Dino Utilities FREE

Verified Dino Utilities FREE 1.31

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Dino Utilities FREE
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A simple plugin to add extra dino abilities/commands to your server!
Each command is configurable by Permissions and can be configured to cost Ark Shop points or Tokens via TokenBank!

If the player misses or targets the incorrect dino while using a command, they wont be charged.

**** PLEASE NOTE: Group Permissions are used, not the Group Name. So, in your "Default" Group Name, you should also have a permission called "Default" (or whatever you want to call it, I chose Default) in order for the plugin to work correctly. ****
PLEASE be sure you TEST as a PLAYER and not an Admin, and do not use the enablecheats command as this makes you Admin also.



/cg - changes the gender of the dino you are looking at

/claimbabies - claim the dino babies in your range quickly, also has options to put them in cryopods or soultraps

/pods - cryopod or soultrap all or specific dinos in your range quickly
Usage: /pods​
/pods giga​

/pod - cryopod or soultrap the dino you are looking at instantly

/finishclone - completes the current cloning session you are looking at. Supports S+ Cloning Chamber also.

/feed - feed all the dinos in your area or spcific dinos. eg. /feed daedons

/fertile - Makes the dino you are looking at fertile

/fertiledinos - Makes all the dinos in your area fertile

/hatch - hatches the fertilized egg you are looking at, provided you meet the incubation requirements

/givebirth - complete the current gestation progress for the dino you are looking at

/imprint - imprint the baby dino you are looking at

/imprintchange - change the imprint owner of the dino you are looking at

/dkill - kills the tamed dino you are looking at

/matedinos - Enables mating on all the dino's in your area

/matenow - complete the current mating progress for the dino you are looking at

/dmindwipe - mindwipe the dino you are looking at

/neuter - Neuters the dino you are looking

/neuterdinos - Neuters all the dinos in your area

/nomatedinos - Disables mating on all the dino's in your area

/raisebaby - raise the baby dino you are looking at to a full adult

/renamedinos - Renames the dinos in your area /renamedinos 'fodder'

/resetmating - reset the mating cooldown for the female dino you are looking at

/turretmode [on/off] (dino) - enable/disable turretmode for all or a specific dino in your range quickly
Usage: /turretmode on​
/turretmode off​
/turretmode off velo​
/turretmode velo on​

/wake - wake up the sleeping dino you are looking at

and also...

WildDinoColorSchemes - Advanced coloring for all of you wild dinos, with RCON support! Make your server dinos unique!

Example of WildDinoColorSchemes:
"*": [{ "Region": "all", "Color": "random"}]


    "DinoUtilities": {
        "PlayerHelpCommand": "/dinohelp",    // displays all the commands the player is eligible for in the tab console
        "PlayerHelpCommandCooldownInSeconds": 60,
        "ShowPlayerHelpInChat": true,        // also displays the results in the chat window
        "DiscordWebHook": "",       // not used yet
        // This section is where you configure what commands each permission group will get
        "GroupPermission": {
            "Default": {
                "Priority": 99,  // put default at a high number, so VIP prifiles take priority

"DinoChangeGenderEnabled": true,
                "DinoChangeGenderUseTokens": false,
                "DinoChangeGenderPrice": 0,
                "DinoChangeGenderBlacklist": [
                "DinoClaimBabiesEnabled": true,
                "DinoClaimBabiesUseTokens": false,
                "DinoClaimBabiesPrice": 0,
                "DinoClaimBabiesUseSoulTrapsForCryopods": false,
                "DinoClaimBabiesPutInCryopods": true,
                "DinoClaimBabiesRequireCryopods": false,
                "DinoClaimBabiesFoundations": 10,
                "DinoClaimBabiesImprintValue": 0,
                "DinoClaimBabiesImprintValueOverride": {  
                    "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Para/Para_Character_BP.Para_Character_BP'" : 0.50,
                    "Rex" : 0.75
                "DinoClaimBabiesBlacklist": [
                "DinoFastpodRangeEnabled": true,
                "DinoFastpodRangeUseTokens": false,
                "DinoFastpodRangeUseSoulTrapsForCryopods": false,
                "DinoFastpodRangeNameEnabled": true,
                "DinoFastpodRangeBabies": true,
                "DinoFastpodRangeRequireCryopods": true,
                "DinoFastpodRangeFoundations": 10,
                "DinoFastpodRangePrice": 0,
                "DinoFastpodRangeBlacklist": [
                "DinoFastpodSingleEnabled": true,
                "DinoFastpodSingleUseTokens": false,
                "DinoFastpodSingleUseSoulTrapsForCryopods": false,
                "DinoFastpodSinglePrice": 0,
                "DinoFastpodSingleRequireCryopods": true,
                "DinoFastpodSingleBabies": true,
                "DinoFastpodSingleBlacklist": [
                "DinoFertileEnabled": true,
                "DinoFertileUseTokens": false,
                "DinoFertilePrice": 0,
                "DinoFertileBlacklist": [

