Path of Titans: Roles Configuration Guide | Step-by-Step Best Practices and Regular Updates for Community-Driven Personalization and Quality Print

  • Community-Driven Personalization in Path of Titans, Step-by-Step Roles Setup Guide, Roles Configuration Path of Titans, Quality and Personalization in Multiplayer Game Hosting, Best Practices for Path of Titans Roles Configuration, Game Server Hosting for Community-Driven Games, Path of Titans Server Management Best Practices, Optimizing Path of Titans for Quality, Path of Titans Multiplayer Hosting with Regular Updates, Server Performance Enhancement through Roles Configuration
  • 35

  1. Halt your server operations.
  2. Navigate to "File Managers" and head to "PathOfTitans/Saved/Config/LinuxServer" to locate Commands.ini.
  3. Introduce some player roles. It would be best if you designated a section with the title [Role:RoleName] for each player role, where RoleName represents the name of the role you wish to initiate.
  4. Incorporate some command permissions into your player role. This enables the role holder to execute those commands. To add permission, append a line under your role: +Permission=PermissionName, where PermissionName is the command permission's name to allow. A list of commands can be found here.
  5. Assign a unique color to your new role. The process is similar to adding command permission: ChatColor={R=255, G=255, B=255, A=255}. The R, G, B values vary from 0 - 255 (Click me) and combine to form the color. Altering the A value will have no impact as it governs transparency and is fixed at 255. The default color is white if not defined.
  6. Delegate your new role to a player. This can be done by creating a new section [PlayerRoles], and underneath it, input the player's Alderon Games ID (AGID), followed by =, then the role name. Alternatively, as a server admin, you can use /promote (player name) (role name) and /demote (player name) command in-game to assign or revoke player roles.
  7. There are additional customizations available for your player role. To employ them, include any of the following lines under your player role section and specify their value:
    • OverrideAdminChatColor=True/False - If set to True, this allows the specific player role chat color to supersede the default whitelisted admin chat color. The default value is False.
    • AllowSpectatorAccess=True/False - If set to True, the specific player role can access the "Spectator" mode and the admin panel. The default value is False.
    • ReservedSlot=True/False - If set to True, this reserves a slot in the server for the specific player role. The default value is False.
    • CreatorModeAccess=True/False - If set to True, the player can access creator mode. The default value is False.
    • Hierarchy=1 - Set this to the rank structure you want your roles to follow.


Save the file by clicking the Save Content button on the top of the visual text editor. Then you can safely reboot your gaming server.


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