions like yours if they didn't. You are lucky he even responded honestly. I wouldn't blame him if he ignored you.

You bought a plugin or you you downloaded a free plugin. Everyone else makes it work, or not, now its your turn. Those people you donate to should feel nothing but relief that a person without any self initiative, but who clearly feels a sense of entitlement to more than they are worth, isn't going to impose their demands on them.

More often than not, just having a discussion with others in the community channels with specific questions and problems will eventually overcome any problem. Going straight to the dev like your 20$ is part of the What a joke.
Note to everyone out there. Use this software at your own risk, you are not guaranteed support, it is your own fault for being too stupid to need help with something you did not create. Do not bother the gods of code with your stupid questions.

Must I argue with everyone here?

I dont know how to do this, make it work for me---Insulting. I never said this.

answers stupid questions like yours ----stupid? Thank you for insulting me, while taking extra time to insult me. Such fine people, telling me that I am not.

If someone doesn't know how to do something, I would never call their questions stupid, if they are looking for help to expand their knowledge. That is just mean. Do you think calling people or their questions stupid is acceptable? Would you like it to be inferred that you are stupid? Does it make you feel better to put others down? Does it make you feel smart?

Can you not see that you yourself are now also attacking? Are you blind to your own words?

But yes, thank you, benevolent overlords, of code. May your wisdom forever fulfill us and enrich our lives.

Your words have touched me in such a way that I will now be forever changed and, only be able to view life through your perception of it which you have so graciously bestowed upon me. How dare I have my own thoughts and perceptions that don't align? How dare I have any thoughts at all? I did not ask anyone here if I could process a thought without them. I am the villain here. I should just tell myself, "Shut up and go away villain, they will tell you what is right or wrong. If they say it, it is right. If you say it, it is wrong". I will just have to contact this message board from now on to be told what and how to think so that I can ensure I have my thoughts and perceptions aligned with how "everyone else" views them. Since mine is so incorrect. Again, thank you, gods, of variables and parentheses for everything that you do.

Hey, just wondering, is anyone around here coding to voyager 1 or 2?

I work in construction, but we don't build the Taj Majal.

Perspective can be good for all, but apparently only reflected upon by me.

I am not worthy.

Thank you Code Gods.

May someone build you a shrine worthy of your great and numerous deeds!

All hail the Grand Poobahs!
I am done with this. Anyone can say whatever they like to this, of course. I am going to upload these transactions to Facebook and any other unbiased site and let the world decide what they think about all of this. Get you some publicity that you need. Let the world see how people are regarded here. After all, everyone loves to be told their questions are stupid. Who doesn't like to have it inferred that they are stupid? Who knows, maybe 7 on your side will be bored enough to run a story about your abysmal customer service. Good or bad, come whatever may, we will all deserve it.
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