                "DinoFertileRangeEnabled": true,
                "DinoFertileRangeUseTokens": false,
                "DinoFertileRangePrice": 0,
                "DinoFertileRangeFoundations": 20,
                "DinoFertileRangeBlacklist": [
                "DinoFeedRangeEnabled": true,
                "DinoFeedRangeUseTokens": false,
                "DinoFeedRangeNameEnabled": true,
                "DinoFeedRangePrice": 0,
                "DinoFeedRangeFoundations": 20,
                "DinoFeedRangeBlacklist": [

                "DinoFinishCloneEnabled": true,
                "DinoFinishCloneUseTokens": false,
                "DinoFinishClonePrice": 0,
                "DinoFinishCloneBlacklist": [

                "DinoHatchEggEnabled": true,
                "DinoHatchEggUseTokens": false,
                "DinoHatchEggPrice": 0,
                "DinoHatchEggBlacklist": [
                "DinoHaveBabyEnabled": true,
                "DinoHaveBabyUseTokens": false,
                "DinoHaveBabyPrice": 0,
                "DinoHaveBabyFoundations": 10,
                "DinoHaveBabyBlacklist": [
                "DinoImprintEnabled": true,
                "DinoImprintUseTokens": false,
                "DinoImprintClonedDinos": false,
                "DinoImprintPrice": 0,
                "DinoImprintBabiesOnly": true,
                "DinoImprintPriceOverride": {
                    "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Para/Para_Character_BP.Para_Character_BP'" : 100,
                    "Rex" : 0
                "DinoImprintValue": 1.0,
                "DinoImprintValueOverride": {  
                    "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Para/Para_Character_BP.Para_Character_BP'" : 0.50,
                    "Rex" : 0.75
                "DinoImprintBlacklist": [
                "DinoImprintChangeEnabled": true,
                "DinoImprintChangeUseTokens": false,
                "DinoImprintChangeClonedDinos": false,
                "DinoImprintChangePrice": 0,
                "DinoImprintChangeBlacklist": [
                "DinoKillEnabled": true,
                "DinoKillUseTokens": false,
                "DinoKillPrice": 0,
                "DinoKillBlacklist": [
                "DinoMateEnabled": true,
                "DinoMateUseTokens": false,
                "DinoMatePrice": 0,
                "DinoMateFoundations": 20,
                "DinoMateBlacklist": [
                "DinoMateNowEnabled": true,
                "DinoMateNowUseTokens": false,
                "DinoMateNowPrice": 0,
                "DinoMateNowFoundations": 10,
                "DinoMateNowBlacklist": [
                "DinoMindWipeEnabled": true,
                "DinoMindWipeUseTokens": false,
                "DinoMindWipeRequireMindwipe": false,
                "DinoMindWipePrice": 0,
                "DinoMindWipeBlacklist": [
                "DinoNeuterEnabled": true,
                "DinoNeuterUseTokens": false,
                "DinoNeuterPrice": 0,
                "DinoNeuterBlacklist": [

