Adding dino name and level to chat window reward points output


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Sep 6, 2018
Will this work?

"DinoRewards": {
"Enabled": true,
"GiveUnclaimPoints": true,
"Dinos": [
"Blueprint": "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Achatina/Achatina_Character_BP.Achatina_Character_BP'",
"Award": [
"MinLevel": 1,
"MaxLevel": 25,
"Points": 10
"MinLevel": 26,
"MaxLevel": 50,
"Points": 20
"MinLevel": 51,
"MaxLevel": 75,
"Points": 30
"MinLevel": 76,
"MaxLevel": 100,
"Points": 40
"MinLevel": 101,
"MaxLevel": 125,
"Points": 50
"MinLevel": 126,
"MaxLevel": 150,
"Points": 60
"MinLevel": 151,
"MaxLevel": 300,
"Points": 70
"MinLevel": 301,
"MaxLevel": 600,
"Points": 80
"MinLevel": 601,
"MaxLevel": 900,
"Points": 90
"MinLevel": 901,
"MaxLevel": 1200,
"Points": 100
"MinLevel": 1201,
"MaxLevel": 1500,
"Points": 110

"KilledDino":"You have killed a level { Level : { } } { name: { } } for { } points",

I am aware that "KillDino" and Level have not been declared as variables so far. Not sure how to do it exactly, or if it can even be done from the config.

Appreciate any and all help.
Thank you.
Not a single reply since Sept 27. Must be too difficult of a question for anyone here to answer? Disappointed. I have a current rewards config I have been working on in the very little spare time that I have in life. I sacrifice that without any reason of incentive of monetary gain, for the sole purpose of helping this community. Is giving a response, assistance, etc, too much to ask for unless you are being compensated/bribed?. Perhaps, I should just delete the config, reclaim my sacrificed time and forget about ArkAPI altogether. Why should I bother when I can't be replied to.
Maybe just some don't have an answer could be as simple as that :)
Or some are just very busy with everything that comes around with managing. There are many reasons!

However, When reaching out to support you might want to check generally if the developer of the plugin can give you an answer.
If not, someone kind soul could have answered for you!

But generally, if it's not explained in the plugin that you can do that it won't most likely not support it. Unless it's stated somewhere. Which you should be able to find under each plugin description.

Otherwise, I would recommend you make a plugin request and a free developer maybe could develop support for it.