ARK:SA In-game chat to Discord and Crossplay RCON support no thirdparty apps neededRequirements
- ServerAPI Download/Install
- Ofcourse the ARK:SA Server
- Bot Creation
- Discord Channel Integration WebHook
- Able to send local chat on discord
- Able to set prefix eg: [Discord]
- Combination of WebHook and Discord Bot
- WebHook (Sending Messages with Username and Separated per User)
- Discord Bot (Fetching all messages in specific channel)
- Fetch Interval can be change
- Logging (Global, Tribe, Local, Ally)
- Tribe chat color (Default green)
- Direct Messaging /dm <name> <message> also can set the color
- VIP Tribes messaging can relay to their own Discord server / channel
- VIP players can set their own color
- RCON chat is supported for those who crashing on normal RCON chat RCON cmd can be set on config.json
- Plugin reloads both Console and RCON
- DiscordChat.Reload
- Custom Chat Icons
- Platform Chat Icons [Generic, Steam, XBOX, PS]
- Permissions
- Show/Hide Steamname
- Show/Hide Tribename
- Show/Hide Platform text
- Show/Hide Platform Icons
- Enable/Disable Icons
- Enable/Disable Admin Color/Icon
- Discord messages emoticons and color
- Cross server chat
Future updates
- Discord Linker support (able to use discord user nickname and avatar when sending messages)
Select ICONS
Both RCON and Console command:
- Console Log (No Message received) Doesn't affect anything - Still waiting for ServerAPI update
Blank Config
"General": {
"SendLocal": false,
"WebHook": "",
"BotImage": "",
"FetchMessages": true,
"BotToken": "",
"ChannelId": "",
"DiscordSenderPrefix": "[Discord]",
"FetchInterval": 5,
"LogChat": false,
"LogTribe": false,
"LogLocal": false,
"LogAlly": false,
"UsingDiscordLinker": true,
"MapName": "[TI]",
"MessageChatColor": "0,1,1,1",
"MessageLocalChatColor": "1,0.5,1,1",
"MessageAllyChatColor": "0.5,0.5,1,1",
"MessageTribeChatColor": "1,1,0.5,1",
"MessageDiscordColor": "0.4,0.3,0.1,1",
"MapnameColor": "0.3,0.3,0.3,1",
"DiscordColor": "0.5,1,0.5,1",
"TribeChatColor": "0,1,0,1",
"DMChatColor": "0.84,0.52,0,1",
"AdminEnable": true,
"AdminColor": "1,0,0,1",
"AdminIcon": "/Game/PrimalEarth/UI/Textures/ServerAdminChat_Icon.ServerAdminChat_Icon",
"DiscordIcon": "/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Consumables/Icons/SpoiledMeat_Icon.SpoiledMeat_Icon",
"ShowMapname": true,
"ShowSteamname": true,
"ShowTribename": true,
"ShowPlatform": true,
"ShowIcons": true,
"ShowPlatformIcon": true
"Crosschat": {
"Enable": true,
"ClearInterval": 10,
"ClearMessages": true,
"ShowMapname": true,
"ShowTribeName": true,
"ShowSteamName": true,
"ShowIcons": true,
"ShowPlatform": true,
"MapnameColor": "0.3,0.3,0.3,1",
"SenderNameColor": "0.5,1,0.5,1",
"TribeNameColor": "0.5,1,0.5,1",
"SteamNameColor": "0.5,1,0.5,1",
"MessageColor": "0.4,0.3,0.1,1",
"Database": "C:\\ASACrossChat.db",
"CurrentServer": "TI",
"Servers": "SE,Event"
"DiscordMsgFilters": [
"GroupColors": {},
"Tribes": {},
"Colors": {},
"GroupIcons": {},
"Icons": {},
"Messages": {
"DMCmd": "/dm",
"RconCmd": "DiscordChat",
"DMerror": "Dirrect message error: Invalid Playername or Message"
Config Commented
"General": {
"SendLocal": true, /* send local chats on discord global chat channel */
"WebHook": "", /* Global chat messaging ingame to discord */
"BotImage": "", /* Bot avatar */
"FetchMessages": true, /* enabling fetch message */
"BotToken": "", /* bot to fetch/send message on discord to game */
"ChannelId": "", /* channel to recieve global chat ingame */
"DiscordSenderPrefix": "[Discord]", /* Sender prefix */
"FetchInterval": 5, /* chat fetch interval */
"LogChat": false, /* this logs global chat on server api console */
"LogTribe": false, /* this logs tribe chat on server api console */
"LogLocal": false, /* this logs local chat on server api console */
"LogAlly": false, /* this logs ally chat on server api console */
"UsingDiscordLinker": true, /* automatically gets the player info if the user chat on discord */
"MapName": "[TI]", /* map name for cluster */
