for the latest 3.52version, launch with shootergame.exe will give a crash ,anyone can tell does serverapi support single player?
08/04/21 08:29 [API][info] -----------------------------------------------
08/04/21 08:29 [API][info] ARK: Server Api V3.52
08/04/21 08:29 [API][info] Loading...
08/04/21 08:29 [API][info] Dumping structures..
08/04/21 08:30 [API][info] Dumping functions..
08/04/21 08:30 [API][info] Dumping globals..
08/04/21 08:30 [API][info] Successfully read information from PDB
08/04/21 08:30 [API][error] Failed to create hook for UWorld.InitWorld
08/04/21 08:30 [API][info] Initialized hooks
08/04/21 08:30 [API][info] API was successfully loaded
08/04/21 08:30 [API][info] -----------------------------------------------