Rewards players for activities using Shop points. This plugin also add stats and leaderboard. Currently, only player kills, deaths and dino kills are counted.
The formula for PlayerRewards looks like so:
Chat Commands:
"GiveUnclaimPoints":false, // Give points for killing unclaimed dinos or not
"Award":[ // Award may depends on dino level
"Points":1 // Player will receive 1 point if dino level is between [1;20]
"Points":5 // Player will receive 5 points if dino level is between [21;50]
"ReceivePoints":20, // Amount of points that killer will receive.
"AdditionalPointsPercent":2, // The killer may also receive additional points from the amount the victim has. This value is added to the previous one. Currently, it's set to additional 2% from the victim's points amount.
"LosePointsPercent":80 // Amount of points that the killed player will loose in percentage. This amount is calculated from the amount the killer will receive.
"NegativePoints":false, // If set to 'false', players points count won't go negative
"MessageType":"notification", // 'notification' or 'chat'
"LostPoints":"You have lost {} points",
"MyStats":"Player kills count: {0}\nDeaths count: {1}\nWild dino kills count: {2}\nTamed dino kills count: {3}",
"StatsFormat":"{0}) {1} {2} {3}\n",
"StatsFormatPlayer":"Format: Name Player kills Deaths count\n{0}",
"StatsFormatDino":"Format: Name Tamed dino kills Wild dino kills\n{0}",
"StatsUsage":"Usage: /stats dino or /stats player",
The formula for PlayerRewards looks like so:
- Amount of points that the killer will receive is:
PointsForKiller = ReceivePoints + VictimPointsAmount * AdditionalPointsPercent / 100
- Amount of points that the killed player will loose is:
PointsForKiller * LosePointsPercent / 100
Chat Commands:
- /mystats - Shows player's stats.
- /stats <Type> - Shows leaderboard. Type can be 'player' or 'dino'.
- ShopRewards.Reload - Reloads config