"MessageChatColor": "0,1,1,1", /* Message global color */
"MessageLocalChatColor": "1,0.5,1,1", /* Message local color */
"MessageAllyChatColor": "0.5,0.5,1,1", /* Message ally color */
"MessageTribeChatColor": "1,1,0.5,1", /* Message tribe color */
"MessageDiscordColor": "0.4,0.3,0.1,1", /* Message discord color */
"MapnameColor": "0.3,0.3,0.3,1", /* Mapname color */
"DiscordColor": "0.5,1,0.5,1", /* Prefix and name color */
"TribeChatColor": "0,1,0,1", /* default green */
"DMChatColor": "0.84,0.52,0,1", /* default orange */
"AdminEnable": true, /* Enables Admin color and icon */
"AdminColor": "1,0,0,1", /* default red */
"AdminIcon": "/Game/PrimalEarth/UI/Textures/ServerAdminChat_Icon.ServerAdminChat_Icon", /* default icon */
"DiscordChatIcon": "/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Consumables/Icons/SpoiledMeat_Icon.SpoiledMeat_Icon",
"ShowMapname": true, /* Show mapname */
"ShowSteamname": true, /* Show steamname */
"ShowTribename": true, /* Show tribename */
"ShowPlatform": true, /* Enables Platform eg: [Steam] */
"ShowIcons": true, /* Enables Icons */
"ShowPlatformIcon": true /* Enable Platform icons */
"Crosschat": {
"Enable": true, /* Enable crosschat */
"ClearInterval": 10, /* Every 10seconds */
"ClearMessages": true, /* Enable ClearMessaging */
"ShowMapname": true,
"ShowTribeName": true,
"ShowSteamName": true,
"ShowIcons": true,
"ShowPlatform": true,
"MapnameColor": "0.3,0.3,0.3,1",
"SenderNameColor": "0.5,1,0.5,1",
"TribeNameColor": "0.5,1,0.5,1",
"SteamNameColor": "0.5,1,0.5,1",
"MessageColor": "0.4,0.3,0.1,1",
"Database": "C:\\ASACrossChat.db", /* Path to your database */
"CurrentServer": "TI", /* current server (this need to be the same caps as Servers */
"Servers": "SE,SVR1,SVR2,EVENT" /* List of servers (don't include current server) if you only have two servers can be written like this "Servers": "SE"*/
"DiscordMsgFilters": [ /* Filter tag or specific messages (it won't send to discord if found) */
"GroupColors": {
"Registered": "1,0,1,1" /* Permission groups */
"Tribes": {
"WebHook": "", /* webhoook url for sending messages to specific channel */
"BotImage": "", /* Tribe Bot avatar */
"FetchMessages": true, /* enable fetch messages */
"BotToken": "", /* if the VIP Tribe does their own bot and discord for fetching messages */
"ChannelId": "", /* VIP Tribe own discord channel id */
"DiscordSenderPrefix": "[Discord] " /* prefix before playername */
"WebHook": "",
"FetchMessages": true,
"BotToken": "",
"ChannelId": "",
"DiscordSenderPrefix": "[Discord] "
"WebHook": "",
"FetchMessages": true,
"BotToken": "",
"ChannelId": "",
"DiscordSenderPrefix": "[Discord] "
"Colors": {
"VIP Playername": "1,0,1,1", /* Red, Green, Blue, Alpha = opacity */
"VIP Playername 1": "1,1,0,1",
"VIP Playername 2": "1,1,1,1"
"GroupIcons": { /* Permission groups Icons */
"Registered": "/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Consumables/Icons/SpoiledMeat_Icon.SpoiledMeat_Icon"
"Icons": {
"ICON Player 1": "/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Artifacts/Icons/Implant_Icon.Implant_Icon",
"ICON Player 2": "/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Artifacts/Icons/Implant_Icon_Gamma.Implant_Icon_Gamma",
"ICON Player 3": "/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Artifacts/Icons/Implant_Icon_Beta.Implant_Icon_Beta",
"ICON Player 4": "/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Artifacts/Icons/Implant_Icon_Alpha.Implant_Icon_Alpha"
"Messages": {
"DMCmd": "/dm", /* Direct message /dm playername */
"RconCmd": "DiscordChat", /* this can be support different third party apps that uses rcon to send messages */
"DMerror": "Dirrect message error: Invalid Playername or Message"
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Source code
As soon as I am comfortable with my coding I will release it to the public
bare minimum source
GitHub - ohmcodes/ASAChatUnicodeTest: ASA Chat Unicode playground
ASA Chat Unicode playground. Contribute to ohmcodes/ASAChatUnicodeTest development by creating an account on GitHub.