Atlas Server Manager (Source available)


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^^ Yeah - thats true. But what i hate is people who cry me a river when they seen one issues. They forgot that you make the "ASM" for nothing. So they shout say whats dont work or not. i like your work , and iam sad that you remove the build from gitmhub :(
^^ Yeah - thats true. But what i hate is people who cry me a river when they seen one issues. They forgot that you make the "ASM" for nothing. So they shout say whats dont work or not. i like your work , and iam sad that you remove the build from gitmhub :(
it was just the .exe file i removed it can be obtained here anyway the full source is still there and yeah fully get what you mean some people under appreciate the free part :), but most of the people that use it are nice, its just those 5% that think everything should work how they want it to and don't actually spend time trying / testing or even reading the log that says rcon connection failed and wonder why they have issues, hopefully soon it will but fully bug free everyone has done a good job so far in reporting all the bugs, atm the only bug that anyone seems to be facing is the auto update check im looking into this soon been busy most the day (for now anyone using this can just go options tab and hit force update to update)
The tool works fine, only thing i got to not work is RCON, all else works perfect
@OwnProx I've been working with the source code trying to work out what is going wrong with the auto update. The issue (for me at least) is the management software incorrectly detects the current buildid of the installed Atlas, and so keeps trying to update it even though it's already fully up-to-date. I was wondering what the reason was that you chose to use your own file to store the current buildid, rather than using the AppManifest file, since it's automatically managed by steamcmd and contains the current build?

PS - I have to say that although you are obviously very talented and do amazing work, I think you should be nominated for the world record in not commenting your code. Definitely ;)
@OwnProx I've modified my local version of your app to use the Steam AppManifest file to get the currently installed version of Atlas, and it does seem to work. I'll run this version for a couple of days and let you know how it goes.
@OwnProx I've been working with the source code trying to work out what is going wrong with the auto update. The issue (for me at least) is the management software incorrectly detects the current buildid of the installed Atlas, and so keeps trying to update it even though it's already fully up-to-date. I was wondering what the reason was that you chose to use your own file to store the current buildid, rather than using the AppManifest file, since it's automatically managed by steamcmd and contains the current build?

PS - I have to say that although you are obviously very talented and do amazing work, I think you should be nominated for the world record in not commenting your code. Definitely ;)

yeah AtlasLatestVersion.txt but good point maybe i should be checking AppManifest it may help a bit. also what windows are you using i know people had issues in windows server 2012 and windows 7 and below they have to enable the steam cmd window in options, update me on your finding after your test is completed thanks.
@OwnProx - Just tried 4.1 and auto update just kept looping, i let it go through the motions once but as soon as it rebooted the servers it just broadcasted again to update.
For me the latest version 4.1 does not update me, neither activating debug nor deactivating debug, now it does not work or forcing the update, it tells me that I have the same, my server is still by 15.21 when it should be by 15.35.

I think that for the automatic update to work, I should do a previous download of the server and compare the txt of the versions, so I would always detect if there is an update or not, as Ark Server Manager does, a greeting.
I can confirm that the last update to 4.1 broke updates. It's not seeing updates but the server versions are updated to 15.35 and I'm on 15.21.

After testing nevermind it seems they have not officially released the 15.35+ branches to unofficial.
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confirmed as well, 4.1 versions has issues with updates, and with startup as well.

issue 1.1 :: if you have the auto update selected, it always says that there is a new version, even though running steamcmd validation shows no updates so it's detecting the incorrect build.

issue 1.2 :: after the issues 1.1 above, all the servers start up instantly. they are not following the startup delay value that is setup in the config, however if you don't know the auto update checked, the startup of game servers DOES use the time delay for server startup.

issue 2 :: if you have the auto update unchecked, the process for bootup and logs are incorrect. first it goes through the bootup process, boots up all servers (This is good) but then in the logs it shows the following. expected behavior would be that the "No updates found" shouldn't display at all because the update process should have never been triggered in the first place because you don't have the box checked for auto-update.
[02:33] Server: 2x2-C3 Was Offline Booting Now, Process was not running!
[02:33] [Atlas] No updates found, Booting servers if offline!
To note a bug if it's not noted yet. When you stop a server it doesn't turn to start. Also is there a way to start the entire grid? I have multiple servers selected but when I start it only starts 1
Can this server manager check if installed workshop mods have updates and then update those mods accordingly?
Can this server manager check if installed workshop mods have updates and then update those mods accordingly?

Servers auto installs updated mods on reboot. not really sure why you would request/need more then that, unless you are asking for the manager to check to see if there is updates.. then if there is, proceed with the server update proceed or rebooting, etc?
Yes exactly. When a mod updates before the server has the updated mod, newly connecting users cannot join. It would be nice if this manager can check to see if any installed mods have been recently updated and if so, shutdown the servers, update the mods and then restart the servers, with warnings of course.
No, it doesn't. And likely won't. Running mods right now is nothing but begging for issues! Updates almost daily, and not likely a dev kit update for months... that's begging to look like a fool with a failed server!
That makes no sense. The private server community lives and breathes steam workshop mods. Are you trying to say there are more vanilla private servers than modded ones and because mod authors update their mods its a bad idea to keep your server's mods updated? How is that at all a reasonable assumption.

If someone is concerned that their server would restart too often due to mod updates, why not have automated mod updates be optional? Wouldn't that make more sense than to write off all automated mod updating altogether?

As stated before, if a workshop mod has been updated, and the server does not have the latest version of the mod then no one can join the server. Who would rather not update their mod than to update it and allow people to join the server again?

Ideally, to cater to all, have automated mod updating be a togglable feature. That way those who, for whatever reason, don't want to update their servers and allow people to join can disable automated mod updates and those who want to keep their server and mod files up to date can do so. Then everyone would be happy.

Is there really even an argument to not have this be optional?
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