                "DinoNeuterRangeEnabled": true,
                "DinoNeuterRangeUseTokens": false,
                "DinoNeuterRangePrice": 0,
                "DinoNeuterRangeFoundations": 20,
                "DinoNeuterRangeBlacklist": [
                "DinoNoMateEnabled": true,
                "DinoNoMateUseTokens": false,
                "DinoNoMatePrice": 0,
                "DinoNoMateFoundations": 20,
                "DinoNoMateBlacklist": [
                "DinoRaiseBabyEnabled": true,
                "DinoRaiseBabyUseTokens": false,
                "DinoRaiseBabyPrice": 0,
                "DinoRaiseBabyImprintValue": 0,
                "DinoRaiseBabyBlacklist": [
                "DinoRenameRangeEnabled": true,
                "DinoRenameRangeUseTokens": true,
                "DinoRenameRangeFoundations": 10,
                "DinoRenameRangePrice": 5000,
                "DinoRenameRangeBlacklist": [
                "DinoResetMatingEnabled": true,
                "DinoResetMatingUseTokens": false,
                "DinoResetMatingPrice": 0,
                "DinoResetMatingFoundations": 10,
                "DinoResetMatingBlacklist": [
                "DinoTurretModeEnabled": true,
                "DinoTurretModeUseTokens": false,
                "DinoTurretModeNameEnabled": true,              
                "DinoTurretModeFoundations": 10,
                "DinoTurretModePrice": 0,
                "DinoTurretModeBlacklist": [
                "DinoWakeEnabled": true,
                "DinoWakeUseTokens": false,
                "DinoWakePrice": 0,
                "DinoWakeBlacklist": [
        // This section is required, this is the main controls for the plugin

            "Enabled": true,          
            "ChatCommand": "/cg",
            "Description": " - Change the gender of the dino you are looking at",
            "TokenName": "DinoChangeGender",
            "CommandCooldownInSeconds": 5,
            "FoundationDistanceLimit" : 5,
            "MasterBlacklist": [

            "Enabled": true,
            "ChatCommand": "/claimbabies",
            "Description": " - Claims the unclaimed dinos in your area",
            "TokenName": "DinoClaimBabies",
            "MaxLimit": 20,
            "CommandCooldownInSeconds": 5,
            "MasterBlacklist": [

