Dino Colour Command
Automatically color a dinosaur by a command like a command in admin manager but you can do it by chat command and also by editing config.json you can allow players to use the command and configure permissions.
News! Now you can use color names from https://ark.gamepedia.com/Color_IDs
For example: /sdc 0 DarkRed (Just do without spaces!)
also, you can use region names For example: /sdc Body 25
And combined: /sdc Body Dark
All this works for /cdc as well
Region Name List:
Body = 0
Face = 1
Side = 2
Legs = 3
Top = 4
Under = 5
Colors: Click Here For Colours.
/sdc 1 1 - This will set a dinosaur region 1 to red.
/cdc MyDinoName 1 1 - Sets specified dinos region 1 to red.
All Creds to Ownprox who created the plugin initially.
Old Source: Click Here
Automatically color a dinosaur by a command like a command in admin manager but you can do it by chat command and also by editing config.json you can allow players to use the command and configure permissions.
News! Now you can use color names from https://ark.gamepedia.com/Color_IDs
For example: /sdc 0 DarkRed (Just do without spaces!)
also, you can use region names For example: /sdc Body 25
And combined: /sdc Body Dark
All this works for /cdc as well
Region Name List:
Body = 0
Face = 1
Side = 2
Legs = 3
Top = 4
Under = 5
- /sdc <Region> <Colour>
- /cdc <DinoName> <Region> <Colour>
- /dcc.reload - chat reload command
- cheat dcc.reload - console reload command
- dcc.reload - rcon reload command
Colors: Click Here For Colours.
/sdc 1 1 - This will set a dinosaur region 1 to red.
/cdc MyDinoName 1 1 - Sets specified dinos region 1 to red.
"General": {
"RequireAdmin": false,
"Permission": {
"Enable": true,
"Name": "DinoColourCommand"
"TokenBank": {
"Enable": false,
"Cost": 3,
"Type": "DinoColourCommand"
"Messages": {
"NoPermission": {
"Message": "You don't have permissions to use this command",
"Colors": [ 255, 0, 0 ],
"DisplayTime": 10,
"DisplayScale": 0.5
"NotEnoughTokens": {
"Message": "You don't have enough Tokens to use this command",
"Colors": [ 255, 0, 0 ],
"DisplayTime": 10,
"DisplayScale": 0.5
"IncorrectSyntax_CDC": {
"Message": "Incorrect Syntax: /cdc <Name> <Region> <Colour>",
"Colors": [ 255, 0, 0 ],
"DisplayTime": 10,
"DisplayScale": 0.5
"IncorrectSyntax_SDC": {
"Message": "Incorrect Syntax: /sdc <Region> <Colour>",
"Colors": [ 255, 0, 0 ],
"DisplayTime": 10,
"DisplayScale": 0.5
"IncorrectColours": {
"Message": "Dino Colour must be 1 - 100 | 201-226 OR Red, Blue, Yellow, DarkRed. You find more colors at https://ark.gamepedia.com/Color_IDs",
"Colors": [ 255, 0, 0 ],
"DisplayTime": 10,
"DisplayScale": 0.5
"IncorrectRegion": {
"Message": "Dino Region must be 0-5 or Body, Face, Side, Legs, Top or Under.",
"Colors": [ 255, 0, 0 ],
"DisplayTime": 10,
"DisplayScale": 0.5
"IncorrectTeam": {
"Message": "That is not your dinosaur!",
"Colors": [ 255, 0, 0 ],
"DisplayTime": 10,
"DisplayScale": 0.5
"IncorrectTargeting": {
"Message": "Please face the middle of your screen towards the dino you want to color!",
"Colors": [ 255, 0, 0 ],
"DisplayTime": 10,
"DisplayScale": 0.5
"Confirmation": {
"Message": "{} Color updated!",
"Colors": [ 0, 255, 0 ],
"DisplayTime": 10,
"DisplayScale": 0.5
- DinoColorCommand - Optional can also be changed, see config.
- This plugin support Token Bank integration
All Creds to Ownprox who created the plugin initially.
Old Source: Click Here