[ArkShop][error] [json.exception.type_error.305] cannot use operator[] with null


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Active member
Jan 20, 2021
I suspect it's a syntax error, but I've ran it through JSONLint already; no errors appeared.

Anyone have an ideas? I've also checked all blueprint paths and they seem OK.
Just to post an update....

01/21/21 16:27 [API][info] -----------------------------------------------
01/21/21 16:27 [API][info] ARK: Server Api V3.4
01/21/21 16:27 [API][info] Loading...

01/21/21 16:27 [API][info] Dumping structures..
01/21/21 16:28 [API][info] Dumping functions..
01/21/21 16:28 [API][info] Dumping globals..
01/21/21 16:28 [API][info] Successfully read information from PDB

01/21/21 16:28 [API][info] Initialized hooks

01/21/21 16:28 [API][info] API was successfully loaded
01/21/21 16:28 [API][info] -----------------------------------------------

01/21/21 16:28 [API][info] UGameEngine::Init was called
01/21/21 16:28 [API][info] Loading plugins..

01/21/21 16:28 [API][info] Loaded plugin Advanced Messages V1.2 (Send messages from console and RCON)
01/21/21 16:28 [ArkShop][error] [json.exception.type_error.305] cannot use operator[] with null
01/21/21 16:28 [API][warning] (API::PluginManager::LoadAllPlugins) Failed to load plugin - ArkShop
Error code: 1114
01/21/21 16:28 [API][info] Loaded plugin CuddlePlugin V1.0 (plugin to customize dino cuddle)
01/21/21 16:28 [API][info] Loaded plugin Dino Colour Command V1.7 (Ability to colour dino's as a player)
01/21/21 16:28 [Engram Unlocker Plugin][info] Chat Command Enabled: /unlockengrams
01/21/21 16:28 [Engram Unlocker Plugin][info] Ignoring engram level requirements for chat command
01/21/21 16:28 [Engram Unlocker Plugin][info] Auto Learn Engrams on Level Up: Enabled
01/21/21 16:28 [API][info] Loaded plugin EngramUnlocker V1.0 (No description)
01/21/21 16:28 [API][info] Loaded plugin Dino Gender Changer V1.2 (Change dino's gender with a command and optional token system)
01/21/21 16:28 [API][info] Loaded plugin KillFeed V2.3 (Player & Dino Death Logs)
01/21/21 16:28 [API][info] Loaded plugin Max Imprint Plugin V1.0 (Gives baby dinos max imprinting with chat commands.)
01/21/21 16:28 [API][info] Loaded plugin New Player Protection Plugin V1.9 (Gives new players structure protection.)
01/21/21 16:28 [API][info] Loaded plugin NoCannons V1.0 (No description)
01/21/21 16:28 [API][info] Loaded plugin Permissions V1.5 (Manage permissions groups)
01/21/21 16:28 [API][info] Loaded plugin Suicide V1.2 (Adds A Highly Customizeable Suicide Command)
01/21/21 16:28 [API][info] Loaded plugin Tribe Log Relay V2.1 ((V2.08) Allows Tribes to send their tribe logs to their own Discord channel!)
01/21/21 16:28 [API][info] Loaded all plugins

01/21/21 16:31 [API][info] UWorld::InitWorld was called
01/21/21 16:38 [ArkShop][error] [json.exception.type_error.305] cannot use operator[] with null
01/21/21 16:38 [API][warning] (API::ArkBaseApi::LoadPlugin) Failed to load plugin - arkshop
Error code: 1114
01/21/21 16:39 [API][warning] (API::ArkBaseApi::UnloadPlugin) Plugin arkshop is not loaded

I've tried reinstalling and it definitely is my uploaded file giving trouble. Once again, I'm at a complete lost as to what in the file is causing it.
Hey i am not an expert on plugin syntax errors but here i can see the only plugin that is causing you trouble is the arkshop plugin probably the (Shop, Currency & Kits) one.
Do the following, remove this plugin and then restart your server to see if the syntax errors will pop up, if they don't pop up then its this plugin for sure and from there on try to see if there is an update on this plugin that you missed. Check your plugin config.ini file to see if the setup you made is correct.
Hey i am not an expert on plugin syntax errors but here i can see the only plugin that is causing you trouble is the arkshop plugin probably the (Shop, Currency & Kits) one.
Do the following, remove this plugin and then restart your server to see if the syntax errors will pop up, if they don't pop up then its this plugin for sure and from there on try to see if there is an update on this plugin that you missed. Check your plugin config.ini file to see if the setup you made is correct.

Thanks for the help, but I should have mentioned I am already aware that it is just ArkShop causing this problem. The problem is most certainly in the config.ini, it's just I cannot pinpoint where, which is why I am asking for a second opinion on it.
I would like to help you more with the config setup but since i don't use this plugin i am unable to, hopefully you can check if the author has a discord providing extra help on all of his plugins like most creators do.
I would like to help you more with the config setup but since i don't use this plugin i am unable to, hopefully you can check if the author has a discord providing extra help on all of his plugins like most creators do.

I really appreciate that, FireSauce. I've contacted another developer on discord who seems to be knowledgeable with the plugin - hopefully I can get a reply.
Update: has been fixed thanks to Pelayori!

Needed to add this to the top of the ArkShop config.json:

That setup is only needed if you have a cluster (since you have one) and you need to do these changes to all of the plugins that have timers and/or any type of currency involved
I suspect it's a syntax error, but I've ran it through JSONLint already; no errors appeared.

Anyone have an ideas? I've also checked all blueprint paths and they seem OK.
What does the error say
You can clearly read the issue had been resolved months ago...
actually i was on my phone.. it didnt show everything just the post and the problem... lmao