            "Enabled": true,
            "CryopodBlueprintOverride": "",
            "AutoEquip": true,
            "MaxLimit": 20,  // if you go too high, then the server could crash due to the lag timer triggering
            "ChatCommand": "/pods",
            "Description": " - Quickly cryopods all the dinos in your area",
            "TokenName": "DinoCryopodRange",          
            "CommandCooldownInSeconds": 5,
            "MasterBlacklist": [
            "Enabled": true,
            "CryopodBlueprintOverride": "",
                "AutoEquip": true,
            "ChatCommand": "/pod",
            "Description": " - Quickly cryopod the dino you are looking at",
            "TokenName": "DinoCryopod",
            "CommandCooldownInSeconds": 5,
            "FoundationDistanceLimit" : 5,
            "MasterBlacklist": [
            "Enabled": true,
            "ChatCommand": "/feed",
            "Description": " - Feed all the dinos in your area",
            "MaxLimit": 20,
            "TokenName": "DinoFeedRange",
            "CommandCooldownInSeconds": 5,  
            "MasterBlacklist": [
            "Enabled": true,
            "ChatCommand": "/finishclone",
            "Description": " - Finishes the current cloning session you are looking at",
            "TokenName": "DinoFinishClone",
            "CommandCooldownInSeconds": 5,
            "FoundationDistanceLimit": 5,
            "StructureBlueprints": [
            "MasterBlacklist": [
            "Enabled": true,
            "ChatCommand": "/hatch",
            "Description": " - Hatches the egg you are looking at",
            "TokenName": "DinoHatchEgg",
            "CommandCooldownInSeconds": 5,
            "FoundationDistanceLimit" : 5,
            "MasterBlacklist": [
            "Enabled": true,
            "ChatCommand": "/givebirth",
            "Description": " - Forces the dino you are looking at to give birth",
            "TokenName": "DinoHaveBaby",
            "CommandCooldownInSeconds": 5,
            "FoundationDistanceLimit" : 5,
            "MasterBlacklist": [
            "Enabled": true,
            "ChangeOwner": true,
            "ChatCommand": "/imprint",
            "Description": " - Imprints the dino you are looking at",
            "TokenName": "DinoImprint",
            "CommandCooldownInSeconds": 5,
            "FoundationDistanceLimit" : 5,
            "MasterBlacklist": [
            "Enabled": true,
            "IgnoreNeutered": true,
            "ChatCommand": "/imprintchange",
            "Description": " - Changes the imprint owner of the dino you are looking at",
            "TokenName": "DinoImprintChange",
            "CommandCooldownInSeconds": 5,
            "FoundationDistanceLimit" : 5,
            "MasterBlacklist": [
            "Enabled": true,
            "ChatCommand": "/dkill",
            "Description": " - Kills the dino you are looking at",
            "TokenName": "DinoKill",
            "CommandCooldownInSeconds": 5,
            "FoundationDistanceLimit" : 5,
            "MasterBlacklist": [
            "Enabled": true,
            "MaxLimit": 20,
            "ChatCommand": "/matedinos",
            "Description": " - Enables mating on all the dino's in your area",
            "TokenName": "DinoMate",
            "CommandCooldownInSeconds": 5,
            "MasterBlacklist": [
            "Enabled": true,
            "ChatCommand": "/matenow",
            "Description": " - Forces the female dino you are looking at to finish it's mating progress",
            "TokenName": "DinoMateNow",
            "CommandCooldownInSeconds": 5,
            "FoundationDistanceLimit" : 5,
            "MasterBlacklist": [
            "Enabled": true,
            "ChatCommand": "/dmindwipe",
            "Description": " - Mindwipes the dino you are looking at",
            "TokenName": "DinoMindWipe",
            "CommandCooldownInSeconds": 5,
            "FoundationDistanceLimit" : 5,
            "MasterBlacklist": [
            "Enabled": true,
            "MaxLimit": 20,
            "ChatCommand": "/neuterdinos",
            "Description": " - Neuters all the dinos in your area",
            "TokenName": "DinoNeuterRange",
            "CommandCooldownInSeconds": 5,
            "MasterBlacklist": [
            "Enabled": true,
            "MaxLimit": 20,
            "ChatCommand": "/nomatedinos",
            "Description": " - Disables mating on all the dino's in your area",
            "TokenName": "DinoNoMate",
            "CommandCooldownInSeconds": 5,
            "MasterBlacklist": [
            "Enabled": true,
            "MaxLimit": 20,
            "ChatCommand": "/fertiledinos",
            "Description": " - Makes all the dinos in your area fertile",
            "TokenName": "DinoFertileRange",
            "CommandCooldownInSeconds": 5,
            "MasterBlacklist": [
            "Enabled": true,
            "ChatCommand": "/raisebaby",
            "Description": " - Raises the baby you are looking at to an adult",
            "TokenName": "DinoRaiseBaby",
            "CommandCooldownInSeconds": 5,
            "FoundationDistanceLimit" : 5,
            "MasterBlacklist": [
            "Enabled": true,
            "MaxLimit": 20,  // if you go too high, then the server could crash due to the lag timer triggering
            "ChatCommand": "/renamedinos",
            "Description": " - Renames the dinos in your area",
            "TokenName": "DinoRenameRange",
            "CommandCooldownInSeconds": 5,
            "MasterBlacklist": [
            "Enabled": true,
            "ChatCommand": "/resetmating",
            "Description": " - Resets the mating timer of the female dino you are looking at",
            "TokenName": "DinoResetMating",
            "CommandCooldownInSeconds": 5,
            "FoundationDistanceLimit" : 5,
            "MasterBlacklist": [
            "Enabled": true,
                "MaxLimit": 20,  // if you go too high, then the server could crash due to the lag timer triggering
            "ChatCommand": "/turretmode",
            "Description": " - Toggles the turret mode of the dinos in your area",
            "TokenName": "DinoTurretMode",
            "CommandCooldownInSeconds": 5,
            "MasterBlacklist": [
            "Enabled": true,
            "ChatCommand": "/fertile",
            "Description": " - Makes the dino you are looking at fertile",
            "TokenName": "DinoFertile",
            "CommandCooldownInSeconds": 5,
            "FoundationDistanceLimit" : 5,
            "MasterBlacklist": [
            "Enabled": true,
            "ChatCommand": "/neuter",
            "Description": " - Neuters the dino you are looking",
            "TokenName": "DinoNeuter",
            "CommandCooldownInSeconds": 5,
            "FoundationDistanceLimit" : 5,
            "MasterBlacklist": [
            "Enabled": true,
            "ChatCommand": "/wake",
            "Description": " - Wakes up the dino you are looking at",
            "TokenName": "DinoWake",
            "CommandCooldownInSeconds": 5,
            "FoundationDistanceLimit" : 5,
            "MasterBlacklist": [
             //    Color Ids: https://ark.fandom.com/wiki/Color_IDs
             // Regions: Body[0] Face[1] Side[2] Legs[3] Top[4] Under[5]
            "Enabled": true,
            "UniqueRandomColoring": false,    // if false, then every dino gets the same random color result, if true then every dino gets its own random color selected
            "Colors": [ // available colors, do not edit
                1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31,
                32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60,
                61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89,
                90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214,
                215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226
            "Dinos": {
                // all dinos
                "*": [
                    {    "MinLevel": 1, "MaxLevel": 30, "Region": 0,    "Color": 1    }                // region 0, color 1
                // specific dinos
                "Dodo": [
                    {    "MinLevel": 1, "MaxLevel": 30, "Region": 0,    "Color": 1    },                // region 0, color 1
                    {    "MinLevel": 31, "MaxLevel": 60, "Region": 1, "Color": "random" },        // region 1, random color
                    {    "MinLevel": 61, "MaxLevel": 100, "Region": "all", "Color": "random" },        // all regions, random colors
                    {    "MinLevel": 101, "MaxLevel": 300, "Region": [2, 3, 4],    "Color": [30, 40, 50] }        // region 2,3,4  picks random color from array [30,40,50]
            "Blacklist": [
            // setup color schemes to call from RCON. Example:   DinoUtilities.colordinos PinkDodos",
            "RCONColorDinos": [
                    "Name": "PinkDodos",
                    "Dinos": {
                        "*": [
                            {    "Region": "all", "Color": 6 }
                    "Name": "BlueDodos",
                    "Dinos": {
                        "Dodo": [
                            {    "Region": "all", "Color": 54 }
                "Default": {
                    "Priority": 99,
                    "BlacklistedDino": "You cannot use that command on this dino",
                    "CommandCooldown": "You cannot use this command so quickly, try again in a moment",
                    "CommandPurchased": "Command purchased for {} points",
                    "CommandPurchased2": "Command purchased for {} tokens",
                    "CryoAdult": "You must cryopod an adult dino",
                    "CryoSickness": "The dino must be awake",
                    "CryoSickness2": "The dino must be asleep",
                    "DinoChangeGender": "Dino change gender complete",
                    "DinoClaimBabies": "Dino claim babies complete",
                    "DinoClaimBabiesInvalid": "You cannot claim babies near other tribe structures.",
                    "DinoColorRandom":"Random coloring complete",
                    "DinoColorRandomRange":"Random coloring complete",                  
                    "DinoCryopod": "Dino cryopod complete",
                    "DinoCryopodFail": "Could not cryopod dino. Your inventory may be full.",
                    "DinoFeed": "Fed {} dinos.",
                    "DinoFertile": "Dino is no longer neutered",
                    "DinoFertileFail": "This dino is not neutered",
                    "DinoFertileRange": "Dino fertile complete",
                    "DinoFinishClone": "Dino cloning complete",
                    "DinoFinishCloningFail": "You are not currently cloning a dino",
                    "DinoFinishCloningFail2": "You are not looking at a cloning chamber",
                    "DinoFinishCloningFail3": "You must be looking at your structure",
                    "DinoHatchEgg": "Dino hatch egg complete",
                    "DinoHatchEggFail": "Cannot hatch egg under the current temperature conditions",
                    "DinoHaveBaby": "Your dino had a baby!",
                    "DinoImprint": "Dino imprint complete",                  
                    "DinoImprintChange": "Dino imprint change complete",
                    "DinoImprintClone": "You cannot imprint a cloned dino",
                    "DinoKill": "Dino kill complete",
                    "DinoKillFail": "Unable to kill dino",
                    "DinoMate": "Dinos are now mating",                  
                    "DinoMateNow": "Dino mating complete",
                    "DinoMindWipe": "Dino mindwipe complete",
                    "DinoMindWipeFail": "You cannot mindwipe this dino",
                    "DinoMindWipeFail2": "You need at least 1 mindwipe in your inventory to use this command",
                    "DinoNeuter": "Dino is neutered",
                    "DinoNeutered": "You cannot use this command on a neutered dino",
                    "DinoNeuterFail": "This dino is already neutered",
                    "DinoNeuterRange": "Dino neuter complete",
                    "DinoNoMate": "Dinos are no longer mating",
                    "DinoRaiseBaby": "Dino raise baby complete",
                    "DinoResetMating": "Dino mating reset",
                    "DinoTurretMode": "Dino turret mode complete",
                    "DinoRenameRange": "Dino rename complete",
                    "DinoRenameRangeFail": "Usage: /renamedinos 'Flappy Birds'",
                    "DinoTurretModeError": "You need to add the on or off argument to the command",
                    "DinoWake": "Dino wake complete",
                    "Free": "Free",
                    "GetCloser": "You are too far away to use this command",
                    "MustBeImprinted": "This dino is not imprinted yet",
                    "NoDinosFound": "No dinos found",
                    "NoPermission": "You do not have permission to use this command",
                    "NoPoints": "You do not have enough points ({} needed)",
                    "NoPoints2": "You do not have enough tokens ({} needed)",
                    "NoTarget": "You must be looking at a dino",
                    "NoTargetEgg": "You must be looking at fertilized egg",
                    "NotEnabled": "This feature is not enabled on the server",
                    "NotEnoughCryopods": "You don't have enough cryopods in your inventory to use this command",
                    "NotEnoughTokens": "You don't have enough tokens to use this command",
                    "NotPregnant": "This dino is not pregnant",
                    "PlayerHelpCommand": "All your available commands for Dino Utilities have been printed out for you in the tab console. Press your tab twice to see the results.",
                    "PlayerHelpCommandResults": "Command: {} for {} {}",
                    "Points": "Points",
                    "SenderNameInChat": "SERVER",
                    "TargetBaby": "You must be looking at a BABY dino",
                    "TargetInvalid": "You must be looking at YOUR dino",
                    "Tokens": "Tokens"

Config reload command: DinoUtilities.reload

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Join my Discord Channel for more support!

Latest updates

  1. Version 1.31 Update

    - Fixed /pod and /pods exploit with using Noglins - Fixed Claim babies from giving away free...
  2. Version 1.28 Update

    Added range bubbles for all range commands, just add "test" to the end of the command to...
  3. Version 1.27 Update

    What's new in version 1.27: Added /feed command. Will feed all dinos in your range. You can...

Latest reviews

Custom options to make your user's game easy, allowing commands that can instant mature, hatch... ❤️‍🔥🔥
Absolutely fantastic plugin! It's hard to believe that such a powerful tool is available for free.
Option to configure commands by permissions or points or Tokens, has added immense value to our server cluster. What's more, the outstanding support from the plugin author is the cherry on top
If you want to enhance your ARK server, this plugin is a must-have.
fantastic plugin, unbelievable that its free

makes life easier for my players and allows me to add value to my cluster :)
This plugin has a great feature set offered for your creature breeding and storing needs in ARK. For instance, pairing the fast cryo pod functions works splendidly used in combination with S+ vivarium and propagator breeding that really helps cut down on a server's cpu load from active npcs. Without this, cryopodding creatures would make this a far more tedious task and less of an incentive to bother using those out-of-render resources. There's alot more this plugin does and would recommend it for any cluster around.
thank you!
This plugin comes with a variety of features that greatly increase what you can do
It is easy to use because the creator updates it regularly.
If you are unsatisfied with the functions related to dinosaurs in the existing ARK, we recommend you to introduce it.
thank you!
greatest plugins for Dino configuration out there! support most popular currencies , tokens/points etc. and developer keeps adding more stuff! and its FREE!!! great job!
thank you!
excellent plugin and support, it has very good plugins I recommend it, this plugin is very useful since it has many options for your server, I recommend it 100%, thanks jraServerAPI
thank you!
Un plugin excelente, muy bien diseñado y con constante soporte y actualizaciones. Gracias por compartirlo.
The plugins of this creator are the best I have seen, I do not understand that it does not have good reviews with how useful they are for both pvp and pve without mods and with mods
thank you
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